DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fan-fiction based upon the world and characters of Harry Potter which are owned exclusively by J. K. Rowling. The following stories contains reference content to places, people, animals and situations which are located with the books of Harry Potter, a published source owned by J. K. Rowling and publishers. The following is not an attempt to claim the world of Harry Potter, though original characters have been created. This is primarily a work of fan-fiction written for the enjoyment of other writers and fans who come across it.

Chapter One:

Being a pirate, Draco Malfoy had often had good cause to fear for his own life. It had never bothered him before. Such was the dangers which came with the job. He had often battled it out with the roughest of sea-criminals, sometimes in less than appealing circumstances.

Such was his outward mask of indifference in situations that brought any other man to his knees that both his crew and his father regarded him as a man incapable of terror.

Which was why Lucius Malfoy was now laughing at the look of horror on his son's face.

"Relax, Draco," the captain soothed, slinging a sun-burned arm over his only son's shoulders, "It's natural for Harry to say such things."

Draco paled considerably and cringed as a hoarse cry met his ears. "He'll never forgive me."

Lucius chuckled deeply and let his son squirm from his grasp and make his way towards the water. His gaze caught sight of his wife scowling at him from feet away and he snapped his lips shut over his laughter.

"Shame on you," Hermione scolded, attempting to hoist herself up from the white sand that littered the beach of the island with the help of Ginny. Her stomach was rounded with child, a sight which caused a grin to spread across Lucius' lips, despite the frown on his lover's brow. "You should understand better what he is going through, Lucius. Harry's name-calling is becoming indecently brutal."

Ginny snorted, the red-headed Allura passing the baby in her arms to Shota in order to help Hermione up properly. "'tisn't the worst I've heard, Hermione," the smaller woman grunted at the extra weight, grinning in triumph when Hermione was finally on her feet. "Harry's in the final steps of labour, I'm surprised he hasn't tried to hit Draco yet."

Shota rolled his eyes and grinned at Lucius, tucking the tiny infant securely into the crook of his arm. For the life of him, the blonde pirate could not recall the baby's name. The captain turned his gaze to the edges of the beach. His son and Harry were submerged in the water, Draco's face an unhealthy tinge of green. Luna paddled behind the pair, occasionally ruffling Harry's hair in support, though the boy looked about fit to launch at her. Harry's mother, Delana was coaxing the boy through the birth. Lucius avoided his eyes quickly.

It wasn't that he was not fascinated. Quite the opposite. He was keen to understand the workings of a breeder, a male who could give birth. The Allura's method of having the entire family there for the birth, however, was a concept that was alien to him and left him vaguely uncomfortable.

"Do stop fidgeting, Lucius, or I will be forced to restrain you."

Lucius' lips curved into a subtle smile. "Ah, I had been certain you would take every opportunity to be near your beloved."

Severus chuckled darkly, his black eyes locking with the captain's before flitting off to stare at James, a creature Severus had become enthralled with. "He is hesitant to leave his son behind, even though the lad has begged him to begin a life of his own. Time, though, I need only time to make him mine completely. Where's the wolf?"

Lucius rolled his eyes. "Had you come on my ship instead of my son's, you would know that Neville is with Fleur and her brother. The lad's wing is healing still, an injury which has the woman much distressed. The boy should be flying at this point but still he is land-bound. Ron chose to remain with them in the manor, for reasons best known to himself."

Severus hummed in thought, his gaze darkening as a piercing cry cut the air, causing Draco to all but swoon in the water. "The man has never gotten over what Riddle put him through. He is marked for it. Do you believe he will take Draco up on his offer to help captain the Siren?"

"The Siren's Bell," Lucius corrected with a short smile, "That boy should have never let Luna name his first ship. Yes, I do believe so. Ron may pine for a life he once imagined with Harry but he is nothing if not loyal to Draco. That man would die for my son."


Draco felt his stomach heave uncomfortably, his silver eyes locked on Harry's still face.

"Harry?" he whispered, "please?"

One bright green eye opened sleepily before the smaller man grinned up at him. "Done?"

Draco felt a sob break somewhere in his throat and he nodded, a smile bright on his face. Delana chose that moment to cast the newborn upon them, dropping it wetly but gently onto Harry's chest. "Well done, sweetheart," she whispered, kissing her son softly, "a beautiful boy."

Draco's grin widened to the point where he feared his cheeks would split, his hand reaching out slowly to stroke one pale finger down the side of the baby's face. His son.

Green eyes opened slowly, staring up at him with a cross frown, as if to berate him for interrupting his time with his mother. Draco chuckled gently, staring into eyes so similar and Harry crooned gently. The infant's skin, though wet, was flawlessly pale, with not a single scale to mark him as other.

"Is he human?" Draco asked suddenly, his eyes snapping up to meet Delana's as she carded a hand through her son's dark hair. She smirked and shook her head. "Look at his ears, Draco, he is a breeder. Though I do not understand why he has no scales..."

"It doesn't matter," Harry said, kissing the baby's white curls, "he's perfect." He met Draco's proud gaze with a wry smile. "I do believe the name you wanted fits him rather perfectly, much as I hate to admit it."

Draco grinned and took the baby into his arms, careful of the delicate silver fins which flared at the sudden movement from the infant's arms and legs. There would be no mistaking Scorpius as anything but exotic.

"Hello my son," he whispered, baffled for a moment that something so perfect could actually belong to him. "Hello Scorpius."