Title: Survival of the Fittest

Genre: Drama and Romance
Rating: T for detailed action sequences and situations, and some heavy language

Description: When a plane heading for LAX is delayed, fifteen passengers are forced to board a red-eye flight instead. Thousands of feet in the air, and hundreds of miles off course, the plane malfunctions and crashes on a mysterious island; with its creatures and illusions threatening the lives of the disaster's survivors...six diverse teenagers, and one lunatic who's obsessed with coconut milk.

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious or Lost.

A/N: This idea came to me when I was getting ready for work this morning. I remember Dan posting a video of the cast answering who they would eat first if stranded on a deserted island...most answered Leon Thomas, haha! Anyway, I'm also a huge fan of Lost, so a lot of what happens in this story will sort of relate back to that...as that show is pure genius. Also, the gang doesn't know each other yet, but DON'T LET THAT PUSH YOU AWAY! Their personalities will all be the same; they just have to meet each other! And it's Bade! :)

The smell is what wakes her up.

What the hell?

Her eyes feel as if they are glued shut, and she struggles to open them in the slightest. She succeeds at squinting, allowing enough light to shine in her face to realize that she's not where she remembers being. The ground beneath her is soft; it curves perfectly with her body, and she knows something isn't right.

Then there's the smell again. The aroma of...burning flesh?

What the fuck?

It takes every ounce of strength within her to adjust to the new found light and sit up. She goes slowly, but it's more than enough to cause a sharp pain to shoot up her side. Wincing intensely, her eyes squeeze shut tightly and her arm immediately finds its way to the sore spot on her ribs.

She's pulled out of her agony by a ear-piercing scream, which sets off alarms in her head; thus allowing her eyes to fully open, and giving her a full and understanding view of her surroundings.

Still grasping her left ribs, her jaw drops when she comes to realize that there is a mass amount of jungle within walking distance.

Another scream.

She turns her head over her right shoulder to avoid more discomfort from her injury, inspecting the scene before her. Her eyes are suddenly as wide as they can possibly go as she watches a woman within ten feet of her rolling frantically across the sand.

She cringes, desperately fighting the urge to vomit.

Her shock has her incapable of moving. She feels useless, witnessing a woman burning to death from head to toe. The woman's skin is literally frying, sizzling, and slowly wasting away as the time ticks on. Every second passing is just another moment closer to her death.

She wants – no, needs – to look at anything but the helpless woman screaming bloody murder, but it all ends too quickly. The woman's screams fade into a hoarse whisper, and her thrashing body comes to an abrupt stop. She has breathed her final breath, and is now gone.

And this time, the teenager turns to her left, away from the corpse, and no longer resists the urge to vomit. She empties her stomach's contents into the white sand, reprimanding herself for being such a sissy.

Now she has to leave, because the scent of her once digested food mixed with the lifeless body next to her is becoming too much to handle. She rests her hands behind her and braces her weight onto them in order to stand up. The job is painful, but she gets it done in no time.

It's when she turns around that almost causes to collapse all over again.

The plane is sitting in the sand, on fire, in pieces, and ready to explode and take the lives of the others she sees running across the beach quickly.

She forgets how to breathe for a moment, as air hitches in her throat and makes her cough hysterically. Her first exchange is to place one combat boot in front of the other, surveying the unfolding situation at hand. As she saunters around scraps of metal and other debris, she notices another figure lying in the middle of the rubble.

She's tiny, red-headed, and definitely not breathing.

"Shit," the taller teenage girl mutters, falling to her knees in front of the other victim. She scolds herself internally as her ribs uncomfortably disagree with the action, but instincts kick in and she lays her head on the smaller girl's chest.

There's a heartbeat, but it's slow and faint. And all she knows about CPR is what she 'learned' in health class of sophomore year. So, she replaces her hands where her head just was and steadily attempts to bring the stranger back to life. "Dammit," she screams when her version of CPR seems to be failing.

"Move!" she hears from her right side, and is unexpectedly pushed from her position to topple over into the sand.

"What the fuck?!" she exclaims incredulously, now looking at, yet, another teenager girl giving mouth-to-mouth to the red-head. "Who are you?"

The rude intruder releases air into the motionless girl before answering, "I'm Tori Vega, certified lifeguard. I know what I'm doing." She then begins correctly pounding the chest area with her hands, grunting while doing so.

Tension is lifted when the tiny teen girl opens her eyes to reveal healthy, brown pupils. She sputters and a cough, finally receiving air into her lungs, and brings a hand to her forehead.

Tori Vega speaks up, gesturing to the jungle. "I'm going to take her to the shade. Want me to call you if something happens again? What's your name?"

A skeptical look is given her way. "What's it to ya?"

"In case I have to get you... I'll just call your name."

There's a pregnant pause before the answer. "Jade."

Vega rises to her feet and carefully picks up the small girl – who's breathing, but looks worn out – bridal style and marches toward the large mass of trees.

Jade huffs out a large breath of relief and feels her shoulders relax just the tiniest amount. She almost obtains peace, until she's interrupted by the shouting of a male's voice.

"Hey!" he calls, and she looks to her left. "Yeah, you! I need a hand; this guy is seriously injured!"

Jade rolls her eyes – yes, even in this sort of situation, she gets annoyed with anyone – and stomps her boots through the sand over to where the teenage boy is standing. He looks about her age, with long brown hair and darker skin.

Granted, everyone's skin is darker than Jade's. She's rational, and knows that she could be on the island for a while…but she'll never get any shade darker than pale.

This newest survivor she's encountering with hovers over another teenage boy with curly hair and glasses. He's moaning loudly and rolling his head left and right, trying to fight the pain he is experiencing. Jade takes in his demeanor, seeing the issue.

His whole left thigh is drenched in blood, and there's a gash as long as a foot running from the top of his knee to his groin.

"He's losing blood fast," the long-haired boy informs, squatting down to examine the wound closely.

"Well, what do you expect me to do about? Call an ambulance?" Jade retorts haughtily. "I don't know if you've noticed, but we're on a fucking island, Sherlock!"

He peers up at her through thick lashes and actually chuckles. "Just help me put him on that piece of metal over there and then we'll carry him to the shade by Tori."

Tori? How does he know Tori?

Did they exchange 'hellos' when the plane was plummeting to the ground?

But, for once in her life, Jade does as she's told and hoists the curly-haired boy onto a scrap of metal with the strangely attractive guy who she's just taken interest in. They each grab a side of the makeshift table and carry it toward the direction of Tori and the red-headed girl, much to the protests of the injured teen on the metal.

Jade had to admit, his cut was pretty wicked cool.

When they set the damaged piece of airplane onto the hardened dirt, she brushes her hands on her black skinny jeans. And when she looks up, she watches more people scramble around the beach for protection, or even hope.

Then she's hit with the actuality of their situation.

What the hell is happening?

A/N: So, what'd you think? It will get a lot better once I get into it! Jade will most like be the protagonist since it's easiest to write her. If you've ever watched Lost, I am going to do background stories and points of views of the crash for all the characters, but I have to introduce them first!

Please leave feedback! I would like 10 reviews before I update again… And I know that seems like a lot, but I really want to make sure this story will take off before I spend time on it…make sense? But more than 10 is ALWAYS welcome! ;) ;) ;)

Also, check out my other Victorious one-shots if you get the chance!

Please review!

Thanks so much!
