(This is during the quarry camp thingy. I do not own this devilishly handsome man he is AMC property, damn them and their awesomeness.)

A ford truck pulled into the campgrounds followed by a sedan driven by the cute Korean we all know and love as Glenn, but behind the two vehicles rolled up a street bike driven by a young woman. Daryl was sitting with Merle cleaning game when he saw them, well he had to say the most attention was to the woman who got off the bike with some difficulty he could tell she must be a learner with it. It was a dark green, slim Suzuki one with slick chrome finish she wore a matching helmet and jacket. Her appearance also sent some attention to her. Her bottom half was clad in cotton/spandex shorts while her upper bore a corset that complimented her chest and neck. Merle gave a whistle at the teen's get up.

"Mmm, girls packin' some body idnit it nice ta see a woman that ain't skin and bones?" Merle chuckled to Daryl who only pulled a handful of squirrel guts out in return.

Her brown hair lit up in the sun with natural blonde and orange highlights that melded into her hair making Daryl think of deeps woods in the setting sun. He could tell from where he was sitting that her eyes changed tints from blue to green. When a man and woman got out the truck he could tell that she was their daughter, she resembled the woman almost completely. Of course she was swarmed by members as soon as she got off the bike.

"Hi, what's your name?" Andrea smiled taking her backpack.

"Ray, yours?"

The introductions continued when Ray turned to look the Dixon brothers Daryl stared back with his squint. She smiled and gave a small, excited wave receiving a nod from Daryl who went back to feverishly skinning the animal.

"I wouldn't get too friendly with the Dixon brothers they are on the Stay away from list."

"Why?" her voice was so innocent.

"The older one is a dirty loudmouth pervert and the other is just a short tempered creep."

"Nothing I haven't dealt with before so is there anything I can help with around the camp right now?"

Daryl noticed something about her that set her apart from the others quickly. Ray would work and help with anything that anybody needed a hand with. Jesus before she even got settled in she was already helping Lori carry buckets of water to a bin to wash clothes and dishes, soon she took over the job completely after noticing that Carl needed her.

'Oh ya this gurl gonna be a favorite.' He thought.

After that she helped prepare dinner walking over to Daryl to collect the meat. He handed her the raw animal and she accepted it without a quiver of disgust.

"Thank you."

"Ain't nuthin to thank me bout it's meat." Her civil attitude left him flabbergasted.

"Ya but you cleaned it and killed it by the look of that cross bow."

She was observant he noted that as a characteristic to keep in mind when interacting with her. A breeze brought him her scent making him think again of the woods only this time in the early morning when the sun had just risen and the smell of the night's storm still hung in the air. She smelt of rain and trees with a hint of her own shining sweat.

"It's just hutin'."

"Well good job um, I think your last name is Dixon?"

He nodded, "Ya, I'm Daryl over there is my brother Merle."

"Nice meeting you Daryl Dixon, I'm Ray."

"Ain't that a boys a name?"

"Ya but it's short for Rayna.

He nodded and she walked off taking the scent of clean woods with her. At dinner Daryl made another note that she could take some shit from anyone with a smile on her face. He found this out thanks to Merle. At the time Rayna was sitting in the grass next to the light of the fire surrounded by four different books about survival. She was making notes and sketching things into a small notebook.

"How old are ya cutie pie?" Merle asked the girl.

"Um, sixteen."

"Dang for so young ya got a nice ass on ya, tits ain't too bad neither specially the way ya flaunt em in that get up."

A blush heightened her cheeks but she still kept a polite smile, "Thank you! I will take that as a compliment and as for the get up it's easier than wearing a bra that could break."

Ray went back to documenting things never once getting flustered about Merle's sexist remarks in fact she laughed at a lot of them. It was when she cracked a joke that Daryl couldn't help but crack a smile.

"If a tree falls on a woman does it make a sound?" She asked Daryl.

He shrugged, "Does it?"

"No, the answer is what's a tree doing in the kitchen."

Merle nearly fell off the bench laughing while Daryl smiled back. His brother kept throwing perverted comments at her, he thought Merle was lucky that her parents had retired early. Soon she too got up and wished everyone good night before heading to her sleeping bag in the back of the truck.

A couple weeks later Rayna went on a town run with Glenn and T-dog the group was gone for only a few hours when they got back Daryl was heading to the woods.

"Daryl wait!" Her smooth voice stopped him in his tracks.

He turned to find her jogging towards him holding two bags. One he could tell had bright colors through the plastic the other had something wrapped in it. When she caught up she handed him the wrapped bundle.

"I found these in a sports store they looked like the ones you use."

He unfolded it and sure enough lying in the bag was a quiver of seven Hunter Elite Lite bolts. They looked brand new the orange tails were smooth with no rips and the silver heads were shinning, the black body was glossy with no finger prints. Ray had taken care to make sure the bows were in good condition and with him only having five left he was glad for the gift giving him an even twelve.

He threw the quiver over his shoulder and noticed the other bag, "wha's in there?"

"Candy, want some?" She held open the bag to him.

Daryl looked in and fished out a thing of gummy worms, one of the only happy memories of childhood.


Ray gave him a grin one where she closed her eyes and her cheeks seemed to move up, "No problem."

She skipped off going up to people and offering something from her bag of sweets another odd thing most people keep something good they find to themselves. Daryl watched her give out the candy spotting a thing of Sour punch straws sticking out of her pocket. He smirked at her little secret wondering if she had anymore.

Ray sat staring at Daryl Dixon cleaning and toning his bow. He smoothed the string using an old method of greasing it. All twelve bolts were laying in a straight line in front of him cleaned and perfect. She was biting her thumb nail the intense look in her eyes would burn a hole into a normal person or turn them to stone if they were paying attention. Andrea came up to sit next to her snapping her out of her daze momentarily.

"You look out of it." She handed her a strip of beef jerky.

Ray ripped a piece off with her teeth violently and turned to Andrea, "is it natural to be jealous of an inanimate object."

Now he was running his hands along the bow making sure it had no dents, stroking it his squinting blue eyes giving it all his attention. His finger slipped down the butt of the cross brow then glided over the trigger seeming to tease the weapon. Daryl's eyes shot up for the briefest second and caught her stare as she again viciously ripped the jerky.

"An inanimate object, how could you be jealous of that?"

"Just the way he handles it." She whispered.

Andrea tried to follow her stare trying to look past Daryl refusing to believe it was him Ray was so focused on.

"Who? Handles what?"

Ray shook her head, "Nothing."

That gray sleeveless shirt showed off his side muscles teasingly sweat trails breaking through the dirt showing the tanned skin underneath. When he stood the bow was sat carefully against a stump as he collected the bolts in the quiver. The arrows were laid next to the bow and his handgun was put back in the front waist band of his jeans, yet another weapon of his to be jealous of.

The next day Daryl stumbled back into camp holding his forearm in pain and cussing.

"God damn fuckin snake!"

Rayna looked up shocked that she heard his voice, Daryl's voice break. She jogged over along with a couple others to find a nasty whelp on his arm two small holes proved it was a snake bite. Panic filled the camp not because of Daryl's wellbeing but because he was the only one who ever brought back the fresh meat. Ray pulled out her Survival Journal and flipped to infections seeing a sketch she drew that resembled his arm. No one else was doing anything about it, looked like she would have to try.

"Give me your arm." She demanded.

"What er ya gonna do?"

Those blue eyes were no longer squinted the wideness of them showed her a trickle of fear about losing the arm. Taking a small stiletto knife out of her bodice Ray gave him a reassuring smile.

"It looks like the fangs didn't go deep, the snake must have been young. Just hold still it might hurt but it's better than losing your arm. Someone bring me a bottle of rubbing alcohol."

Glenn and T-Dog ran off to find Dale and get a bottle while Merle for once sat quietly by his brother.

"Wha's the knife for?" His Adam's apple bobbed in uncertainty.

"I'm gonna cut the wound and get the venom out." She popped the knife opened and made a slit on the whelp.

Little blood flowed out but a sickly clear liquid oozed Daryl turned his head away. He could get stabbed, scratched, hit with an arrow, shot but not once had he ever been bit by more than a spider or some wild animal. Ray held his elbow with one hand and took his in her other before placing her lips on the wound and sucking. The bitter taste stung her tongue, she spat a mouthful out on the ground and repeated the process three more times. The whelp was no longer there only the light swelling of the puncture from the fangs and cut. Ray poured the alcohol over it and took a swig herself using it as a mouthwash to make sure she didn't fall victim. Her mother ran up after hearing Glenn tell Dale what was going on, the look on her mother's face told Daryl that he better be damn grateful for her daughter manually sucking out snake venom and possible saving his life.

And he was grateful, the most grateful he had been in a long time. She wrapped his arm placing a cute kiss over the bandage after it was set.

"All better the next time you get bit by a snake I'll make you suck out the stuff which by the way tastes terrible."

He chuckled nodding, "I won't get bit no more."

"Good we can't have our best hunter losing his edge."

"Hey now I din't lose my edge that snake fell outta a tree I was ambushed." Secretly he valued the compliment.

"Mhmm sure, just do the impossible and rest today."

"Ya askin' me ta rest, ya askin' a lot darlin'."

She smirked and bent down with her hands on her knees giving Daryl a pretty good view. Then she held both sides of his head tenderly.

"Well, honey you try to go back in those woods before you feel better I'll go walker on your ass."

Her palms cooled his burning cheeks the soft fingertips massaging his neck and temples with a ghost touch. The leaf eyes kissing his sky ones with kindness but a promise that if he did strain himself she would hurt him.

"Lease I can do is follow yer orders but just fer today."

"Thanks, babe."

Later that night it was Daryl's turn to watch her wondering who the fuck would suck venom out of someone's arm after they already got them some weapons. Not once had she asked for something in return the only thing she wanted was for him to rest in that sweet honey voice of hers that probably tasted like comfort. Merle was now by him elbowing him out of his stare.

"That gurl sucked the venom pretty good, wonder how many other wonders she could do with that mouth a hers."

"Shut up." He snapped, could his brother show a little thankfulness to someone who saved his life?

"Gettin' antsy with er are we?"

He ignored this and eventually Merle got up walking away his seat was replaced by Ray.

"Is your arm doing ok?"

"Ya, lil' sore."

"That's expected, um listen I was wondering if I could come with you on your hunt tomorrow the group could use some extra food. I know a lot of edible plants."

He pondered this for a moment she could walk quietly, had almost snuck up on him a few times while she was gathering firewood.

"Sure kid I'll take ya as long as your mama's ok with it."

"Thank you!"

To his surprise she didn't move just sat there quietly staring into the fire. An ocean drift had brought some cool air into the camp ground causing her to wear the leather bike jacket.

"How long ya been ridin' yer bike?" The curiosity was getting the best of him.

"I only started riding it about a month ago, I don't even know how to drive a stick shift. But the bike can be maneuvered and lifted if need be."

"Ya can't drive a stick? Damn gurl what's wrong with you?"

"I've never been taught."

"It ain't hard if we go on a run together I'll show ya."


Ray turned to him smiling seeming to wait for something.

"What?" Her stare was becoming a little too much.

"Keep talking I love your accent and voice."

"Not much of a talker."

God he was gorgeous and she had touched that face today, she had helped him. Her palms were still burning from his heat she memorized the feel of his scruff that only made him sexier. The way the muscles in his face flinched as he gave her a small smile at the threat. Ray could see past that 'I 'on't give a fuck' exterior the other group members may not look past his brother and cold attitude but she could tell he cared. If he didn't he would have left already to survive on his own which would be a hell of a lot easier on him than having to try and feed the group.

"How long have you been using a bow I've seen you with it and saying that you're a pro is an understatement."

There it was a blush rising to his cheeks, "you serious or you just like kissin ass?"

"I'm dead serious I've seen a lot of other people using them since this started and I mean a lot but you're the only one that can hit things so perfectly."

"Started shootin' when I was ten, shot an arrow straight threw my foot the first time."

"How do you manage that?" she giggled.

Daryl told the story of how he had let go of the string by accident and the old bolt shot through his boot and lodged it's self in his foot. Merle had to hold him down while his dad got it out.

"After he got it outta my foot old man threw it back at me and said to try and shoot somethin' that ain't dead yet. Still got the scar."

"What other weapons can you handle?"

It started with handguns, shot guns, a few melee weapons but Daryl didn't notice until the middle of the conversation when he brought out his hunting knife from his belt that he noticed how much he was talking to her. Ray was listening too, hanging on his words asking small questions here and there but overall just listening to him ramble on about weapons. Longest conversation he ever had with someone at camp it wasn't as exhausting as he thought it would be especially since she didn't pester.

"Good fer cleanin' game specially with the broad blade. Yer lil' one's better suited fer fish maybe squirrels." Daryl ran his finger along the blade's edge.

She took her's out and popped it open the tiny knife seeming insignificant compared his large one.

"It's called a stiletto used by mob members," here she gently brought it across his torso, "it can easily slip in and out of ribs also good for eye sockets."

"Yer not as sweet n' innocent as ya let up to be are ya?" As much as he hated to admit it that thing she did with the knife turned him on to no end.

"Well, for the innocent part that's true being sweet is in my nature but I am no damsel in distress that isn't willing to kill a walker."

"You killed walker before?"

"Ya, first walker I killed I had to use a stick. Did you know that it is extremely hard to shove a dull stick through someone's ear cause it is."

That earned her a chuckle as he reminisced his first walker kill, "I killed my first with a screwdriver."

"So you're handy with a screwdriver too?"

"Ya could say that."

People were starting to look at the pair wondering what could make Daryl smirk like that and talk continuously. Ray noticed this thinking that it was time to cut the conversation and end the snooping.

"I should head for the sleeping bag, Good night Daryl, sweet dreams." She ran a hand down his arm trailing her fingertips along every single one of the muscles.

As she walked away she brought the hand up to her mouth and licked a few of the tips that had traced him. His eyes followed her to the back of the truck before he got up and headed to his tent.

Breakfast was uneventful until Ray's mother approached him while he was off from everyone waiting for Rayna.

"From what I've heard of you around camp you're reliable she can take care of herself for the most part but don't let her get out of earshot."

"I'll try not to ma'am." Daryl may be a redneck but he knew the manners to use around a protective mother.

Ray came up behind her mother wearing the corset and shorts with a holster around one thigh what looked to be a 9mm with a silencer on it. She hugged her mother and followed Daryl into the woods. A few hours in Daryl got some squirrels while Ray was able to find some herbs, wild onions, blackberries, and walnuts. He was aiming for another squirrel when she grabbed his arm to keep him from shooting. He turned his head to yell at her when he saw she was pointing to something. Following her finger he saw something that turned his anger to salvation. Standing fifty feet away and eating grass was a large buck his head turned from them. Daryl pulled her behind a tree aiming the cross bro for the spot his head would come up, he had one shot to get this thing. The antlers lifted as the deer turned its head, this was the shot. Without any hesitation the bolt released and the deer fell with it in his throat.

"Nice shot, but how are we getting it to camp?"

"We gotta gut it here that'll take bout ten pounds off." Daryl cut the deer lifting it apart by the ribcage, "pull the innards out if ya can, be careful with the stomach."

The smell was unnerving but Ray stuck her arms in and started pulling things out. Blood covered her arms up to the elbow drips settling on her thighs. Daryl was smeared with it from trying to wipe sweat off his forehead. The heat was getting to both of them and they still had to get it to camp.

"Not bad, here take the back put it over yer shoulder."

Ray did as she was told kneeling down and lifting the back legs of the buck to put it over her shoulder Daryl took the other end by the neck. The walk back was quick once they entered others helped with the deer and Merle went to work skinning it. Leaving Daryl with seven squirrels to skin luckily Ray was interested in helping.

"Can I help you clean the game?"

"Sure, yer already covered 'n blood might as well get some more."

He showed her how to gut them, skin them, and get the good meat off. She caught on quickly and soon had two squirrels done. Daryl hooked his knife into the animal's chest bringing out the small heart on the tip. He plucked the small organ off and held it between his pointer and thumb shooting a quick glance at Ray.

"'Ere, hearts the best part." He held it out to her.

Ray tilted her head leaning in to take it she wrapped her tongue around the heart licking his thumb as she brought it to her mouth. After chewing for a few seconds her faced scrunched up but she swallowed.

"Oh, wow that's, that's got a taste to it."

Daryl chuckled, "yer face was messed up."

Ray dipped her finger in the squirrels blood and swiped it across his cheek sticking her tongue out, "now your's is messed up."

"Ya got some balls kid I'll give ya that but ya got somethin' right there." He pointed as if she had something on her face but instead brought a red streak across her nose.

Ray wiped her hand down his arm, "here ya go that all belongs to you."

Reaching into the gut bucket Daryl grabbed a handful and chucked it at her the innards splattered the side of her head and torso. What seemed to be intestines were sticking to her hair she could feel something squishy seep between her breasts in the corset.

"You did not just do that."

"What, cain't take a lil' guts?"

Picking up the small bowl she was using for guts Ray stood to walk in front of Daryl and opened his shirt pouring the contents through the opening. Daryl didn't flinch he gave a cocky smile smashing a stomach on her head. She scooped the stuff off her head and smacked it onto his blood running down his face. The two continued this eventually breaking down to laughter.

"Ay! Why 'on't you two stop grab assin' over there and help me!" Merle yelled cutting off pieces of meat from the deer.

They started cutting when Ray's mother found her and dragged her away.

"You look like a walker! Good god come on I'll take you to the house so you can get cleaned up."

"Bye Dixon's." she waved.

Later on Daryl could see her cleaned up wearing a plaid summer dress with buttons going down the middle. Her hair was down for once drying in the breeze as she chopped onions up to caramelize and meat to sear in a large pot she had acquired. He himself was now shirtless and scrubbing off the squirrel bits in a small metal tub using soap he found shoved in the bottom of his bag. Without the dirt on his skin he felt vulnerable.

While the onions caramelized Rayna watched him scrub off everything. The water dripping down his back and shoulders, she couldn't tell where the scars were from where she was but she sensed they were there. Daryl dunked his head in and pulled it back out the water on his face illuminating his blue eyes. A towel was picked up and drug across his body; first the arms, the shoulders, some of the back but when he came to his chest the towel was carefully used. Being sure to get in the dips of the collar bone going down to swipe off water from pecs, every ab cleaned from blood, sweat and dirt. Then it went further following the two muscle lines that led to sinful regions until it hit the top of his jeans. Ray knew if she hadn't had her mouth closed drool would have leaked out the corner. Suddenly Andrea was poking her cheek.

"Hmm, what? Did you say something?"

"Ya, the onions and meat look done did you want me to put this water in?"

"Oh, ya go for it."

"You find something interesting over there?"


Andrea quirked and eyebrow, "Are you staring at Daryl?"

"Uh, no of course not."

She gave ray a skeptical look but dumped in the water and walked away. Ray went back to staring disappointed that Daryl had put on his red flannel shirt. The water was starting to boil so she added the herbs along with some salt and pepper. The smell of soup filled the camp as people lined up to get a small bowl. Daryl wanted some but seeing that there was only a little he went with a few strips of jerky and some canned fruit. Syrup was running down his chin when a bowl was held out to him by Ray.

"Do you want my bowl? I ate some while I was making it."

"Hell ya."

He accepted the food taking spoonful after spoonful, it was good. Ray was sitting next to him again picking out fruit from his can. She leaned over suddenly inhaling deeply to get his scent.

"You smell really good."

"Ya sure I still 'on't smell like squirrel?"

"Yes." She laughed, "do I still smell like squirrel?"

Daryl leaned close his nose touching her hair she could feel his breath against her skin. The scene looked intimate and in truth it was both thinking what they wanted. In Ray's mind she wanted to see him shirtless again already undressing him with her eyes while Daryl wanted to take out his knife and pop those buttons off one by one.

"Nah, no squirrel jus' rain n' trees."

"I smell like the woods?"

He nodded, "Mhmm, after a rainstorm."

She smiled at him running her fingers through her hair and moving it from her shoulder. Daryl picked a strand up feeling its softness before it slipped from him.

"Where are you from? The accent says somewhere south."

"Georgia lived near Atlanta with Merle."

"And I'm guessing you hunted for a living."

"yup, trackin's easy too."

A nice conversation about their lives before the apocalypse ensued only to be interrupted by Merle getting into it with T-Dog. Daryl was ignoring it until merle started waving his gun around.

"Hold on, hun." He sighed getting up and taking Merle's gun.

"Ye can't do this ta me." Merle complained in his drunk slur .

After he was safely in his tent Daryl walked back and plopped down next her making their knees and arms brush from the closeness.

"Why's he such a dumbass, gonna get himself killed."

"I don't know why you stay here you could survive so easily out there by yourself."

"Safer bein' in a group."


He got a little closer now barely any space was between them, "I ain't never talked so much in my life barely even had a conversation with anyone."

"I can't see why you're a really good person to talk to and your voice, ugh I can sit here and listen to you talk all night."

"Shoot gurl ya got a way a gettin' on someone's good side."

"So I'm on your good side?"

"I ain't sayin that." But the smirk on his face told her otherwise.

From then on almost every night they talked about a lot of things eventually getting into a touchy subject about their personal lives. It was a day where a few new arrivals came in one of them being a bad mouthed teenage brat named Mark who became best friends with Merle. Ray had been fighting the kid off all day happy when she finally sat by Daryl and Mark stalked off frightened by Daryl's glare.

"God I hate that guy trying to grab my ass all day."

"People 'ave accidents in the woods all the time, baby girl, that boy don't seem too familiar with 'em either." He winked.

"Thanks babe but I'm not sure your brother wouldn't appreciate us killing his drinking buddy."

"Eh, Merle ain't never cared bout anyone."

Little did they know someone had been watching them through their many talks, Ray's mother. Her father waved it off as a way of blocking the outside world. But her mother still felt antsy about her daughter spending almost every morning and night with a thirty four year old (like everyone else I don't know his exact age :p). By what the others said about him he was cold and mean. She even saw him act this way with a few people but her daughter seemed to be a favorite. Talking to her daughter about it proved useless Rayna would just smile and say that he was a good person to talk with and she was a little frightened by Daryl so talking to him was out of the question. Rick was her last option he still acted like a sheriff which gave off a reassuring sense of security.

"Rick, I'm concerned with something."

"What is it?"

"My daughter has been spending a lot of time with Daryl lately it just makes me nervous."

"Are you filing a complaint?" Evidence that he was still clinging to his job.

"No, I just, just need some reassurance that I shouldn't worry."

It was the truth she didn't want to blow this out of the water but needed some clarity. Rick smiled patting her on the shoulder.

"Daryl may not seem like it but he's a good guy I wouldn't worry about it."

"Thanks Rick." That made her feel better, if Rick trusted the guy than he couldn't be that bad.

Daryl fell to lie on his back looking up at the clear sky, with all the lights gone the stars shone with more clarity than he ever seen near a city. Reaching up he grabbed the tails of lace that fell from the back of Ray's corset pulling her down next to him. She let out a small squeak but laughed once her back hit the ground.

"Ya can see mars tonight." He pointed to a small reddish dot in the sky.

"That is so cool, look there's Hercules."

The three small dots in a vertical line told her the knife along his belt following this she could make out the warrior in the sky. Daryl pointed out how to use the stars if you were lost while Ray showed him formations and Zodiac signs. Soon however a firefly caught her eye as she ran after it leaving Daryl to chuckle and watch her. Ray came back cupping something in her hands she collapsed on her knees by his side as he sat up.

"Act like a five year old chasin' 'round glowin' bugs."

"But they're pretty, see?"

Her she opened her hands and pointed towards the field, sure enough hundreds blinked in the moonlight.

"Sure they are doll." He laid back down putting his hands behind his head.

Ray stared at him her eyes moving all over his body trying to think of what it looked like below the belt.

"Why ya gotta fuckin' stare at me all the time?"

He thought his harshness would through her but it didn't, "I'm undressing you with me eyes and you rudely interrupted me."

"Damn, yer minds dirtier than I thought, ya don't seem like a slut though."

Here she laughed, "I'm a virgin actually, losing it is a phobia of mine."

"So ya ain't done nuthin'?"

"Well, I've played around but no one's ever- never mind." She shook her head a blush coming to her cheeks.

"What, no one's ever what?"

Ray sighed, "No one's ever made me, come."

"Poor lil' thing had to please yer self." He teased.

"Oh, yes it's terrible." Ray rolled her eyes at him, "what about you, did you have any good relationships or are you more of a one night stand kinda guy?"

"Never seen any reason in relationships."

"I don't see the point in them anymore."

Here Daryl scoffed at her shaking his head, "Yer young still, ya just need a man stead a them boys."

"I never liked bad boys but I've always had low standards in relationships. I mean the biggest thing someone could ever do for me is randomly bring me a flower, no special occasion. Sounds cheesy I know."

"Nah, it's what I expected from ya, only you'd want somethin' so innocent n' sweet stead a these uppity bitches that cain't take care a em' selves."

Ray resumed her spot next to his body looking back up at the sky. Their shoulders and arms pressed against each other in a shy attempt at contact her fingers lying on the back of his wrist in a ghost touch. Daryl turned his arm over letting her fingers brush the inside the touch snaking its way over his palm he closed his eyes savoring the feel.

"Ray! Come here!" Amy yelled to her from the other fire.

"Good night Daryl. I'll see you tomorrow." Her fingers laced with his for a few seconds before she got up and walked over to the group of women around the fire.

Lori, Andrea, Amy, and a few others were sitting on the makeshift benches beckoning her over. She sat between the sisters waiting to know what they wanted.

"We haven't talked to you for a while, what have you been doing?"

"Huntin' with Daryl mostly."

"Not just hunting you are constantly with him."

"No, I ain't," Ray paused thinking about what she had just said, "did I just ain't?"

Andrea laughed, "Yes! You're turning into a mini Daryl!"

"Really?" She said it with an excited face which Amy scolded.

"That's not a good thing."

"Why, he's awesome."

The sisters rolled their eyes at her before Andrea gave a small laugh.

"Shane is the amazing one, ugh he's so attractive."

Ray seemed to be the only one that caught the dark look in Lori's eyes as she said it before the other women agreed on the man.

"Glen's a cutie too but I think the new guy that came in is the most attractive."

This was argued about for a few minutes as the top two most attractive men in the group were picked. A tie between Shane and Rick Lori being congratulated on for getting such a handsome husband.

"Well, Ray, you're the tie breaker who's the most attractive in the camp?"

At that moment ray turned her head meeting Daryl's blue eyes from across the camp, he gave her smile and she returned it turning back to the girls.

"Neither, no offense Lori Rick is very handsome but not the most attractive. Shane, I don't trust him he creeps me out."

"Then who?"

"Daryl." She said with a smirk.

That brought an uproar to the circle with remarks like 'he's a creep!', 'the redneck?', 'that guys ugly!'. Ray wasn't expecting such a negative response to this, Daryl was so attractive EVERYTHING about Daryl was attractive to her. She would make them see this.

"Wait, wait! Ok let me explain my reasons."

"Please do."

"Daryl's reliable, if you think about it he hates everyone equally, the only thing he's hooked on is hunting which is beneficial, next to Merle he's got the best set of survival skills I've ever seen, and not to mention he is sexy. If you would listen to him when he talks you'd realize that he is polite, Daryl is one of our biggest assets and he's such a good person."

"I still Shane's the most attractive." Andrea argued not even listening to her reasons.

The night wore on mostly with men as the subject Ray got tired and made her way to the truck. While zipping in she remembered that instead of going hunting with Daryl she would be going on a run with the talk of the night, Shane, and Glen. That cute little Asian was her best friend being the only one close to her age besides Amy, the new guy, and the kids.

The run went on with only a few hitches in the plan one including Shane and Ray getting locked in a very small gas station closet making her miss Daryl more. Glen eventually got them out and the three headed back to camp with a nice bag of supplies. After Ray distributed the items she was standing alone looking out at the quarry with a small smile when she felt something soft be placed behind her ear. Taking the object away she noticed it was a lily, the five large petals were white within and a dark fuchsia on the edges. She turned looking for the culprit already knowing who she would see, Daryl was walking away but turned his head back and gave her a lopsided grin. Ray wore the lily in her hair using the hairband of her ponytail getting compliments on it as they asked where she got it. The only answer they got was a simple 'I just found it.' Later on however she made an effort to thank Daryl for the flower.

"Thank you for the lily it's gorgeous."

"No problem, doll."

As the days wore on Ray got more and more worn out from hunting/gathering, patrol, going on runs, and dealing with idiots. One day she snapped under pressure thanks to Mark who had been poking at her all day.

"Oh, come one we gotta stick together."

"Look bro, I'm really tired today and not in the mood so please go try to fuck Amy she's a lot prettier than I am."

When he grabbed her ass she turned and shoved him to the ground placing a foot on his neck. Leaning down to come inches from his face Ray growled at him.

"You touch me again you douche bag I'll tie you to a tree and watch the walkers rip you apart."

"Crazy bitch get off me, fine I'll leave you alone."

Ray took her foot off and walked away finding Daryl in front of her with a look of concerned.

"Hi, Daryl." She smiled with a forced sweet voice.

But as she walked away he noticed the tenseness in her step he recognized that type of tenseness. The type you get when you haven't released in a while. Thinking about where she slept, out in the open not in a tent he thought that she never got a chance to. Later that night Daryl decided to confront her about it trying to be as gentle as possible he placed a hand on her lower back. It backfired on him completely a fist twisted around connecting with his bottom lip and jaw. He staggered ending up on his ass as blood spilled from his lip.

"Oh my god Daryl! I'm so sorry! I thought you were Mark." Ray was wrapped around his waist helping him up.

True pain was written on her face as she looked up at him wiping the blood that ran down his chin away one arm still around him.

"Tha's my gurl." Daryl smirked bringing his own arm around her.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don' worry bout it, it ain't yer fault. Come on need ta talk ta ya."

Ray obeyed walking with Daryl as he led her to his tent that was set apart from the others along with Merle's, who was drinking with the other campers. The sky was dark now stars' beginning to appear when he unzipped the fold and pushed her in making sure no one was watching. Inside it was warm she could make out the shape of his cross bow and bolts lying on the floor so she took a seat on his sleeping bag.

"What do you need?" She whispered.

"It ain't what I need, it's wha' you need."

"I don't know what-"

"When's the last time ya got off."

Blushing Ray looked down playing with the zipper of his bag, "since before I came here."

"I can tell, yer so jumpy, let me help ya."

Taking her shoulders Daryl forced her to lie down before getting up moving to sit next to her. Ray tried to sit up excitement and fear growing in her stomach but a broad hand came to her chest pushing her back down.

"Daryl you don't have to."

"It ain't jus fer you." His mouth was against her hair pulling the elastic band off and releasing the strands blood dripped from his chin and landed on her cheek.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm a help ya."

His fingers slipped under the waistband of her shorts and underwear her thighs glued together suddenly.

"Come on, trust me."

The muscles loosened and he was able to push them apart slipping his hand all the way in. He brushed the slit gently before pushing a finger in feeling heat and a little wetness he pressed down on the hardening pearl. Her breath and hips hitched as his finger moved flicking the pleasure bulb from side to side. God, his calloused hands felt too damn good on her Ray loved the feeling of him touching her, a lot more than she thought she would. His finger moved down playing in her growing wetness Daryl could feel her muscles loosening around him while he was getting stiffer. Sweat broke out against her skin she didn't really know where she was anymore a haze was clouding her mind from the most needed petting. It didn't take long before she gave way to a gentle spasm letting out a shaky sigh. Daryl really didn't want to move his hand but she pulled it out and wiped it off on her jeans with a blush.

"Ew." She stated.

"Maybe I wan'ed to keep that."

Ray said nothing only sat up leaning on her shoulder wanting to go lay down in her sleeping bag. But she remembered a rule from the old world that kept her from leaving.

"I know the rule."

He raised an eyebrow, "wha' rule?"

"The return policy."

Daryl chuckled putting a hand across his erection to hide it, "Well baby gurl I din't expect ya ta give nothin' in return. So don' worry bout it."

"What, what if I want to."

"Do I got a choice?"

She shook her head with an evil smirk, "No."

"Then have at it."

His shirt was scrapped off of him and tossed hands fondling his torso as her tongue licked up the blood from his lip and chin. Daryl pushed his jeans down to mid-thigh Ray hesitated with her hand on his stomach before reaching down. Thin fingers wrapped around the hard member pumping with fast strokes. Daryl felt his self-control fly out the window when his hips bucked up with a growl.

"More." he grunted a searing heat spreading in his groin.

She complied sinking down and giving his head a quick swipe with her tongue licking up pre-cum and creating circles. Another grunt and buck making her giggle, she never knew that Daryl could be so impatient. After the combined pleasure of sucking and stroking he grabbed her hair exploding with a deep roar. Ray came up with a smirk eyeing the man that was now lying on the sleeping bag with an arm over his eyes breathing heavily.

"You ok there Dixon?"

"I ain't done that in long time."

Ray pulled the flap of the sleeping bag over him and zipped it up giving his forehead a quick peck. She turned around heading out the tent when Daryl grabbed her arm yanking her back.

"Wha' the hell ya thank yer doin?"

"I thought you'd want to sleep alone."

"Jus' cuz ya ain't had a decent man don' mean ya know em' all." He pulled into the sleeping bag wrapping his leg and arm over her.

"You sure you're not just a cuddler?" she chuckled.

"Shut up n' go a sleep, baby."

She said nothing more only buried her face in the crook of his neck as he fell into one of the deepest sleeps since the walkers started. The deep sleep was interrupted by Merle yanking the zipper down and poking his head in jabbing Daryl but looked surprised when Ray's head popped up with his.

"Look's like we had ourselves a fun night huh baby brother. I gotta say I'm a lil hurt ya didn't let me in on it."

"Sorry to tell you Merle but nothing like that happened." Ray smiled sitting up and adjusting her corset.

"Sure it din't well lil' lady best be headin' on over ta yer mama."

But Daryl growled and pulled her back down to the sleeping bag waving Merle away.

"Babe, she's probably looking for me."

"Ya can wait a few more minutes."

Merle rolled his eyes and walked away leaving the two to enjoy the last few minutes of darkness.

Yes I am that big of a bitch to end it there XD well any who please review it is most appreciated and maybe just maybe if someone gives me an idea I shall write a sequel or something.

It is not how we fight, it is what we fight for,

Even if you lose your mind