So everyone's been taking part of Percy Jackson Ship week. For those of you who don't know, it was started by Burdge-bug on Deviantart. Basically, there is one ship in the spotlight every week until MOA is released. This week is Clarisse and Chris. Here is a full list by the amazing HecateA:
August 6-August 13: Grover and Juniper.
August 13-August 20: Clarisse and Chris.
August 20-August 27: Silena and Charles.
September 3-September 10: Thalia and Luke.
September 10-September 17: Hazel and Frank.
September 17-September 24: Piper and Jason / Reyna and Jason (optional)
September 24-October 1: Percy and Annabeth.
Disclaimer: I don't own Clarisse La Rue. Or the rest of the characters. Rick Riordan owns all.
Clarisse La Rue was…
Clarisse sighed as she showed the new Ares camper around. Giving camp tours were one of the many extra duties of a senior counselor. Personally, she thought the little newbies could figure out their own way around camp. Sure, they'd run into a dragon or two a couple of times-but hey, no pain, no gain.
Heavy on the pain.
"So who's in charge of this place?" The kid asked as they passed the Ares cabin. One of her brothers- probably Mark, Clarisse didn't keep track- was nailing spikes onto the door.
"I am."
"But you're just a girl!"
He had some nerve. "No. I'm a girl with her fist up your snotty little face."
"That plan's not going to work." Clarisse said. Annabeth looked up from the maps.
"What do you mean?"
"The monsters are expecting us there. Head on attack is not going to work. We'll have to ambush them from the sides. That's the only way we can win this thing."
"She's right." Malcolm said.
"Of course I'm right, punk!"
Drew Tanaka strutted up to Clarisse after the meeting. "Hon, that new haircut does not flatter your face shape."
"Drew, if you don't stop giving me unwanted fashion advice, you're gonna get a new face shape! And I don't think it's gonna be flattered by any haircut."
Drew was unperturbed. "That huge chunk of hair missing from the left side, really doesn't work for you. What salon did you go to?"
"'Cause I totally found time to go to a salon while I was on a freaking quest."
"Clarisse, my dear, I'm sorry this ever happened."
Clarisse looked up at Chiron, blinking back tears. "I'm not. He's back from Kronos's side, and that's all that matters to me."
"Child, I'm not sure we can help him."
"You'll be eating your words once he's recovered. I'm not letting go."
Clarisse slipped her hand into Chris's as they stared into the orange flames of the camp fire.
He looked at her. "How'd you know I wasn't going to be insane forever."
"I didn't. I just kept holding on."
Review, por favor!