I used to hate the way I look, and I think with all the teasing,so did everyone else. I joined a group called the Akatsuki. I hoped I could be accepted and maybe find some friends. It worked, well mostly, because they were messed up just like me, and dont know what true friendship and trust is. Everyone has some insecurity, even Pein the leader,who was thought to be perfect. But at least I wasn't alone anymore.

With all of us having a slightly difficult history we managed to turn into this towns grade A screw-ups. We had so many charges against us; Theft, assault, vandalism, you name it. Even the cops feared us. We hid our pain behind anger and violence. Yeah that wasnt the best idea, but it worked. I think maybe being feared is better than being rejected and ridiculed. The teasing stopped, but there is still the whispers. But that's fine with me. Knowing we were not alone made the days hurt just a little less.

The guilt of what we did wore off,why not act like a monster if everybody treats you like one. I think that's when we stopped caring.I was too far gone and so were they. Someone would have to be stupid to mess with the Akatsuki,. Or completely Insane, and after spending less than five minutes with her, you would find out that describes her perfectly.

I met her at the bus-stop. It was pouring rain, but she still found things to smile about. I didn't know then but that's the smile would fix us. Although she thought chucking her shoe at me would be faster.


Diclamer:I DONT OWN NARUTO...Duh...