Hi guys, i know i shouldn't be starting a new story when i should be concentrating on 'Confessions in Paris' but i have soo many ideas it's unreal. I've already written 4 and a half chapters on this one, and two chapters on ANOTHER but i am so stuck on 'Confessions in Paris' i have a quarter of the next one written but i just am running low on ideas for that one but don't worry, my friend is now unofficially beta-ing all my story's and she's helping me with a lot of these but she hasn't made an account yet but any harry potter fan's should check it out when she does, i'll write it in an A/N when she does.
So anyways, this is something that was inspired by jfine's 'What If' and i loved it so go check it out :)
I disclaim NCIS. :'(
Survival Of The Flirtiest
Ziva strolled into the bullpen as the silver doors parted, allowing her to exit the elevator. As she approached her desk she noticed, unsurprisingly she was the first one in yet again. What was different that morning was the fact that she knew or rather accepted the fact that Gibbs would not be there. For the past two months she had been in denial, hoping that their fearless leader would walk out of the elevator and tell them to grab their gear or head slap them into the next year for believing that he actually retired, but after 2 months of wishful thinking and longing for his return she had finally given up hope.
Ziva placed her SIG in the top left drawer of her desk and set her bag down on the floor beside her before sitting down, booting up her computer and starting her usual morning internet surfing.
After around 15 minutes, more agents started to show up for work and the office was now filled with the sounds of keyboards typing, phones ringing and printers and fax machines being used.
Agent Lee, or Michelle, as Ziva had taken to calling her after she had gotten to know the young agent better, was the second member of the team to arrive.
"Hi Ziva" she smiled. At first, when Michelle joined the team, she had been awkward around Ziva and scared as well, after all Ziva was an assassin and could kill her quite easily and discreetly but after a few weeks she started to ease up and found that she and Ziva got along fine although that was after Ziva seemingly read her mind and assured her that she wouldn't kill her.
Although Ziva really missed Gibbs and how the team used to be, she really did like the extra female company. Yes, Abby was there but she only got to see her maybe a few times per day as she was down in the lab and although they were finally getting along, since Gibbs left she had been particularly snappy at times, even towards McGee who was supposedly her bestfriend.
"Hi Michelle" Ziva replied back with a smile of her own. After a few minutes of comfortable silence between the two, Ziva's cell phone started to buzz in her coat pocket before it started to chime.
"David" she said as she answered the phone.
"Shalom Ziva" the woman on the other end said.
"Elaina?! Boker tov!" Ziva grinned widely.
"Ken, Boker tov Ziva ,although it is not morning here anymore Ziva" Elaina chuckled.
Ziva laughed as well remembering that there was around an 8 hour time difference between DC and Israel. She covered the mouth piece of the phone.
"I will be back" she whispered to Michelle before getting up and walking out of the bullpen to have the phone call in a more private setting.
Michelle nodded in understanding before focusing her attention back on what she was doing on her computer.
Around 5 minutes later she saw, from the corner of her eye, Ziva approach the bullpen then sit down at her desk.
"A friend from Israel?" Michelle inquired about her phone call from earlier turning her head in the direction of Ziva although not taking her eyes off of the screen engrossed on whatever was on it.
"what?" an unknown voice asked.
Michelle looked up and saw that the person sitting in Ziva's seat was definitely not Ziva. In place was a woman with straight, brown hair that went down to just above her elbow with a side fringe that was pushed to the right side of her face. Her eyes were hazel and were outlined by her thick, long lashes.
Both women eyed each other curiously.
"Can I help you?" Ziva asked noticing the mysterious woman sitting at her desk.
Both Michelle and the woman were startled having not noticed the Israeli arrive. They both looked at Ziva as she patiently waited for the woman to answer.
"Who are you-," the woman started, looking at Michelle before turning to look at Ziva, "-and who are you?"
"Should we not be asking you that question?" Ziva asked raising her eyebrows and tilting her head slightly.
"No. Now where's Gibbs?" the woman stated plainly.
"Not here. He retired. And if you are not going to tell me who you are will you at least tell me why you are sitting at my desk?" Ziva asked a little frustrated.
"Your desk?" the brunette scoffed at Ziva.
"Yes! My desk" Ziva's eyes narrowed, and she stepped closer to the woman as she stood up.
"Where's Gibbs?" she asked again as she stepped dangerously closer to the Israeli.
The elevator dinged and McGee stepped out followed by their old senior field agent now the new team leader,Tony. As McGee approached the bullpen he saw Ziva squared up to a woman, who had her back to him, and Ziva looked like she wanted to rip her throat out. He caught the tail end of their conversation.
"He. Is. Not. Here!" Ziva said through gritted teeth, " I have already told you that!"
The woman shook her head in defiance.
McGee rounded the divider and turned to look at the brave and also foolish woman who was facing up to the assassin. He stopped dead in his tracks and his jaw hit the floor. Tony hadn't noticed the younger agent stop and crashed into him.
'Geeze probie! You almost made me spill my coffee!" he said annoyed.
"Uh-um-boss?" Michelle squeaked timidly.
"what?" Tony asked walking up to her desk.
"wait a minute...did she just say boss?!" the woman who was facing Ziva asked before stepping back and looking over at Tony confused, "what the HECK is going on here and where in Gods name is Gibbs?!"
Tony turned and for the first time noticed the woman standing there. His eyes widened and his coffee cup slipped out of his grip and crashed to the floor spilling its contents everywhere.
Soooo? What do you think? I know it's pretty short but i'll update with the second chapter later tonight because i'm going on holiday's tomorrow afternoon so the third may possibly be posted before i leave...
review and tell me what you thought?