A/N To all my lovely fans- this is the last chapter of Part 4 of Life, Love, and Family. Part 5 will begin soon.

I GIVE YOU FAIR WARNING- THIS IS A LEMON! YES, THE WHOLE CHAPTER IS A LEMON. If lemons are not your thing, please don't read it. Just wait for Part 5 Chapter 1. If you love lemons, please remember this is my second attempt at a lemon and I appreciate any feedback, advice, and love! Thanks!

He sighed. The DO NOT DISTURB sign was on the door and the phone was off the hook. Saya sat on the edge of the bed with her shoes in the corner and he had removed his boots and jacket. Why wasn't this moving along? They kissed, but ended up just feeling awkward.

"Hagi," she began while her eyes stayed on the floor, "I… should we lay down?" She could feel his frustration as much as she felt her own.

He sat on the bed and suggested, "Maybe we should watch some television?"

She would have smiled if she weren't so flustered. Hagi suggesting watching television proved he was just as nervous as she was. "No," she responded. She huffed and thought about how awkward this was. They should be all over each other right now, but they were both afraid of their own inexperience. She sat next to him and placed her hand on his, feeling the ring on his finger under her hand. It was official- they were married now.

His face was showing no expression, but his eyes revealed the frustration he was hiding. He wanted to move this along, just to get rid of the awkwardness between them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her click on the television and surf the channels. Taking a deep breath, he decided to be brave about this, "I think you should get ready for bed."

"Hagi, it's not that late," she replied as she tried to find something that caught her interest.

He looked at the television and explained, "I wasn't talking about sleep, Saya."

She held the remote loosely in her hands and went slack jawed. Was he suggesting what she thought? Her surprised expression turned to him, he was still looking at the television, but his cheeks held a bit of color. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts and form them into words, but even then they didn't make much sense, "You mean… should I? Do I wear… or nothing…"

He raised an eyebrow and suggested, "Clothing may make things a bit more difficult our first time. I will shut off the lights."

She nodded as she went into the bathroom and he waited until she shut the door before he undressed and shut off the lights, leaving the television on with the volume down. The room was pitch black without the lights on and he wanted her to be able to see her way to the bed as well as see what they would be doing to each other.

It took her a few minutes to just gather her wits. He had just suggested they go to bed together- naked! Her cheeks flushed and she slapped her hands over them. Why was she so surprised? Isn't this what she wanted? Her hands shook as she undressed. Fed up with her nervousness, she rolled her eyes and scolded the reflection in the mirror, "It's only Hagi." The dress was now on the hanger as she slipped out of her bra and shimmied out of her panties. Her eyes caught her naked reflection. She then asked herself, "What if I'm not as good as he expected me to be? He's loved me for so long and he seems to nearly worship me. I don't think I'm not as great as he thinks I am."

She heard him respond in her mind, "In my eyes, you are nothing less than perfection, Saya. I will love you no matter what happens tonight." She smiled as she made her mind up.

She came into the room and found he was already under the covers. She could barely make out the contents of the room in the darkness but was grateful for the glow of the television. Making her way to the king size bed, she modestly covered herself with her hands and her arms. It was true he had seen her naked on many occasions, but not like this. She climbed under the covers and felt him move closer to her. Their hands found each other and he soothed, "Saya, if you are not ready…"

She turned to face him and responded, "I am ready, Hagi. I'm just nervous- it's my first time a-and I want to make it perfect- for you."

His hand moved across her forehead, moving the raven bangs away from her eyes and admitted, "I know. It's my first time, too." His mouth found hers. The kiss was sweet as their lips slid over each other. He broke away for a moment and added, "It will be perfect- for both of us." Their lips met again and her mouth opened to allow him access.

She was feeling bold suddenly. He was still holding on to her hand as she brought it up with hers and molded it over her breast. She felt more than heard him moan. It was so deep and hungry. His fingers fumbled against her hardened nipple as his kiss became more forceful along with hers. Their tongues were at war with each other as she arched against his hand. He had begun to circle the hard bud with his finger before pinching it, causing her to break the kiss with a gasp.

He traced her jawline with kisses and found her neck. He felt the heat rising within him as he watched the ticking of her pulse point in the glow from the tv. He resisted the urge to sink his teeth in deep as he found the bud with his tongue. She gasped as his tongue drew warm, wet circles the way his finger had earlier. She rolled to her back and felt his thumb match pace with his tongue on her other breast. The nervousness between them had melted away. She arched her back as a plea came from her lips and her hand caught his, "Hagi!" Her hand guided his down her belly and between her legs. It was a double surprise as his finger slid into her and his length pressed against her thigh. The groan that came from the handsome man made her shiver.

He was struggling to stay in control as his middle finger slid into her. She was impossibly warm as she gasped out his name. His body was responding as he moaned with need against her cries of ecstasy as she moved against his hand. It wasn't long before her cries hit a fever pitch and he felt a burst of warm dampness in his hand. His finger continued to move inside her as her high pitched cries became a long moan of pure bliss.

Her mind could have easily shut down, but she was curious about the warm hardness that was pressing against her. Her hand snaked between them and wrapped around his length. She smiled with glee as he moaned and pressed into her hand. She gripped the pulsing erection and began moving back and forth in a slow rhythm. She was curious how he could have held back this long? She watched his hand twitch against the covers, aching to make her hand move the way he needed it to, but that could wait for another time. His hand came down and pulled hers away as their eyes met, he gasped, "Saya, I want you."

She felt him move on top of her and his hands lifted her legs around his middle. He looked into her eyes as he thought, "Are you certain this is what you want?"

"Yes," she answered in her mind as she felt him pressed against her opening. She nodded to emphasize the answer as she bit her lip in anticipation.

Would it be better to take her in a swift movement so the pain would be intense but brief? Would it be better to break through the barrier in slow strokes? He didn't want to hurt her, but this had to be done. He pulled back and pressed in slowly, easing himself inside with slow, loving strokes.

She gasped at the feeling of being spread open as he pressed deeper and deeper. It was a strange feeling of friction, heat, and pressure. He kept easing forward into her with careful strokes until he was half way inside. She felt she could take no more, but she had to- she had to feel him all the way inside. She looked into his eyes as he informed her, "It will hurt. Are you sure?" She nodded as she slipped her arms around his middle and pressed her palms against his smooth back. It stunned her when he slammed his hips forward and broke through her barrier in one hard stroke. It was painful and she couldn't stop the tear that spilled from her eye. The smell of freshly spilled blood and desire filled the air around them.

He couldn't look at her- he couldn't see the pain in her eyes that was caused by him. Just like that day at the Zoo, when he'd frightened her, he imagined that same look was on her face right now. He was propped up on his elbows with his face buried in the pillow, biting back the need to move. She was quivering all around him, enticing to begin thrusting. He couldn't move now- not until she was used to this new sensation. Her hands caressed his back as she asked, "Hagi, are you okay?"

Shouldn't he be asking her this question? He lifted his head to find that her face didn't look pained or frightened, but concerned- for him. He couldn't help but smile as he responded, "I am doing well. How are you?"

She laughed as she playfully nudged him, she didn't expect him to joke with her in such an intense moment. The sensation of her laughter went deep inside her, causing tremors against his shaft. She heard him let out a shaky moan as he held back again- he couldn't wait much longer. The sensation awakened something in her as well. Her hands found his firm butt and gave a squeeze.

The little control he had left disappeared in that moment. With a heated groan, he thrust forward and buried himself all the way inside her, causing her to cry out. For a while, there was pain- she felt like she was being forced in half as she felt her blood spill on her inner thighs as well as his. She looked at the man above her- his eyes were wild with need as he thrust into her again and again. She began to feel a tingling, deep inside where the friction was causing her to feel hot and cold at the same time. He thrust forward again, causing her to moan as she began to move against him. This continued for a time when he pressed deeply and then found her neck with his tongue. His fangs grazed against the back of his lips and he wondered at the sudden need to feed. He was well fed from the transfusion he had received, but this hunger suffused his body in heat. Why now? A voice answered in his mind- A knight cannot resist the urge to feed from a queen the first time he lays with her.

She felt her body respond to his warm tongue with a moan that seemed to make him tremble. His fangs brushed a small scratch onto her neck as she felt as if her body was rising from the bed. The new feeling deep inside was causing her to tighten around him and increase the wonderful sensation even more. She wanted it to go on forever, but her climax was already upon her. She was crying out in time with his thrusts as he sunk his teeth into her neck. She felt the rumble in his throat as he sealed his mouth over the wound. Her body shook in an unbelievable pleasure as she cried out his name over and over.

He wasn't certain what had happened. Suddenly, he was aware that he was taking strong pulls of her blood, causing a fiery sensation to rocket through his body and cause his toes and fingers to tingle. She was calling his name as she closed around him and her body shook with an intense release. He licked the wound to help seal it and watched as she rode out the remainder of her orgasm. Her mouth was still opened in an "O" as he thrust hard into her, causing a gasp to come from her mouth.

She felt his hands tangle in her hair as he began to ravage her mouth again. He was thrusting into her in hard, even strokes. His hands moved down and grasped her thighs, bringing them higher over his hips to deepen his thrusts. He was grunting with each one. His hair was sticking to his neck as sweat glistened on his body. The light from the television was reflecting in a light blue against everything, including the black wings that burst from his back as he thrust deeply and held himself still against her. She gasped as she felt an unbelievable rush of warmth deep inside. With his next thrust, he cried out, "Saaayyaaaa!" He held himself rigid, his outstretched wings shivering as he felt the world around him melt away. He had become one with her completely- in blood, in name, and now- in body. Completely exhausted, he fell against her.

He was panting as he laid his head next to hers, completely spent. She smiled as her hand traced his spine to where his wings had sprouted from his back. Each one was outstretched on either side of them against the bed and falling to the floor. The strong black velvet of his wings shuddered as he gave a long moan of satisfaction. She wondered at the idea that they must look like some bizarre fallen bird- maybe bat would be more accurate.

He wanted to move his weight off of her, but as he pressed his palms to the mattress, he shivered and fell back down on her.

She smiled as she ran her fingers through a sweat dampened lock of hair that framed his face. She moved it behind his ear as she listened to his pulse as it wasn't thundering anymore. "It's okay, Hagi," she reassured. "I like how this feels."

"I am- not- too heavy?" he asked as he was still panting. His eyes held concern as he propped himself on his elbows.

She shook her head as she responded, "Umm-mm." Her hand moved through his crazy- damp hair, trying to straighten it out for him. She felt him lean down and place a small kiss on her neck, where he had pierced the skin earlier in a fit of passion. She felt his voice vibrate through her as he apologized. Her brows furrowed and she responded, "There's no reason for you to apologize. I wanted you to do it. It's only fair that you get to drink from me after all the decades that I drank from you." She thought about how it felt when he pierced the skin. It seemed to intensify her orgasm- so naturally she wondered if maybe it wasn't painful for Hagi but immensely pleasurable. If it was, he never gave any indication. Of course he wouldn't! Hagi rarely ever reveals how he feels. She would have to observe his reaction the next time she fed from him.

They lay there until their breathing returned to normal. He had never felt so relaxed, but it still bothered him that his weight was pressing her into the mattress. His wings retracted before he rose up on his palms and rolled to his back. His arm pulled her into his chest and he pressed a kiss into her crazy messed up hair. He lazily combed his hand through the raven silken strands. He heard her sigh, "That was amazing." He hummed his agreement, thinking she was falling asleep.

She shifted and was now staring into his eyes as she asked, "Was it… okay- for you I mean?"

He smiled and answered, "Saya, it was more beautiful than I could ever imagine." He watched her smile return before she leaned down and pressed her lips to his. Her naked breasts pressed against his chest, causing a stirring in his loins. It was only a small kiss, but it served to remind him of all those nights he had waited. Those times he kept his stoic gaze fixed on the scene outside rather than on the sleeping woman… the times she cried and he longed to comfort her and couldn't… the times he just wanted to see her smile. He pulled her into his chest as his eyes went a bit misty- not from sadness, but happiness. He could give her all that she ever dreamed of and, at the same time, fulfill all of his dreams as well.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she felt his strong heartbeat thumping in her ear.

He released her as he answered, "I am fine."

Her hand moved down his stomach and was surprised when it moved along his erection. She turned to look into his face- it was that look she had come to understand now. It was his desire, begging her to fulfill a need only she had the power to do. "Again?" she asked.

He blinked and then answered, "Saya, if you are not..."

His answer came as she smiled and rolled to her back, pulling him on top of her.

He tried to warn her that she needed to take it easy, she had just stopped bleeding. Her blood had made a large stain on the white linens. He made a mental note to visit a laundry mat in the early morning. It would turn his stomach to think to leave the place in that state. All that melted away as she moved her legs on either side of him- inviting him to make her call out his name once again.

The morning found them both laid out. She was curled next to him with an arm over his middle, his arm was behind his head, the other underneath her. The length of his lean body stretched the across the entire mattress with one leg exposed since Saya had the covers mostly curled around her. His eyes were shut and his mouth was slightly opened. He had not noticed that he had been passed out for about an hour.

His eyes opened slightly as he cleared his throat. He sat up as he pulled his arm from her, causing her to let out a disagreeing moan. He gathered his thoughts from the previous night as he ran his fingers through his hair. How many times did they… he lost count, but he could recall each time she cried out his name in her ecstasy. After all, he had waited for more than a century for her, why hold back now?

She moaned his name in her sleep as her arm moved toward him. He smiled as he caught her hand and kissed it before letting it fall around his waist. He sighed- it looks like he won't be getting out of this bed as early as he had planned. He pulled the little amount of covers she had left for him around himself as he stretched out again. It wasn't like he really wanted to go anywhere anyway.

She was still balled up in the covers, like a little cocoon. He frowned- even though he knew she would never have to hibernate again, he still did not care for the idea of cocoons or long sleep. Sleep… was he sleeping earlier? He remembered looking at the glow of the tv reflecting off Saya's sleeping features before the sun rose, but the next thing he knew, he was opening his eyes to sunlight.

"Uhmmmph," Saya groaned as she pulled him closer. Her brows furrowed and her sweet voice deepened as she flung her arm from the mass of covers and said one word, "Sword!"

He turned as caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. He spoke lowly and soothingly, "Saya, there is no need to fight anymore. The war is over."

Her outstretched arm fell around him and that sweet voice returned. "Hagi," she murmured in her sleep. She then added, "I'm hungry." One burgundy eye opened, causing him to chuckle before the second opened as well.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked as she untangled herself from the covers, inadvertently pulling the little amount of covers off of him completely.

It took her a moment to realize they were both still naked and she covered herself as she tried to avert her eyes. Her wide eyes kept turning back to him. He was completely naked, his pale skin cast in a golden glow from the reflection of the sunlight filtering through the yellow drapes. His messy ebony hair fell against the covers in large waves and curls. She tried to pull her eyes away again, but he spoke.

"What is it, Saya?" he asked. He was truly concerned- she looked like she was frightened.

"I've never seen you naked before- at least not as an adult," she responded. She gave out a yelp of surprise as he pulled her to him and tossed the cover off. She was wrapped in his embrace as his naked body molded to hers as he pressed a kiss against her lips.

"You have forgotten last night?" he asked as sorrow filled his eyes. He couldn't take another memory lapse, not now.

Her hand found his as she calmed his fears, "Oh, no Hagi. I definitely remember last night- well most of it. I just haven't seen you without your clothes on since that day you got so sick. It was my fault, you know. I insisted that we skip lessons that day to have a picnic, but a sudden downpour had us waiting out the storm in the barn."

He brushed his hand over her cheek and he kissed her lips, "I do not blame you for that day. I was grateful when I awoke from the fever and saw you sleeping in the chair by my bed. You and Joel made me feel like a part of the family."

Saya gave off a shiver as she snuggled closer and commented, "I could really use a hot bath right now."

"I could use a hot shower, myself," he agreed.

He rose from the bed suddenly and began to head for the bathroom when she cried, "Wait."

He turned to see what she wanted and noticed she was staring at him. He smiled as he asked, "What is it?"

She came to the end of the bed on all fours and slapped his backside with a wicked grin stretched across her face. He raised an eyebrow as she giggled and commented, "I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you in a pair of jeans. I thought you looked good in jeans, but I know now, you look even better without them." Little did he know it was a secret dare Claudia had given Saya.

He blushed as he groaned, "Say-a."

She suggested with a raised eyebrow, "You know, there's a garden tub in this room. It would be a shame to let it go to waste."

He returned the grin and headed for the restroom and saw the massive tub for the first time. It seemed a bit extravagant, but why not? It was their honeymoon- sort of. He had planned their real honeymoon somewhere much more special, but this was still nice. He watched as the hot water began to fill the tub with rose scented bubbles. He almost came back to the room to find Saya answering the door in a robe. He waited for her to receive what she had ordered, watching from the other side of the door he left open a crack, and tip the man that delivered it.

Hagi entered the room after the man left. He joined her as she began to eat breakfast. She handed him a mug of his tea. She motioned to the carafe in the back and informed him that it was filled with tea. She gave very exact orders on how it was to be made. He smiled as he thought of how well she seemed to know him. He found a piece of toast and took the blackberry jelly- smearing a bit across the surface. She swallowed and then laughed as she noticed how quickly he finished off the toast. "Hungry?" she asked as she offered him some eggs.

"Saya, you know I do not need to eat," he replied and then tried a bit of the eggs. He swallowed and explained. "The tub is full of hot water and I think we should get in before the water gets cold."

She finished off two plates of food in 10 minutes and took the carafe as he carried the last plate, mixed pieces of fruit, to the tub. Hagi added a bit more hot water and climbed in, watching her trying pieces of cantaloupe, watermelon, mangoes, orange slices, and grapes. He smiled as he sipped his tea and leaned back across from her.

She gave a sly smile as she moved into his arms, giving him a piece of watermelon. She placed a piece of mango in her mouth and then kissed him. The flavors came together in a tangy sweetness. She swallowed and then ran her tongue across his bottom lip and heard the moan that came from him. She gave a sly smile as she moved away, leaving him wanting more from her.

"You are playing a dangerous game, Saya," he warned as his heated gaze intensified.

"Am I?" she asked, feigning innocence as she reached forward and moved her small hand up his inner thigh. She watched as his eyes burned with desire, but his stoic expression held.

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "What are you planning?"

She grinned slyly as she recalled the moment his wings erupted from his back and he called out her name. It thrilled to know she could make him completely let go of everything. She wanted to bring him to that point once again.