Hello :) So I'm really not used to doing continuations of stories, but I was asked by Izzy to add more chapters. So I'm adding this one. This is Ally's POV and is written to the song "Be Your Everything" by Boys Like Girls. I'm not sure if I'm going to add anymore though. If you have a song you think would go great as a chapter to go after this one, please leave it in the reviews or PM me! Or if you'd like me to write a completely different Auslly oneshot songfic, just PM me the song!

Four letter word

But I don't have the guts to say it

Smile 'til it hurts

Let's not make it complicated

We've got a story

But I'm about to change the ending

You're perfect for me

And more than just a friend

So we can just stop pretending now

Gotta let you know somehow

It feels like everything happened so quickly. One second I was feeling sorry for myself because I thought I was going to be forever alone, then the next thing I know I got slapped right in the face with the realization that the person I was looking for was right in front of me all along. Even better yet, he knew that before I did.

Right now everything feels brand new. Even though I know I love Austin, I just don't have the guts to tell him that yet. We're just starting out. Our story started when we were fifteen, and even though it's only been a year, so many chapters have been filled. Of course, none have been romantic until now, but ever since that kiss I started thinking back to all the moments we've spent together. I'm like any other girl, when a guy does something nice for me I begin to panic and overthink the gesture, but I've never done that with Austin. It's probably because we made it clear that we didn't want to jeopardize our friendship and because he was just such a nice guy. But as I remember all the glances we've shared where he always had this sparkle in his eye and the hugs we'd share where he'd hold me closer. To anyone who didn't know us, but saw how we acted towards each other, they'd probably think we were together.

Austin and I haven't gone on our first real date yet and we haven't declared that we were official. I think he's waiting for me to let him know that I'm ready to go in this direction. I'm an over thinker and I definitely thought of the pros and cons about the situation. Right now the pros are beating the cons, and to be honest, I think Austin is the right guy for me. Is this forever? I'm not sure because we're only sixteen and he's my first boyfriend. But I think I'm willing to risk it all to be with him. The only con that stands in my way is how would we be if we ever break up?

I'll be your shelter

I'll be your storm

I'll make you shiver

I'll keep you warm

Whatever weather

Baby I'm yours

Be your forever, be your fling

Baby I will be your everything

Baby I

Baby I will

Baby I will be your everything

"Hey Ally!" Austin says as he comes through the doors of Sonic Boom.

I walk out from behind the counter and run over to him and throw my arms around his neck. I never realized how much seeing Austin makes my day. He definitely livens things up like a ray of sunshine.

"Someone's happy to see me." He smiles and stares at me with his brown eyes as I release my grip. I walked back over to behind the counter.

My smile consumes my face. "I think we should go out later when I'm done my shift."

"Woah, woah. I'm supposed to be the one who asks you out!"

I roll my eyes and smile. "Okay, forget I said anything."

He jumped up to sit on the counter in front of me. "Ally, I think we should go out once you're done your shift."

"You just said the exact same thing I did." I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm not clever when it comes to asking girls out. Did you want me to start with "'sup?"" I playfully shoved him off the counter. He was adorable; there was no way I could ever deny this boy.

"It would've made it sound like you put at least a bit of effort in there. But okay, I'll go out with you."

"Sweet! I'll pick you up later then." He bolted so fast out the door.

I just watched the door, shaking my head. Austin could be so unpredictable sometimes; it's kind of amusing. I loved seeing him happy though. I know that I'll always want to make him as happy as he makes me.

I want to make sure that everything gets put on the table on our date tonight. We haven't actually talked about what happened at the festival because we've been busy with Team Austin meetings. Hopefully tonight, things will all be set in stone.

We used to say

That we would always stick together

But who's to say

That we could never last forever

Girl, got a question

Could you see yourself with somebody else?

'Cause I'm on a mission

And I don't wanna share

I want you all to myself right now

And I just wanna scream it out

Austin came by Sonic Boom at 8, just as I was closing the store.

"Wow, you're on time." I looked down at my watch.

"I promised I wouldn't be late ever again, didn't I?"

"That you did!" I nodded with a smile.

We began to walk to the Melody Diner.

"Definitely no cha cha chicken pot pie for you." Austin laughed as he remembered the time I got addicted to the chicken pot pie the last time we were here.

"But it's so good!"

We both ended up ordering the special, fettucini alfredo. The diner was so loud because of every waiter and waitress singing, so I couldn't exactly talk to Austin. Instead we spent the time joking around, rather than having any serious conversation.

Austin paid for the bill and then grabbed my hand and led me out of the diner.

"Where are we going now?" I asked. I didn't think he had anything else in mind except for dinner.

"You'll see," he responded as he looked back at me and smiled.

We walked for 20 minutes up a hill until we finally stopped.


I looked around and noticed we were overlooking the beach and the stars were visible in the sky.

"Wow, how did you find this place?" I was amazed.

"I got lost one day going to the beach."

"So you walked up a hill?" I questioned. Austin may not be the brightest, but he still tried.

He shrugged.

We sat down on the grass. It was silent for a while because I was still taking in the beauty around me. I could feel Austin's eyes watching me, so I turned my head and smiled at him.

"This place is beautiful. Thank you for taking me here."

"It was nothing," he said trying to play it off.

"You make it sound like you take a lot of girls up here."

"I don't!" He got a bit defensive.

"Austin, I'm just kidding," I laughed.

"I couldn't imagine bringing anyone else here, but you." He admitted.

I blushed, even though it was too dark to even tell.

"Am I who you think of when you think of your dream guy? Or did you picture someone with dark hair, blue eyes?" It was rare whenever Austin becomes serious.

"I never had physical attributes in mind, only personality traits. Your blonde hair and kind eyes are just a bonus." I said, smiling at him.

It was getting kind of cold, so I sat closer to Austin and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Austin, I know that we can't promise that we'll be together forever, but I know deep inside that no matter what happens we'll stick together."

"Duh! I wouldn't have it any other way. I would just never want us to hate each other."

I lifted my head and stared him in the eye. "I would never be able to hate you, ever."

He put his arms around me and we sat like that for a while.

"When you're even more famous than you are now, I don't think it's going to sit well with me when girls decide to fight over the guy I love."

"You love me?" He asked in a jokingly cocky way.

"That's all you got from that? And you know I do!" I rolled my eyes.

"Like in a cute weasel way? Or love love?" He asked anxiously.

"Do I even have to answer that?" I laughed.

"Um yeah!"

"Love love." I admitted.

"Enough to shout it out to the world?"

"What?" I looked at him as if he was crazy.

Before I knew it, Austin was yelling out "I love Ally Dawson and she loves me! Everyone else is just jealous" to the sky.

I began to blush again.

"Shut up!" We heard a man yell out from the beach.

We started laughing so hard that we began to tear up.

I'm definitely going to remember this first date for the rest of my life. Then again, I'll remember every moment I spend with Austin for the rest of my life.

No matter what you do

I'll be there for you

And every time you close your eyes

I will be by your side

'Cause every time you make me sing

Baby I will be your everything

Austin and I's relationship was pretty much how our friendship was/is, except so much better. We had a better understanding of each other. Nowadays, Austin won't protest to singing love songs I write because he understands exactly what I feel and reciprocates it. I don't think it'll ever get much better than this, but who knows right? Right now we have each other and I feel as if our story is better than any fairytale ever written.

Fin. Hope you liked it! 3