A/N: Much is already explained in the summary. Merlin probably has a lot of scars from Morgana and Camelot's other enemies. So enjoy the story.
Warning: Rated T for safety, no slash.
Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own Merlin...
Arthur's heart was beating heavenly seeing the bleeding raven in his arms, he was unconscious and lay limp in the king's arms, blood seeping through the blond's fingers. Arthur wanted to scream, but only a whisper came out of his throat. 'Don't you dare die on me, you idiot!'
Arthur ran, ran to the only man he knew could help his friend, he knew the knights where right behind him, but he didn't care, he didn't care for them whispering behind him, trying to convince him to let Percival carry their friend.
Gwaine opened the door for the king and Arthur rushed inside. They startled the physician and the older man's eyes widened in shock seeing his bleeding ward. 'What... Merlin.' But he steadied himself. '… Lay him on the bed!' Gaius ordered his king and quickly packed his tools. The knights where still standing in the doorway looking down at their friend and Gaius gave them a quick look and he snarled at the younger men. 'Get out!'
They knew their older friend didn't mean it like that and gave him a quick nod, before disappearing through the door, but standing behind the door in cause their help was needed.
Arthur was trying to lay Merlin down in an comfortable position, but the servant's face was twisted in pain. The king looked up at the physician. 'Can I help?' The older man looked at his king and saw the determination in the others eyes and nodded, not daring to refuse.
'Get his shirt off.'
Arthur nodded and tried to get his friend's shirt of without hurting the other. Blood was smeared over Merlin's whole chest and Arthur wanted to look away, but he forced himself to place his hands over the wound, feeling sick by the touch of the raven's blood.
Gaius started to treat the wound and took several glares at his king. 'What happened?'
Arthur gulped and looked away. 'He saved me.' He nearly whispered and he could see Gaius frown. 'Their was an assassin and Merlin took the blow for me.' He looked at his friend. 'I should have been the one lying here, why did he had to jump in front of the sword... if he... if he died then I will never forgive myself.' He blinked remembering how he heard Merlin scream and saw the sword sticking out of the raven's shoulder, a hooded man holding the sword, his heart had clenched together and he had stabbed the attacker in the stomach, before turning to his friend, not caring what happened to the hooded man.
The physician nodded and let out a sigh. 'Don't worry, it looks worse then it's... Can you get some water?' Arthur nodded and quickly grabbed the bucket and ran outside.
Normally he wouldn't do servant's work, but he didn't care for that now, he cared more for his friend then for his pride. He came through the doors and ran into Gwaine, both men looked startled at each other and Arthur was the first to recover, he pushed the bucket into Gwaine's arms. 'Get some water!' He ordered the knight and turned around to disappear in the physician's chambers again.
'Gwaine is getting the water.' Arthur told the man when he sat down next to the bed again. Gaius only nodded and Arthur looked at how his old friend worked and Arthur tried to help him, sometimes searching for tools the man needed, other times getting pieces of cloth, a few minutes later Gwaine crashed inside the room and both men looked startled up.
Normally the king would comment, but not now, he just ignored the knight and the brunette placed the bucket next to the blond, while glancing at his friend and fear spread over the knight's face. He met the knight's eyes and the brunette left without saying a word.
Gaius finished up stitching the wound and he looked at his king. 'Merlin will be alright, he lost a lot of blood, but he only need some rest and we have to hope the wound doesn't get infected... Can you give me the cloth on the table so I can clean his body.'
'Let me do it.' Arthur said and he looked with a pleading look at the physician.
The man nodded. 'Then I will get some more bandages.'
Arthur grabbed the cloth from the table and started cleaning off the blood. His eyes widened more and more when he got the blood of the raven's upper body. The skin was covered in several small scars and a few larger ones. The one that stuck out was a large scar that was clearly caused by fire, right in the middle of his chest.
The king ran his fingers over the many scars and couldn't help but feel tears well up in his eyes. 'How did he get them, he never gets hurt when he is with us... right?' He felt fear spread through his heart, why hadn't he noticed his friend was hurt, why didn't he never see his friend was wounded. He knew the raven got them when he was in Camelot, Arthur had seen enough wounds and scars to see that some of them weren't really old yet.
A tear ran over his cheek and the king brushed it away, no man was worth his tears... damn, of course Merlin was worth his tears. He didn't brush away the tears that now ran over his face and only stared at his friend.
He heard Gaius walk back to the bed, but he didn't care that the older man saw his tears, he trusted the physician, he was like a father to him.
'Arthur?' He heard Gaius asked with a concerned voice, but he didn't look up. 'Is something wrong?'
'How... how did he get so many scars?' Arthur finally says and he looked into the older man's eyes. Gaius blinked as if he doesn't understand what the king means and the blond points at the large burning scar on Merlin's chest. 'These, he never told me that he got hurt.'
Gaius sighed and sat down. 'First help me get these bandages on.'
'No Gaius, I want to know now!' The physician nodded, he understood and laid the bandages on the table.
'I don't know if its for me to tell you.' But Arthur didn't give up and looked stern at his older friend. 'Arthur... there were things that he didn't tell you because you wouldn't understand back then.'
'… Morgana.' Gaius whispered and he looked down.
Arthur's eyes widened, Morgana had hurt him and he hadn't told him... There had been many times when he had warned him for danger and he had ignored it, while he was almost all times right about. 'How could I have been so stupid, dammit, what else has he done without me knowing.'
He then realised something, his eyes widened and he stared at the older man. 'You once told me that... that I would once understand how much they had done for me... did you mean... Merlin?' His heart began beating harder.
Gaius frowned and let out a sigh. 'Yes... it was what I meant... that's why I shouldn't explain it to you, but he.' The last he said while looking at his young friend. '… But please be careful, he is scared that you will not understand.' Those last words hurt, Merlin was scared of him, but he was his friend, he would never hurt him. 'You will understand when he tells you, just be patience for now.'
Arthur took a deep breath and nodded. 'Get me when he wakes up.' The king stood up and walked to the door, looking once back at his friend, before opening the door and walking outside.
The knights outside looked immediately at him and Elyan grabbed his shoulder. 'How is he?'
'Gaius said he will be fine.' And the others sighed in relief, but he didn't stay, he left the now confused knights behind and walked straight to his room. He opened the door and sat down on the bed, while taking his head in his hands.
He had much thinking to do, he was afraid about what he would learn, what Merlin would tell him, if he would tell him, he didn't want to hear more lies, he didn't want Merlin to fear him.
He took a deep breath, he decided that he didn't care, he would accept what the raven would tell him, he would accept who Merlin is.
A/N: This is the ending, an open end, this was meant to show Arthur's feelings and fears. I hope you enjoyed the story.