Chapter XII
Frank had left, out of anger and frustration. Bryant had left, out of fear of being pummeled and used as a punching bag. Jason and Leo were already on board, trying to ignore that awkward situation that just went down below. Percy had carried Rose King up the ladder while she tried to steal his wallet repeatedly. Hazel climbed up underneath Percy because of her dress, and the tension could be cut with Riptide still capped.
Leo had brought Hazel coffee, and she stared at it awkwardly. Rose was the only who was oblivious.
Rose stood in front of Hazel with her arms folded. "You look funny."
"Excuse me?" Hazel asked.
"Rose, be nice," Jason said from the kitchen.
"What?!" Rose said back. "She has gunk all over her face!"
Hazel's eyes widened and instinct told her to touch her face. Then, with a relieved sigh, she smiled. "That's makeup, Sweetie."
Percy laughed. "She's not sweet. Don't believe her. She's deadly."
Rose's lip curled, her arms folded and having that Sassy-Percy look she'd picked up. Then, turning on her heels, she marched into the bathroom and they heard the water running.
Hazel looked at Percy. "He's mad, huh?"
Percy nodded. "Just a -"
"THINK FAST!" Rose screamed as she threw the wet rag, which hit Hazel right in the face, dripping wet. Hazel screamed and jumped, causing hot coffee to spill all down her front and on her green dress.
Two things happened then. One: Rose walked up to Hazel and whispered, "Wash your face. You look like Leo did when I colored on him. It's hid-e-ous." Two: The door opened.
Frank walked in, and froze. Jason, Percy, and Leo were in temporary shock. Rose smirked and skipped off towards her room, closing (and locking) the door behind her.
Everyone was frozen as hot coffee dripped onto the floor and Hazel took the wet rag off her face.
"I'm gonna kill the little runt, and put her head on my wall..." Hazel grumbled as she wiped her dress off.
Frank was the first one who noticed the one tear rolling down her cheek, and he knew how she acted when she was embarrassed. So, sighing, he went and grabbed her a towel and one for the couch. Tossing it to her, he grumbled, "You have extra clothes down the hall. Third door on the right."
Thoroughly embarrassed, she smiled timidly and walked past him, clutching the towel.
Frank walked over and began to clean up the coffee.
Leo cleared his throat. "Um, do you three want to go play video games or something?"
And Frank just shook his head as the three (two being sons of the Big Three) shuffled away awkwardly and blushing.
Once they were gone, the distinct sounds of a shower turning on came from down the hall and Rose stuck her head out.
"The coast clear?" she whispered/yelled.
"Yes, Rose," Frank sighed.
Rose rolled out and stuck up a finger gun. "Freeze!"
He raised an eyebrow. "You've been spending too much time with Percy."
She smirked. "So? I'm just as sane as you are."
"Why'd you throw the rag at her?"
"Because she had stuff on her face and I thought she didn't look pretty and I wanted her to look pretty so you two wouldn't fight and you guys would be happy..." She was digging her tow in the carpet, her hands behind her back, and a shrug on her shoulders. "I don't like when you guys fight..."
Frank smiled. "Ah, come here and give me a hug."
Rose smiled and jumped in his arms in a hug. He didn't notice Hazel was propped against the door way, watching and smiling. When he did notice, he gave her a faint smile. "So, want to tell me what happened?"
"I am not doing that!" Annabeth screamed. "I will not be your 'Queen'! If you haven't realized yet, you stupid git, I have a boyfriend, who loves me! WHO FELL INTO TARTARUS JUST TO BE WITH ME! We escaped and he's the love of my life and I will not. be. your. queen."
Matthew looked at his watch and yawned. "Are you done yet?"
Annabeth, mouth wide and offended, was so mad she couldn't speak. This gross, pathetic, greasy, ew, nasty, disgusting, pale, no good creature was proposing a marriage deal!?
He snapped his fingers. Shrek/Gaylord came in with another one of his ogre friends, carrying a demigod. An Indian demigod.
Piper McLean.
Her hair was frozen with ice. She was wet and shivering and cold. And Annabeth saw that there was a noose around her neck that was attacked to a moving platform. The ogres were holding her up enough to keep her alive (barely) and she was fighting against it and gasping. Piper was kicking and clawing at the noose, but everything she did made it tighter.
They two girls locked eyes, and Annabeth saw the look of almost defeat in her eyes - and she realized what had happened. They had left Piper for dead somewhere cold, somewhere with no food, no money, no shelter - alone and struggling in the cold, with only a light weight jacket and a pair of Capri's with sandals.
Annabeth turned to Matthew, who was smirking as if he knew the game was already won. "You be my queen, or I kill her."
Annabeth looked at Piper, whose eyes flashed with alarm. She kicked and clawed harder, her eyes pleading with Annabeth not to as she gasped for life.
Annabeth turned to Matthew. "I'll do it. But Percy won't be happy to hear about this."