*I do not own Pretty Little Liars first off and the story line I began before the whole Maggie being paid off thing happened.

**This story came to my head one day when I woke up and my bff Tori and I have been working on it ever since. I am unsure of the length it will be but there is plenty of ups and downs to go.

Aria jumped up and ran to the bathroom, just making it in time before she threw up her dinner. Ezra followed close behind her, bending down and gathering her hair out of her face. When she was finished he helped her up from the ground and got her a glass of water.

"Aria, are you okay?" Ezra asked as he led her back to the couch.

"Yeah, Hanna had the flu last week and I'm sure I caught it from her." Aria said as she sat down beside Ezra and snuggled into him.

"Just rest for now, if you need anything else let me know." Ezra told her as he wrapped an arm around her and kissed her on top of the head.


"Miss Montgomery, it appears as though you are pregnant." The doctor said as she walked back into the room.

"How far along am I?" Aria asked as she fought back tears."

"About 2 months, I would say that you conceived around Valentine's Day. Here are your prescriptions for your prenatal vitamins and if you need anything feel free to come in anytime." The doctor told Aria with a smile.

"Thank you." Aria said as she got up in a daze and left the room.


*7 Months Later*

Aria woke up in the middle of the night to a puddle of liquid and extreme pain in her stomach and back.

"Myra!" Aria yelled out for her very eccentric grandmother who insisted to not be called grandma or any form thereof.

"It's 4 in the morning, what is it dear?" Myra asked as she walked into Aria's room.

"My water broke. The baby is coming." Aria said as another contraction hit.

"Okay I'll grab your bag and you change your clothes and I'll get you to the hospital." Myra said as she flew out of the room.

20 minutes later Aria was being wheeled back to the delivery room, Myra close behind. Once they reached the room a nurse quickly got Aria into a hospital gown and hooked up to an IV. They were able to give some medicine to help with the pain and within two hours she was ready to push.

"Come on honey, one more push and you got it." Myra said as she held Aria's hand.

With all that she had she pushed one final time and a small cry was heard.

"Aria, meet your daughter." The doctor said as she placed the tiny girl on Aria's chest.

"Aria, I know you are pregnant it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Ezra knows as well and he isn't happy about it to say the least." Diane Fitzgerald said to Aria, who was waiting on Ezra in his apartment to come back from getting dinner.

"We've never talked about it. Ezra would be happy I know he would." Aria said to the lady.

"He told me that you guys are so young and that he doesn't want a child to hold him down. Aria if you could make this little mistake go away, I can give you whatever you want." Diane said as she grabbed her checkbook.

"Ezra would never want me to get rid of our child and he would never call it a mistake. I think that you should leave." Aria said as she stood up from her place on the couch.

"I know that I have never been nice to you and never approved of your relationship with my son, but the things that he said about you being pregnant should never be said. I also have this letter that he had began to type for you saying that he didn't want it. I was only trying to help you to get rid of it before it was too late." Diane said as she handed Aria a half written letter from Ezra's typewriter that said he didn't want to be a father and that he loved Aria be he couldn't be with her if she kept the baby.

"I will never give up my baby and if Ezra doesn't want it, well then he won't have it. Tell your son I said good-bye."Aria said with tears in her eyes as she fled out the door.

"I love you baby, and no matter what I will never leave you." Aria said to the little girl who had Ezra's curly hair and eyes.

"Ma'am do you have a name for your baby?" The nurse asked as she took the baby into her arms to weigh her and make sure she was okay.

"Lila Ebony Montgomery." Aria said.

"Such a beautiful name, Lila Ebony Montgomery born November 14, 2012 weighing 7 lbs and 8 oz and she is 5 inches long." The nurse said as she handed Aria the little girl who was now wrapped in pink blankets.

"She is beautiful Aria." Myra said as she looked down at the tiny girl. "She has your nose and mouth.

"And her father's hair and eyes." Aria said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to go call your mom and dad. I think you two need some time to yourselves." Myra said as she kissed Aria and Lila on the head and left the room.

"Miss Montgomery I hate to bother you again but I need to know what to put down for the father." The nurse said as she came in again. The question that Aria had been dreading for the entire 7 months since the falling out with Ezra's mother had finally came up. She could put N/A but that wouldn't be true because she knew who the father was and even if he didn't want to be a part of the baby's life, her daughter should know who her father is.

"Ezra Fitz." Aria said as she looked down at the sleeping baby. "Ezra, would have loved you."


Ezra was new to Los Angeles and didn't know many people there. He had recently acquired a teaching job at USC and thought it was the right time to move on. He had stayed in Rosewood even after Aria had left, presumably to have the abortion that she told his mother she was getting. He stayed for the first semester to resume his teaching job at Hollis, but the memories were too much.

Ezra wasn't sure what had drawn him to the galleria tonight but it looked like something fun to do. He was unsure of the owner but the gallery was located in the southern part of LA, a part he would never think to have a gallery as nice as the one he was standing in front of.

Ezra walked into the galleria which was filled with paintings, sculptures, and even some photography. All of the art pieces were very modern and bright. He was usually attracted to more sophisticated things but these works of art weren't half bad.

He looked around at all of the people there. There were only about 20 people there which wasn't a lot but then again it was a small gallery in the wrong side of town. There was an older couple standing in the corner talking to another older couple. Over in the other corner there were about 10 college aged kids that Ezra assumed were here for a class project. The rest of the people were dispersed about the room talking and eating. Then there was a petite brunette in the corner looking at a picture. She was holding a baby that Ezra assumed to be a few months old. She wasn't talking to anybody else her age and seemed to be content in the moment. When she turned to the side Ezra got a look at her face and thought it looked familiar.

Ezra walked closer to the lady and the baby. When he got about 10 feet away the woman turned around and he saw that it was in fact Aria. She turned back around when someone called her name and headed to the back room. Before she turned around and left however Ezra got a good look at the baby. The child had Aria's nose and cute little mouth for sure, but those curls looked exactly like his when he was a baby and the deep blue eyes that ran in the Fitz family. The baby looked at him and smiled and started to coo at Ezra who smiled in return.

"What's got you so happy?" He heard Aria ask as she walked into the other room.

Ezra turned around and almost ran out of the gallery. That couldn't be Aria with a baby because she didn't have it; his mom had told him so. He read the letter she had written him.

"Mom, what are you doing here and where is Aria?" Ezra asked when he got back from getting dinner.

"She left." Diane said from her place on the couch. "She left this for you though. Said it was easier to type something out then it would be to tell you in person." Diane finished and handed Ezra the letter.

"I'm sorry honey. I know you would have loved to have that baby."

"Baby? What baby are you talking about?" Ezra asked in shock.

"You mean she didn't tell you? She's pregnant, said she didn't want the baby, something about being too young. I have to go, love you." Diane told Ezra and got up and kissed him on the cheek before heading out of the apartment.

Ezra couldn't believe it. Aria was pregnant, he had gotten his high school girlfriend pregnant and she didn't want the baby, his baby, their baby. Ezra sat down on the couch and slowly opened the letter.

Dear Ezra,

The time that I have spent with you has been the greatest of my life. You have gotten me through so much and you will never know what you mean to me. I can't have this baby, not now my life is too messed up and we are both too young. Don't worry about it; you won't have to see me anymore. I really do love you and I feel like this is the best for us. Always remember B-26.

Love Always,


Tears were now running down Ezra's face as he read what the girl he loved had written to him. How could she just leave him like that? He would have wanted the baby.


"Aria you have to go to school. I called and they said you could register today. Just take in the slip from your OBGYN saying that you gave birth 2 months ago and they will let you register." Myra said as she sat down on the bed beside of Aria.

"What am I going to do with Lila?"

"I'll watch her. Don't worry about a thing. I can work on my paintings and watch her at the same time, now go." Myra said as she pulled Aria out of bed.

"Fine." Aria grumbled as she went to find something to wear.

Aria decided on some jeans and a t-shirt. She was still shedding baby weight and still self-conscious about her body. She then walked over and picked up an awake Lila and got her changed and fed. When she was done she took Lila downstairs to Myra.

"I have some milk in the refrigerator and she needs to take a nap at 1." Aria said as she stood there still holding Lila.

"Aria, sweetie I know what to do. Now go to school and enjoy yourself."

"I love you baby." Aria said as she kissed Lila on the head and handed her to her grandmother before leaving the room with tears running down her eyes.


"Well, Miss Montgomery it appears as though all of your classes are set up." The advisor told Aria as she got up and handed her schedule to her.

"Thank you so much." Aria said as she walked to her first class. As she walked towards the classroom she saw the name FITZGERALD and smirked.

"I guess the world thinks this is funny." She said under her breathe.

"Ezra, will you ever change your name back?" Aria asked one night as she and Ezra were curled up watching a movie.

"No, I don't want anything to do with my family. When I'm Ezra Fitz I get to be the real me, the Ezra who loves reading and writing. But as soon as I become a Fitzgerald I become rich and everything that my mom wants me to be." Ezra said as he pulled Aria closer.

"So one day I will be a Fitz and not a Fitzgerald." Aria smiled up at him and asked.

"Yes Aria you will be a Fitz." Ezra said as he leaned down and kissed her head.

"Really someone named Fitzgerald, wow." Aria snorted as she walked into the classroom and sat down in the first row and pulled out her notebook and pen. A few minutes later the teacher walked in and set his stuff down on his desk. Aria never looked up until right at the last second, when she met by those piercing blue eyes. Fitzgerald was Ezra Fitz.


Ezra walked into class just on time. Ever since his encounter at the gallery he had not been himself. He had gotten no sleep that weekend and had gotten up late for class this morning and barley made it to class on time.

He put his stuff down on his desk and turned to see the first face in front of him to be none other than that of Aria. His Aria, the love of his life.

A/N: I will be starting school on Monday and I also have another PLL story going on along with a 7th Heaven story so if you can bear with me I promise it will be worth it. Please Read and Review.
