"Here take this." Kelley dropped a script on the desk Rachel was sitting in.

"What's this, an updated one? Are there a lot of changes?" She asked as she began flipping through the pages. It didn't take long for her to realize it was a whole new play, a play she already knew, a play everyone already knew. "Why am I looking at a script for Romeo and Juliet?" She closed it and looked up at Kelley. Rachel really hoped Kelley wasn't going to tell her this was the play they were performing instead. It wasn't even a musical.

"Because if anybody asks, that's the play we are performing this spring. Now we have evidence to prove it." Kelley picked up the script and shook it for emphasis.

"You mean Principal Figgins doesn't know about the play you wrote?"

Kelley quirked an eyebrow at this in amusement. "Obviously not. Do you really think a play like that would be allowed in a high school in Lima, Ohio?"

Rachel looked down in realization. "I guess I never really thought about it. And you certainly didn't tell me." She looked up at Kelley again this time upset that she hid this critical detail from her.

Kelley placed her hand on Rachel's arm soothingly. "I'm sorry but I couldn't risk not getting you…for the play."

Rachel smiled shyly. "Fine you're forgiven. But what if Figgins or a teacher want to see the progress we've made or a rehearsal?" She asked starting to panic.

"That's why I picked a well-known play. When they asked me at the beginning of the year, that's the play I told them we were performing. Since the teachers are spread so thin with all the extra curriculars I told them I could handle this myself and luckily they trusted me enough to run this without a teacher. I guess it was misplaced trust but whatever. So if we do have to perform it for a teacher you get to play the illustrious role of the nurse."

"The nurse?" Rachel screeched indignantly. "Imaginary or not I should get the title role of Juliet. I'm much more qualified than anyone else although this play has no musical numbers and further more…"

"Rach," Kelley smiled stopping the girl mid-rant, "I gave you the role of nurse cause you're the star of the other play. If we do have to perform Romeo and Juliet you'd have to remember a-whole-nother set of lines if you were Juliet."

"And you don't think I can?" She questioned incredulously. Who did Kelley think she was talking to? She was Rachel Barbra Berry and when it came to performing she could do anything.

"Of course I think you can but I don't want you to have to, especially when we might not even have to perform Romeo and Juliet. You would be memorizing lines for nothing. I just flipped everyone. If they had a big role in the other one, they have a small role in Romeo and Juliet. It makes everything easier."

"Well as long as we're in agreement that I could do it I guess that's okay." Rachel said contently and then a new thought crossed her mind, one that started a fresh round of panic. "Does this mean we could get in trouble when we perform your play?"

"If I said yes, would you back out?" Kelley asked in answer.

Rachel thought about it and the more she tossed the idea around in her head and the more she weighed her options the more the panic left her and was replaced by intense excitement.

"Although my academic work is important and I certainly respect authority figures, in life, one has to take risks for what one believes in and despite the fact that a possible suspension or expulsion would look bad when it comes time to apply to colleges, where I will be going to an artistic college, I feel they would appreciate the story and how passionate I am."

"Is that a no?" Kelley asked half-jokingly. Sometimes Rachel's run-on sentences were a bit hard to follow but she thought she had the gist of this one.

"That's a definite no. As in no I'm not going to back out of the play no matter what." Rachel said in way of clarification.

"Good if we lost our star at this point, we might as well just perform Romeo and Juliet."

After class Rachel accompanied Kelley to her locker to pick up her book for Spanish.

"What the hell is this?" Kelley said seeing two girls facing her locker. As Rachel and she got closer Kelley saw they were writing with sharpie all over it.

"The fuck are you doing?" Kelley yelled and the two girls jumped apart. She recognized them as the freshmen girls from the bathroom of the bowling alley. She could see what they had been writing on her locker now. There were words like lesbo and dyke over and over randomly written across the door. Kelley felt an old, familiar rage rise inside of her but she squelched it.

"That's about the maturity I would expect from freshmen but the least you could do is try and be more creative. Not only are those insults old and used up but also my locker has been written on many times before. You could try to use a new medium if you can't think of better words."

The two girls looked at each other confused.

"It's like talking to a wall." Kelley said to Rachel. "Anyway you guys can run along now. I won't tell on you and get you in trouble and I'll even wash my locker myself."

The girls still stood there looking blankly at Kelley. "Get out of here." Kelley yelled and the two girls took off running down the hallway. Kelley looked at her locker and shook her head.

"If that had been my locker I would have given those girls a lecture on why what they did was wrong and hurtful and then watched as they cleaned it." Rachel said.

"It's not worth it. It's like they don't even know why they're doing it. They just think it'll make them look cool." Kelley said as she reached into her locker to retrieve her textbook. Just as they were about to head to class three cheerleaders rounded the corner into the hallway. "What perfect timing." Kelley muttered to herself. "Look at what your little minions did." Kelley said to Quinn.

"Minions?" Quinn smiled; she kind of liked the way that sounded.

"Not the point. Look at my locker. Doesn't it bring back memories?" Kelley asked.

"Well who hasn't written on the locker of the school dyke? It's like a right of passage." Santana said smugly.

"Why would you write dike? Kelley's not a wall that prevents the sea from flooding…is she?" Brittany asked in disbelief. Four sets of eyes turned to the girl in various states of confusion.

"No Britt, that's not…" Santana trailed off not even sure how to explain.

"Anway…" Quinn said as she stopped pondering the enigma that was Brittany Pierce's mind and turned her eyes to Kelley. "This is not my fault ergo not my problem."

"Everything that happens to me at this school is your fault."

"You know I'm getting really sick of you blaming me. What happened was your fault. Everything that has happened to you at this school you've had coming to you."

"You're sick of me blaming you? Well I'm sick of you being unable to take responsibility for your part in all of this."

Once again Kelley and Quinn found themselves standing toe-to-toe as Brittany still wondered if Kelley really could be a dike, Santana watched gleefully hoping she would see a catfight, and Rachel looked on with nervous eyes trying to think of ways to diffuse the situation.

"I don't have a part in all this. You were just a sad, pathetic, lonely lesbian who was deluded enough to think I actually had feelings for you."

"And yet you still kissed me and then denied it but the truth is you liked it."

Then Quinn slapped Kelley across the face and everyone collectively held their breaths and stood in shock for about a second before Kelley forcefully pushed Quinn into the lockers. After that, the catfight was on. Quinn let out something that sounded like a growl and tackled Kelley to the ground. They were a mess of arms and legs and scratching and hair pulling. Santana whooped on the side cheering Quinn on while Rachel flailed her arms and told them both to get off of each other and that they were going to get into trouble.

"What is all this commotion?" Mr. Paulson asked as he stepped out of his classroom. "You girls get off of each other this instant." This had about the same effect as Rachel telling them to stop. He had to physically go over there and as Kelley was now on top of Quinn at this particular moment in the fight pick the girl up off of Quinn. Once Kelley realized this was a teacher who was trying to stop them she quit struggling. He put her down and Quinn stood up and straightened out her uniform.

"She started it Mr. Paulson." Quinn said.

"To be honest Ms. Fabray I don't care. Both of you go to the principal's office. Ms. Berry would you kindly escort them so I don't have to worry about another altercation starting on the walk. As for you Ms. Pierce, Ms. Lopez, get to class." He stood there until the two groups of girls started moving.

"I can't believe you two would do something as stupid as fighting in school. Do you realize what kind of serious repercussions you could be facing? I'll tell you, detention, suspension, expulsion. I have most of the story but which one of you is going to fill in the rest of the blanks?" She looked from Quinn to Kelley and both girls stared at the floor. "Fine I'll find out sooner or later." Rachel deposited both girls into the hands of Figgins' secretary and walked back to class.

As Quinn walked across the parking lot after school, she saw a petite, brunette girl leaning against her car.

"What do you want Rachel?" She asked startling the girl out of her thoughts.

"What did Figgins say to you guys?"

"That he was disappointed and blah, blah, blah. We have one week of detention."

"I'm sorry."

"Thanks but you know you think we deserve it."

"Well you were fighting on school property during school hours." Rachel said matter-of-factly.

They stood there for a few minutes in silence.

"Did you want something else?" Quinn asked.

"Yes, I want the whole story about what happened between you and Kelley."

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend?" Quinn asked sounding only slightly bitter but overall just defeated.

"Because I want to hear it from you."

Quinn considered telling Rachel to buzz off, that it was none of her business, and certainly not Quinn's job to tell her but it had been a long day and Quinn found herself tired of yelling and fighting. She felt so tired of everything and this secret that was such a huge part of her had been weighing her down for far too long already. She rationalized that it wouldn't be so bad to talk about it especially with someone who already knew so much about her. She just didn't know how honest she was going to be.

"Get in." Quinn said and unlocked her doors.

"Where're we going?" Rachel questioned after ten minutes of riding in silence. Keeping quiet was driving her crazy. She wanted to ask Quinn questions; she wanted to make Quinn speak but she knew pushing the girl would just make her close up so she was trying to be patient.

"I don't know." Quinn was trying to think of what to say to Rachel and she found driving always helped her to think through stuff not to mention she wanted to be somewhere private for this conversation.

When Quinn finally parked the car, Rachel realized they were at the same park they used to go to when they were younger.

"I haven't been here since…" Rachel trailed off.

"Yeah me neither." Quinn said thinking of the same memory.

They sat for a few minutes in the idling car.

"So I guess you want me to tell you the story about Kelley and I."