All Twilight characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. I just like to play with them.

So, here is my first Bella/Jasper fic. I've been wanting to do one for a while. I toyed with the idea of a Jasper meeting Bella during the Southern Wars, but decided to keep things more in line. Hope you all enjoy.

Ch 1


I looked around at the latest compound that I had assisted Maria in establishing for the Volturi and couldn't help but be proud of the work we had forged here. The newest newborns were some of the most controlled and trainable that I had ever created and worked with, and everything was working in tandem. The day that the Volturi came to put an end to the Southern Vampire Wars was the day that Maria became forever in my debt for returning to her. Had it not been for my presence here, her and her entire army would've been wiped out much as the others who hadn't already destroyed most of their armies and went into hiding. I was able to negotiate a deal with the leaders of the Volturi, that under the guise of continuing our claim to land Maria and I would set up several compounds and use our skill with newborns to train new members for their guard.

I only come to one of the compounds once a year. Maria is good at selecting humans that she feels will make the best candidates for the guard. I stay with Peter and Char the rest of the time, or spend time traveling.

Speak of the devil and he shall call. "Yeah Asshole, what is it?" I answered my beloved dickhead of a brother's call.

"Listen here you half-wit, egotistical asswipe don't forget for a second that I am older than you and just because I've always let you kick my ass doesn't mean I always will if you keep talkin to yer elders like that boy" was his witty reply.

"You know I'm training Peter. If you miss me that much after a week maybe you should bring your candy ass down here and help out."

"Cool it Major, Char and I have been having a dandy time makin sweet lovin in every corner of the house whenever we want so I aint missin ya, just got a little inklin that we need to be expectin some company in the way of that annoying pixie gypsy that you had to go and make friends with. That's all. Happy day to you too fucker." And he hangs up.

Well that was random. I haven't talked to Alice since she finally found that family that she had been so eager to find. I had left Maria for a time about a year after I let Peter and Char escape. Shit was just getting too tense between Maria and I because of them, and with all the talk of the Volturi comin around. I left and went out on my own, searching for something else. Life as a nomad was boring and lonely. I'm a military man and without some order in my life I was going crazier than I was when I was surrounded by death, despair, and destruction.

Around 52 in Philly I stepped into a diner to get out of the rain for a few and collect my thoughts. I was immediately met with the eyes of another vampire attached to the head of a little pixie named Alice. She claimed she had been waitin for me and I had been awfully rude takin so long to get there. She was a sweet little thing, a little too high strung and centered on her visions for me, but we spent some time together travelling around lookin for this family she claimed was going to love us both. She talked of eating from animals and living normal lives and going to high school and stuff. I had no idea what made her think this was a life for me, but I helped her look for them anyways and even tried out drinking animal blood with her for moral support. In 54 we finally found this family she had been seein since the day she woke up into this life. They were nice folk, a little on the strange side for vampires, but nice people and I knew Alice would be happy with them. I spent a couple days there getting to know the leader, Carlisle. He was a good man and I had a great deal of respect for him, but his was not the life for the Major. His wife reminded me of the things I could remember of my own mama, and it was nice for a few days to be doted on. There were three others that considered themselves children, and really that's exactly what they were. I got along real well with the girl Rose, she was a fiesty gorgeous blonde, but spoiled rotten by her vamp daddy and it showed. Her mate and husband Emmet, he was a lot of fun. Reminded me a lot of Peter and I decided then it would be a good idea to keep them far away from each other. Then there was the first son, Edward. That guy was a weird one. I didn't spend much time with him, but I'm pretty sure he had a few things lodged in his ass that didn't come out during his change. His emotions just never sat right with me and I avoided him as much as I could for those couple days. Alice assured me that it would not be the last I saw of her and that when the time came she would find me. I didn't doubt her, after spendin two years with her I knew better. I bid them farewell and made my way back south finding Peter and Char to check on them, before returning to Maria. One week after my return the Volturi came knockin, and we've been doin their trainin since. My leavin and then comin back and savin Maria's ass changed her attitude with me real quick. I am not her second in command, in fact accordin to our bosses she's my second. I aint too sure what went on while I was away. She never offered so I never asked, but I imagine it was pretty eye opening for her.


I wasn't real sure how this was all gonna go down, but I had one of my feelin's that the little future tellin pixie would be showin up for my brother soon and it was gonna be a big deal.

About an hour after my call to the rotten bastard my doorbell was ringin and I knew who would be on the other side of that door. What I wasn't expectin was the heartbeat that was there too. What in the hell would possess the little nymph to show up at a strange human drinkin vampire's house with a human? Maybe she thought she was sposed to bring a gift?

"You gonna answer it or am I yoda?" asked Char, obviously lookin a little panicked about the heartbeat outside our door too.

I started cautiously makin my way to the door when I realized there were two fierce vampires in this house actin afraid of the human on the other side of our own door. I rose to my full height and strutted to my door. This was my castle and I was the king. Not gonna be intimmidated by some human on my porch, no way no how.

I opened the door and suddenly all my knowin shit started goin haywire. Standin next to the little pixie the Major had told us about and shown us pictures of was the fiercest little kitten of a human I ever saw in my whole life. She stood up to every millimeter of her tiny five foot four inch and hundred and ten pound self and looked me directly in the eyes without a single hint of fear.

"Hi Peter, I knew you were expecting me so I didn't bother looking up your number. I'm Alice Cullen and this is my best friend Bella. We need your help till Jazz gets back. You going to invite us in or what?" The little sprite announced.

"Peter stop starin it aint polite and whatever manners your mama didn't get to teach you I sure as hell have. Invite the ladies in." My wife commanded.

"Peter, nice to meet you, I'm Bella Swan" the human announced holding out her hand as if I didn't bite.

I shook the human's hand as delicately as I could, producing a hysterical laugh from her.

"Ladies please come in and I'll introduce you to my wife and see what we can do for ya"

Alice grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her in past me. She didn't seem to have a single ounce of concern that she might break the little thing.

"Charlote, so great to finally meet you" exclaimed Alice. "I've seen you in my visions of Jazz and all, but I've been waiting forever to finally meet you. You have such a sweet home here. My mother Esme would absolutely love your south west décor" she rambled on nearly bouncing out of her self.

"Alice, nice to meet you as well, and your friend, Bella, it's nice to meet you too dear. I have to admit I'm a little nervous. We've never had a human in our home. Is there anything I might be able to get for you?" said Char

"Charlote, it's very nice to meet you as well. I appreciate the gesture, but no thank you. Not to worry, I've been friends with a vampire for 2 years so don't feel the need to act any different around me, well except the eating part, it would be quite hospitable of you to not do that." And instantly the ice was broken, we were all laughing and I'm pretty sure my wife and I fell in love with our first human guest.

"Alice, not to be rude or anything but I'm quite sure the feelin I got didn't indicate a social call. You wanna tell us what brings ya to Texas, and more importantly seekin out our brother?" I asked, not one to beat around the bush with niceties.

"Right, of course. You may want to go ahead and get Jazz on the phone and I can explain to everyone at once."

I dialed my brother up fully knowin he was gonna get a ass reamin from Char for his language and couldn't help the chuckle as I hit the speaker button on my phone. "Finally ready for that ass whoopin or did you decide to quit bein a dickless slave to Char and come play with the big boys again ass fucker?" I didn't miss the smirk on the little human's face. So she's a naughtly little girl. Hmmm.

"Jasper Eugene Whitlock, you will apologize to me for that comment and the rest of the ladies in this room right this second for your language and wait till I get my hands on you and we'll see who's dickless then!" Yelled my beautiful wife as I held my chuckles back as much as I could.

"Um, Char, I'm so sorry, you know how us boys can get especially when we're around all the trainin and stuff. I swear I'll bring you home somethin real pretty to make up for it." He came through grovelling, knowin full well he'd be getting hell when he came home.

"I hate to intrude on the family moment and all, but I asked Peter here to call you Jazz. I told you I'd find you when the time came, and it's here. I need to get the explaining out of the way and get out of here as quickly as possible." Alice explained, now completely looking serious, all excitable pixie gone.

"Alice, nice to hear from you. Go ahead and tell us what's going on, wait, is that a human heart beat I hear in the room?" Jasper finally noticed.

"Yes it is, and she's the reason that I'm here and also the reason I need to leave quickly. Bella is my best friend. We met when she came to live with her dad in Forks and we were going to the same high school. She's become a part of our family over the last two years and we love her dearly. Edward was taking some time away and living in Denali with some cousins, but he came home unexpectedly a couple weeks ago and picked up Bella's scent around the house and the family. He's become obsessed with her, as she's apparently his singer or something. He will stop at nothing to get to her, he even hired a group of really deranged nomads to track her down and bring her to him. I can't let anything happen to her, but I can't protect her. I've seen her as one of us since the day we met her, but it hasn't been the right time, and I recently started seeing her here with you guys. So, here we are. I know you guys will love and protect her. It's time for me to go though or they'll find us. Love you Jazz." She barked out almost in tears as she hugged Bella and ran out the door.

Just as I heard something crash through the phone I noticed that our fierce little girl was now looking like the scared tiny little kitten, with her eyes cast to the floor and her hands fidgetting in her lap where she sat. She looked even smaller than she was. Char went directly over to her, and without a single moment of hesitation had the little thing wrapped in her arms whispering reasurances over and over to her.

"Captain, I have to go talk with Maria and make a phone call to the Italians. I'll be home within 2 hours. I expect a full report when I get there." That was the Major's final comment before hanging up.