Hey guys sorry i haven't been on in a while...school. Anyways I'm updating today and I hope you like it. There's gonna be more Grace&Nelson and a little more Zacey. Kevin and Molly definitely will...

Molly's pov

I kept crying and crying when I heard the doorbell ring. Grace got up and answered and what a surprise, it was Kevin, the last person I wanted to see. He rushed over to me and kept calling my name trying to get my attention. I simply kept my head down and avoided looking into his eyes. I know what I did to Kevin was terrible, but what he did to me was even worse...

Kacey's pov

I know Molly can be a real bitch sometimes but Kevin should not have done that, and shame on Stevie for taking advantage of him like that. I always knew she liked Kevin, but she's dating Justin, and Justin wouldn't be to happy if he knew about this...

Stevie's pov

What is wrong with me! I know Molly probably told everyone the whole story of me kissing Kevin, and I know Kacey probably thinks I'm a horrible person, but I didn't know what else to do in that situation. I decided to break the silence and tell Molly what really happened...

Stevie: Molly I'm so sorry. I'm the one who kissed Kevin. Kevin didn't kiss me.

Molly: Why?

Stevie: I just wanted him to feel better.

Molly: I know what I did to Kevin was bad but I didn't deserve that. That was just too much, too soon.

Kevin: Molly your right, you didn't deserve that, and I'm so sorry.

Molly: Kevin I just can't believe you would move on so quick.

Kevin: I don't want to move on. I want to be with you. I forgive you for what happened I just want us to have a fresh start, I want us to get back together Molly, please.

Molly: Kevin you may be easy to forgive, but I'm not. I'm sorry I don't want there to be an "us" anymore.

Kevin's pov

After hearing that I wanted to cry my eyes out, but I wasn't a little boy, I couldn't cry to get my forgiveness, I had to be a man and take it like one. I got up and walked out the door heading to my house. I've never been shot before, but having Molly taken out of my life is definitely worse...

Grace's pov

I was so shocked that Molly would really end things between her and Kevin. She could at least give him a chance. Every guy that has walked into Molly's life broke her heart but there's something about Kevin I know is different...

Grace: Really Molly?

Molly: What?

Grace: Kevin was willing to start over fresh and you still reject him.

Molly: Grace I...

Grace: No don't Grace me. You are pushing away a guy that is willing to fight for you no matter what you do to him. You broke his heart at the restaurant and now he broke yours, so it's Karma. I know you may think you didn't deserve that but it's not like you walked in on him and Stevie doing anything else. Stevie even admitted that she kissed Kevin, so what's the problem. Out of all people you probably didn't expect to be with someone like Kevin, but ever since you have I've noticed that you seem happier and happiness is a good thing to have in your life.

Kacey: Wow Grace that was incredible, now that I realize it you're so right. Molly should just forget all the negatives of their relationship and think about the positive. I know Kevin, and he would never break a girl's heart twice.

Molly: Do you really think I should forgive him?

Nelson: He forgave you.

Molly: Ok, I'll go talk to him. I hope you guys are right about this.

Zander: Trust me Kacey is right about everything.

Molly's pov

I decide to take their advice and go find Kevin. I get in my car and start heading down the street when I see Kevin lying on the ground. I pull out and immediately run to him...

Molly: Kevin! Kevin! Are you ok?

Kevin: yeah just laying here.

Molly: Why?

Kevin: I don't know.

Molly: Well get up and get in my car.

Kevin: Why? remember you broke up with me.

Molly: I want to talk to you...

Kevin's pov

I get into Molly's car thinking she's probably gonna tell me "don't worry we can still be friends". But instead she says let's try again...

Kevin: excuse me.

Molly: I want us to try again, but let's leave off from before this relationship started to go downhill.

Kevin: Wha...What made you change you mind?

Molly: I realized that since you came into my life I've been a lot happier and I don't want that to change.

Kevin: Well that's good news.

Molly: (laughing) Yeah I guess it is. But if you ever kiss another girl again I'll cut you.

Kevin: Damn! ok ok.

Molly's pov

I leaned in to kiss him and he met me halfway. We deepened the kiss then slowly pulled apart. I drove back to his house and in my head I thought to myself... yesss! I got my man back!

Grace's pov

I wanted to call Molly and see how everything went but I was to distracted because Nelson kept kissing me on my neck. It was a little embarrassing because Kacey, Zander, and Stevie were here but they didn't seem to mind. After about 45 min of talking and watching T.V everyone left and it was just me and Nelson in the house. We decided to go out to eat at Ruby Tuesday and I decided to call Molly tomorrow. I know she and Kevin have a lot of catching up to do...

Kevin's pov

As soon as Molly and I got to my house I practically threw her on the couch and smashed my lips to hers. She moaned as I slowly rubbed her thigh with my hand. I was so horny and I don't think Molly minds. Or so I thought. She kissed me on my neck a couple of times and then pushed me off. She gave me the look and I just rolled my eyes and got comfortable next to her. She rested her head on my shoulder and I heard her stomach growl...

Kevin: sounds like someone's hungry.

Molly: A little.

Kevin: I would cook for you but I don't feel like it.

Molly: (laughing) thanks a lot.

Kevin: let's go out to eat.

Molly: where?

Kevin: Cheesecake factory.

Molly: I love that place.

Kevin: Then let's go..wait.

Molly: What's wrong.

Kevin: Maybe we should stay here to eat. I mean we just got back together and..

Molly: Kevin if your worried that I'll ditch you if I see someone I know don't. I'll never do that to you again.

Kevin: Ok I want to drive though.

Molly: Whatever you want...

Molly's pov

I wrap my arms around Kevin's waist as we head out the front door to start our brand new relationship. Hopefully everything goes well tonight.

Kacey's pov

Zander and I are at his house lying on his bed. I climb on top of him and he immediately tenses up. I smile because I never knew I could make him so nervous before. I kiss him on the lips and he kisses back he puts his hands on my waist and starts to relax. I realize he is starting to get hard and slowly move off him. He grabs a pillow and looks really embarrassed I push the pillow away and just lay my head on his chest. He rubs my side and I look up at him and tell him we should go out tonight. He says sure and gets off the bed...

Zander: Where to my lady.

Kacey: Olive Garden.

Zander: Well hop on the Zander express.

I laugh as he bends down so I can get on his back. He runs down stairs and grabs his keys off the table. He goes outside locks the door then opens his car. I jump off his back and run to the passenger side. Tonight I didn't want to worry about Kevin and Molly, I had my own man.

Stevie's pov

I pace back and forth in my room waiting for Justin to get here. I sent him a text message 20 minutes ago and he's still not here. I text the others and they're all hanging out with each other. Lucky them because I wish I was anywhere but here right now. I need to talk to Justin about Kevin, he just has to know. Another 15 minutes went by and I decided to leave when the doorbell rang...

Well how was that? I hope you guys liked it. I'll try to update soon again. More Mevin, Zacey, and Grelson in the next chapters and Stevie and Justin will...;)