I do not own The Vampire diaries.

So this is just a story that popped into my head. Let me know what you all think.

As I stood on the balcony of the boarding house I thought over all the craziness that has been my life the past year. After everything in the dark dimension the town was back to normal. But Damon was still dead. A part of me had still been holding on to hope that he would somehow return. But I now knew that was never going to happen. Damon was gone. And it was my fault.

"Why don't you come back inside, it's getting cold out here." I heard Meredith say behind me

"I'll be in in a minute I just wanted to be alone."

"Bonnie you can't keep doing this to yourself, he wouldn't want you to do this."

He, they never called him by his name anymore. Like with just the mention of his name the world would fall apart.

"I'm fine Meredith I promise, I just wanted to get some fresh air. That's all."

But inside I was anything but fine. I loved Damon more than anything. And it kills me knowing I will never see his smile or hear his voice again. I turned to look at Meredith seeing I hadn't fooled her.

"C'mon lets go back inside the others are probably wondering where we are."

And with that I turned to go back into the boarding house to my friends, having no idea just what fate still has in store for me.

3 years later

I had finally moved out of Fells church. It had been too hard being there. They all said that they didn't blame me, but I knew the truth. Elena was the easiest to see through. Ever since coming back from the dark dimension she had changed. She became more selfish and cruel. I could feel her emotions and feel the hatred she has for me. She said that it was Damon's choice to save me and that it's not my fault. But it's all lies. They all feel like I'm responsible for his death. Hell even I do. Which is why I left. I'm tired of being the weak, helpless Bonnie. I want to be strong, powerful, and brave. I had been traveling around Scotland for a while. Visiting my grandparents and cousins and learning more about my witch heritage, when I ran into a group of hunters.

They grabbed me when I was leaving the city. They drugged me and took me with them. After being chained up for days and dealing with them I soon realized I would live longer if I gave into them.

They kept me in what could only be described as a training facility. I was never allowed to leave the building and they had witches put spells around it so I couldn't call out or perform spells to get help.

They taught me to fight and kill. They were cruel and ruthless. They spent days torturing me. "You have to learn not to feel pain" they would say. No matter how much I would beg or cry out, they would never stop. I eventually realized it was pointless to beg, when it wouldn't change anything. So in the end they got their wish. They broke me. I did as I was told and behaved like a good girl hoping one day they would let me go.

Finally my day came when they said I had my first mission. It wasn't exactly the freedom I was hoping for, but I would get to finally leave the horrible building.

"How does it feel to be on the outside again?" Sarah asked, she was my main trainer or as I liked to call them, my torturers.

I just nodded in her direction as I breathed in the fresh air.

"Well you know your assignment." She said,

"I'm to find the pack of rouge werewolves in Virginia." I said with no emotion in my voice.

"And too take them out."