In life you will go through struggles and you will go through tough times that you think there is no end to, but if you are really lucky and blessed you won't go through them alone. When you are born you are destined to find that one special someone. It may take years and they may not seem like the perfect person for you when you first meet them but there is someone for you and Aria and Ezra were lucky to have found each other and fight for what they had.

Aria and Ezra had been married for two years now and had gone through much more than most couples ever go through. Lila was now a little over two years old and walking and talking up a storm. She loved the big house they shared in New York and the little puppy that Ezra had recently rescued from the street.

Ezra was pulling into his driveway when he saw some small creature run past his car and under the back porch. Once he had parked he slowly made his way over to the back porch and pulled out his phone for light to see what had run under the porch. He soon came upon a puppy which looked to be only a few weeks old who was shivering. Ezra slowly reached back and gently pulled the puppy to him and wrapped him in his jacket.

"Hey babe." Aria said once she saw Ezra walk into the door, he leaned down to give her a kiss and Aria heard the whimpers of the tiny dog. "What's this?" Aria asked as she gently grabbed the puppy from Ezra.

"I found him out under the porch. He seemed scared to death so I brought him in." Ezra said.

"Can we keep her?" Aria asked excitedly.

"We'll see how things go and if anyone claims her." Ezra said and walked into the other room in search of Lila, while Aria began to clean up the puppy.

"Lila?" Ezra asked as he walked into the living room where Lila was most likely playing with her dolls.

"Daddy." Lila said as she got up and clumsily ran over to Ezra, who had his arms outstretched and ready for her.

"How's my little girl?" Ezra asked as he picked Lila up and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm great, mommy and I played all day and had a snack and lunch and a nap, I really wish you were here though." Lila said as she put her head on Ezra's chest.

"I will be for the next three days but right now I have a surprise for you." Ezra said and walked with her into kitchen were Aria was drying off the puppy.

"Doggy." Lila squealed as soon as she saw the dog.

"Now Lila if the dog is a good dog and no one comes around looking for it we can keep her." Ezra said and as soon as the words left his mouth he was greeted with a bear hug from Lila.

"Thanks daddy I love you." Lila said.

"Ezra, I really need to talk to you." Aria said as she walked into their bedroom where Ezra was finalizing his lesson plans for the next day.

"What's wrong baby?" Ezra asked fearing that someone was wrong with either Aria or Lila.

"Nothing's wrong I'm just pregnant." Aria said nonchalantly and waited for Ezra's reaction, which was quite delayed.

"Oh that's ni- you're what?" Ezra asked as he let his laptop slip to the side onto Aria's lap. He looked over at her and saw a smile begin to form.

"I know we talked about not having a baby for a while but sometimes things just happen." Aria said biting her lip looking up at Ezra who was just staring at the wall. "Ezra? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just really surprised." Ezra said finally looking over at Aria.

"Are you upset?" Aria asked fearing that Ezra thought it was too soon.

"No, never I love you so much and I wouldn't want it any other way." Ezra told Aria as he moved his hand up to her still flat stomach and leaned over and kissed her.

"I love you so, so much." Aria said as she let some tears slide down her face and buried it in his chest.


Weeks had turned into months and Aria was now five months pregnant. It had confused Lila at first as to why the baby was living in mommy and not playing with her but she soon lost interest in where the baby was. She still had an infatuation with Aria's stomach which she would pat every day and talk to the baby. Aria was nowhere big when it came to her baby bump but her tiny frame made it more noticeable.

"Baby." Lila said one day as she gently patted Aria's stomach while she sat with her on the couch.

"Yep there's a baby in there." Aria said smiling. "You know one day a few years ago you lived in there."

"Really?" Lila asked as she looked up at her mom.

"You sure did and then one night you got big enough to come into the world." Aria said as she ran her fingers through Lila's hair.

"I love you mama." Lila said as she snuggled into Aria's side and Ezra walked in.

"Hey." Ezra said as he slowly walked over to Aria and leaned down and kissed her before sitting on the other side of Lila.

"How was your day?" Aria asked as Lila climbed into Ezra's lap and wrapped her arms around him.

"It was good, only a few more weeks then the year is over and I can enjoy time with my family." Ezra said as he pulled Aria close and wrapped his free arm around her pulling Lila close with the other. "I love you both so much."

"Love you daddy." Lila mumbled half-asleep from her place with her head snuggled into his chest.

In that moment Ezra felt that no matter what happened in his life he would always have the greatest family ever and that it was perfect the three, well soon to be four of them together.


On September 15th little Jeremy Michael Fitz was born at 2:03 in the morning. Aria had, had a tougher birth with Jeremy then she had, had with Lila but in the end she wouldn't have traded it for the world. Little Michael had his father's eyes just like his sister and he looked a lot like Aria. Ezra finally had his son, Lila finally had her little "broder" as she called him and Aria finally had her perfect little family.

A/N: Thank you everyone who has stuck through this story. Sorry for the long update but I had a group project last week and some papers and finals to do. Well this is it, the end of a story that came to me in my sleep and a story that my bff Tori and I worked on really hard. Thank you all so much for reading and for all the reviews and shout outs on Twitter I will forever be grateful. I have another story in mind and I hope it all works out like it does in my head. If you have any questions about it or ideas just let me know. Also for those of you reading my 7th Heaven story I will hopefully update it sometime this week, I kind of hit a major block on that story and any ideas will help a lot. Well after that long authors not thank you so much and I love you guys so much.


Han_itsthelaw20 (Twitter)