Walking into the den, Jane couldn't stop the goofy smile at the sight of his wife entangled in a blanket with a kid on either side. It was a rare Saturday when Lisbon was allowed to indulge in her greatest pleasure. The criminals had been too active lately. They'd both been denied this simple pleasure for longer than he cared to recall. Jane couldn't tear his eyes from the delightful scene.
His highly intelligent daughter was immersed in the newest Disney movie while his son was more interested in picking toe jam from between his toes. Scooping Adam Patrick Jane from the coveted spot his father sidled down on the couch beside his mom plopping his son on his lap. Lisbon turned her face for the expected kiss while her son made disgusting little boy smacking noises.
"I don't think this one is that interested in whatever that is." Jane gestured to the big screened television with one hand while he ruffled his son's golden curls with the other. He wasn't that interested himself though he'd certainly fake it. He'd do anything to keep his girls happy.
"I don't think that one's interested in a whole lot that isn't connected to his toes at the moment." Lisbon agreed.
"You may be right." As disgusting at the thought was, Jane thought she had a valid point there.
Ignoring his wife's pointed glare, Jane propped his feet on the coffee table and settled back to watch the rest of the ridiculous animated movie his girls found so fascinating. He wasn't surprised when his son settled back against his chest and stuck his bare foot straight up in the air. The kid had a one track mind and his mind was on his toes at the moment. Ruffling Adam's hair again, Jane reached down to grasp his wife's hand. Entwining their fingers he silently acknowledged he was a lucky man.
He had a wife he loved more than life itself who mostly returned the favor except when she'd like to kill him herself which wasn't an uncommon occurrence. He had a three year old daughter that looked like a little Lisbon and acted like a little Jane. He had a ten month old son who looked like a baby Jane and acted like a baby Lisbon. God clearly had a sense of humor and it was an incredibly beautiful thing.
The only bittersweet note in their too happy life was the baby Jane train stopped here. Their plans for a quadruple dose of baby Janes had been permanently derailed. There could be no two of each or whatever they'd have gotten in the trying. Bennett and Red John had ended that hope between them. Carrying Davina had not been without incident and her birth had certainly been traumatic. Despite that, Lisbon had seemingly made a full recovery.
That being said, they'd still been prudent in their desire for another child. They'd waited for the go ahead by Lisbon's doctors before trying to conceive another child. That Adam's conception had happened sooner rather than later had surprised everyone. That the pregnancy had been fraught with complications had been unexpected. That mother and child had both nearly died in delivery had been unanticipated given the difficulties they'd overcome. The emergency surgery saving Lisbon's life had ended any hope of more children. Not that either would have been willing to try again.
That Jane wouldn't have a son to carry on the family name and talents ceased to matter. What he did have was a son to carry on the family name and a daughter to continue the family talents. It wasn't exactly as he'd planned; but, it would do in a pinch. Jane would certainly teach his daughter everything he knew. As he was sure his wife would do with their son.
Though he fervently hoped otherwise, Jane wouldn't be surprised if both of their children followed in their parents' footsteps. If they joined the hallowed halls of the CBI with their roles reversed. His son could certainly go far being a man with his mother's intelligence and talents, and his daughter, well, for Davina the sky was the limit. She would be a Jane with a disarmingly attractive Lisbon face and body. He could easily see her sitting in Bertram's chair or higher. While such a thing would please their mother to no end, their father could see them becoming so much more. Like maybe a rocket scientist or President.
Only time would tell.