MagicConan14 here. I thought this fic up, and then decided to make it part of the Countdown series. However, these are all one shot…in the Countdown series they have to have a running story, so this one's another odd one.

The title of the story comes from 50 Ways to Say Goodbye by Train. Charmful is a portmanteau of 'charm' and 'harmful'.

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters in this fic.


Kaito was at the Clock Tower where Aoko and he had first met, standing around like any other normal person would. (But remember, this guy's no ordinary person, he's Kaito Kid…)

Out of his peripheral vision, he spotted a bracelet. It was made of leather and had a single charm – a rainbow scale that shone in the sunset like an abalone shell.

What could the scale be from? he asked himself. A lizard, a crocodile…any reptile really. Or it could be from a…a...

Stuttering in his head was weird. Especially when he knew the scale could definitely come from a fish.

He threw the idea out and decided to pick the bracelet up anyway. I could give it to Aoko if it's from a…scaly demon… he thought to reassure himself.

Keeping it on his wrist as he ambled over to meet Aoko, Kaito mentally went through a list of things he could do to the tantei-tachi and the police. He could put them all into dresses – that girl detective (and the rest of the women) probably wouldn't mind, but the men would!

He could put clown make-up on their faces. Then again, that never had too much of a hilarious result.

He could also…give tantei-kun his bracelet! Perfect! (He'd decided the charm was from a fish, and now every time he set eyes on it, he'd shiver in disgust.)

The night of the heist, Kaito dressed as a waiter [A.N. See movie 14 to see what he looks like.] and slipped the bracelet on to tantei-kun's wrist. However, the shrunk detective just handed it to lost property when he realised it wasn't his…The most horrible thing was that Kaito had signed up for a lost property shift, and that shift was now.

Karma just hated him right now.

This is meant to be a very brief, humorous fic, so there isn't really a need for a heist in this.

Please read and review!