Hello this is Spotlight here with a Little Story. This story is backed up to several places so that no matter what happens it will be on one place or another. But either way this is my New Story. Naruto The Kitsune Alchemist. In this story during a brutal attack Naruto is put in a near death state and is brought before the gate. The gate offers him the chance to live and also a kekkai genkai long forgotten to the world. All this for his right arm as payment. AS he awakes Ino Finds him and helps him out months later.

"normal talking"

'normal thinking'

"talking to demon in their mind or flashbacks or letters"

'talking to a person through their mind'

"Demon/Truth talking"

'Demon/Truth thinking'

"performing Jutsu"

~~Third Person POV~~

He was running through the streets as he was chased once again on his birthday October 10th. He was only five at the time but as he looked back on it this was the beginning of his new life. Anyway back to the story. As he ran he turned and ran into the red light district. The district of criminals but then he noticed a kunai pass by my head inches from his ear. Picking it up as quickly as he could he held it in a shaky grip. He kept running as he made another turn he was almost free to escape into the forest. But he made a wrong turn and as he backed up against the wall he thought about his last few years and then it came. The ninja stepped forward and began to start their jutsu one of them was writing on a seal paper. An immobility seal of sorts and as they placed it upon him. He found himself unable to move as he was pushed to the ground.

He fell to the ground hard as it took affect the ninja holding up the immobility seal with his chakra. That was until the first strike was given of my soon to be hell. This one was given as the seal was being pumped full of chakra. The blood poured as the slash tore at his skin poison on the blade paralyzing him further. As he felt it he groaned internally as he felt the prickling as the neuro-toxin the blade had on it was taking effect. He screamed out in pain as the man took to hacking at his arms the crowd watching as blood poured out of him.

As the blood hit the ground Naruto was slowly falling into unconsciousness. His eyesight was fading slowly and soon he was gone. His Tennant growled internally as he healed the wounds slowly. But even as he was down the ninja tried to take it one step farther and impaled him where his heart should be thinking he killed him he left as the crowd gathered around and started kicking him. But to no avail as his soul was no longer there in a sense. It was gone to another domain. The one of the being known as Truth the gate keeper

Now as Naruto appeared before truth he turned and took in his surroundings if you could call it that. He was in a white room with nothing besides a gate that stood behind him and a white shaped boy with a slight black aura coming off of his body. And as Naruto looked at him he realized this being was like him relative to then looked as the being began to speak. "Why Hello There and Welcome to my Domain I am Truth" As he spoke he was looking at the being and was confused for a moment before he said "Hello Truth-san Can you tell me why you brought me here. And Where the closest route to Konoha is?" truth laughed as he said "Now that is the question." Naruto Sighed as he looked up and asked "Who are you really?" Truth then smiled a broad and altogether creepy smile as he said. "Why my boy I'm glad you asked that. Now who am I? Who am I? One name you might have for me is the world, or you might call me the universe, or perhaps God, or perhaps the Truth. I am All, and I am One. So, of course, this also means that I am you. Now while normally my job is to bring despair upon those that deserve it for their arrogance I have another plan. You have been tortured by your village for their fear and hate. So I came to give you a gift. This gift isn't free but it will help you in the long run. Now Bye Bye and Welcome to the game. Now let me show you the truth" And with that truth started to laugh again as the gates behind Naruto began to open. And black shadow like limbs passed in front of him before wrapping around his limbs and pulling him in towards the open gate. And within a second he felt knowledge enter his brain compressing and staying there some was knowledge about the countries their history others about various jutsu and clans even fuinjutsu. And finally two subjects he would need Automail and Alchemy. And that is where it ended. And as he appeared before Truth again Truth smiled and said to the panting Blonde "Now what do you think of that?" The blonde sat on his behind and looked as truth smiled at him and the blonde spoke "Wow to think all that happened and I'm the fourths legacy. Why didn't the Sandaime tell me this!" And that's when truth smiled and said "Now here comes the cost look at your arm little one."

And sure enough it was being deconstructed and replaced with a stump both their and in the real world. Soon enough he was left with a bloody stump and truth with his right arm. And that was when two girls and one woman walked upon the alley never knowing that their lives would never be the same again. One was a child with long platinum blond hair pale blue eyes who happened to be wearing a purple dress with white leg wraps. The second was a girl with bubblegum pink hair and was wearing a pink dress with a circle in the middle. The woman didn't come till after the two girls screamed in horror. The woman who's scent had a hint of snake mixed with Dango and red bean soup ran to the sound and froze in horror. She wore a burnt orange skirt with a mesh body suit covered by a pale tan trench coat. Her purple hair was in a pony tail and she stood there frozen until the anbu came moments later. They carried the young blonde to the hospital two walked the two young girls home Anko moved to follow the anbu to the hospital.