Disclaimer: How I wish this was mine. Everything belongs to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter one:

Jacob's POV:

I angrily slammed the door of Bella's truck. I just couldn't believe it. Everything was so perfect between us and now there's a filthy bloodsucker back in town to ruin everything. I looked at the doctor's car, wondering if it was himself or another leech. Was it Bella's leech coming back? I knew that he only had to blink two times to get her back in his arms. The girl that's supposed to be in my arms. I just wanted to run, get my mind off all this. Just before I was going to phase, I started thinking. What if it wasn't a Cullen? What if it was redhead? I kept telling myself that it was none of my business anymore, but I couldn't convince myself. I had to go back and see if everything was ok.

I walked into the house as I recognized the sweet sent, but it wasn't as awful as it was supposed to be. I heard Bella's voice and another voice I had never heard before. I stopped walking when I heard their conversation, they were talking about me…

"Bella, what is that God awful wet dog smell?" I wanted to growl but I continued listening.

"um...that's probably me. Or...it's Jacob." I love it, I love the way Bella says my name.

"Jacob who?" Jacob aka your worst nightmare, leech.

"Jacob's kind of a werewolf." Bet you didn't saw that coming.

"Ugh! Bella! Werewolf's are not good company to keep!"

Enough. I walked into the room and saw them sitting on the couch. Bella and one of the female Cullens. She was about 5'1 and she had short ,black hair. This must be Bella's pixie BFF who can see the future. Bella had told me about her and her favorite hobby: dressing up Bella Barbie.

"Speak for yourself." I said. I was just about to say everything that was on my mind, but then she turned around and looked me in the eyes.

It's like, gravity. Your whole center shifts. Suddenly it's not the earth holding you here. You would do anything, be anything she needs. A friend, a brother, a protector.

I kept staring into her eyes and saw them changing. She was staring, but not at me anymore, she started at nothing as if she was somewhere else. I heard Bella saying: "Alice! What do you see?" Alice flinched and looked worried and then really mad. "What's going on Alice, what did you saw?!" Bella asked nervously. I THINK YOU SHOULD ASK HIM!" Alice yelled and pointed at me. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME, DOG?!". Bella looked confused. "Alice! Jake, what's going on?"
That was the moment I realized what happened. I wanted to explain everything but I just couldn't. "I… I… just… I think I just…" I stuttered. "STOP STUTTERING, MUTT. EXPLAIN WHY MY FUTURE DISSAPEARD THE SECOND I LOOKED INTO YOUR EYES." She continued. I asked myself I she knew she's really adorable when she's mad… Wait, what did I just…? How could this happen. I'm a shape shifter, a wolf, a protector. She's a leech, a vampire, a filthy bloodsucker. "Alice, calm down. Jake, I'll give you three seconds…"
"I think I just… imprinted on Alice…" I said embarrassed.
"Well stop it dog. I don't want to be your imprint, I'm with Jasper, for God's sake."
I smiled sarcastically, "Believe me, if I had a choice I would never imprint on a bloodsu- … on a vampire. I can't stop it either."
"So… so does this means you guys are a couple now? Do you love each other, like love at the first sight or? How is…" I realized I haven't told Bella about imprinting. "It's more than some crush Bella. Imprinting on someone is like, when you see her, everything changes. All of the sudden it's not gravity holding you to the planet, it's her." I stopped to look at Alice, who stared at her feet. "Nothing else matters. You would do anything, be anything for her."
"Does every member of the pack imprint?"
"They said it doesn't happen a lot, but I'm the fifth now. Sam was the first one of the pack. He imprinted on Emily. Jared imprinted on a girl named Kim, Paul imprinted on… Rachel." Bella looked up and said: "Rachel as in, your sister Rachel?". I growled. "yes, my sister. Oh and Quil imprinted on Claire, a two years old girl."
"What? A two years old girl? Wow, I'm not gonna judge on age differences but this is…"
I rolled my eyes. "Bella, like I said, it's not like a crush. Imprinting means you're everything SHE needs you to be. That can be a lover, but it also can be a friend, a protector or a brother." Finally, Alice looked up. "So that means you're my new best friend? Since I don't need a protector, have two brothers and a lover. I can agree with that, I always wanted a dog!" I sighed of relief because she at least wasn't mad anymore, but then I started thinking about what she just said. Ofcourse I'd rather be her friend instead of her lover, but I couldn't lie to myself. I felt nothing when I looked at Bella, but when I looked at Alice… I saw everything I wanted to be mine forever. Alice noticed how my cheeks were turning red as I looked at the ground. "Dog, is there something you'd like to tell me?" she whispered. This maybe wasn't the right time to explain all my feelings so I decided to let it go and act like were just at the friend-phase. Then again she stared into nothing again and I knew why, she had another vision. I thought it might be about us because I just decided to keep it for myself, but then she looked really worried to Bella. At that moment the phone next to me rung. "Swan Residence." I answered. When I heard his voice everything inside me got mad. He was the one who did this to Bella. And I might not be in love with her anymore, she's still my best friend and the one I always loved and still love. "Jacob, where's Charlie." He asked again. "He's not here right now. He's arranging a funeral." I told him, and hung up the phone. Bella looked confused. "Who was that, Jake?" I got really angry again. He left Bella here unprotected, depressed. "Bella, step back." I said, I knew this might and badly. I got angrier and angrier, but then I felt two cold hands on my face. "Shhh Jake, calm down boy, calm down." Her touch, her hands on my face. It was like jumping in a pool at 30 degrees. Like watching the sunset. I felt like a little child on Christmas. Everything was perfect. Yeah, it was perfect until she said: "Bella, it was Edward! He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here." Bella looked shocked and then angry. "Why would you…? Why didn't you let me speak to him?!" she yelled at me.
"He didn't ask for you."
"I don't care!" she said, almost in tears.
"Bella, he's going to the Volturi… he wants to die too!" Alice said.

A/N : Woohoo cliffhanger. No it's not since you already know what is going to happen, BUT not from Alice's POV :) So yeah, I hope you liked it. This is my first fanfic so please don't be rude c: Reviews are more than welcome! I will update very soon.