Prompt 1 Anon: I read your fan fiction checking in! I was wondering if you could do one shot smut of a married Chord and Amber where they have a argument and they have angry sex! please please please please please please please please please! lol. I have asked this to other authors but they haven't done it yet. So I figured maybe you will!
Ms. Pissy Pants and Mr. Unbelievableby Yinx1
The excessive foot tapping was getting to him as was the you know what you did and why aren't you apologizinglooks she was giving him. His eyes flicked up at her, gripping the fork tighter, he began stabbing at his mash potatoes.
"I'm not going to apologize so you might as well take that know it all lookoff your face, Amber," Chord sneered at her from across the kitchen table.
Amber sucked in her cheeks. She had been giving him the silent treatment for the past three hours, which was his worst pet peeve with her. She had learned that on their honeymoon when he had taken one too many sleeping sea sickness pills, and had locked her out of their room for fifteen hours. She smiled smartly knowing he was growing more and more irritated with each passing minute. He had started to talk to her again something about how petty she had been with him.
She wanted to tell him to shove it where the sun don't sun shine but that would involve talking and he needed to suffer a little bit more. Chord continued and Amber went back to her meal casting him dirty looks so often which made his voice rise higher and higher until it became a squeak.
"Damnit Amber! Stop it with the eye rolling!" He yelled at her, his voice that of Catholic choir boy. "Will you just talk for once, I know you just love doing that, opening your mouth and bitterness just flying out." Amber growled as her eyes narrowed. She grabbed her plate and headed for the sink. Chord got up as well beating her there. He met her glare with one of his own, "Tough luck go use the one in the bathroom," placing his plate in the deep stainless steel country sink.
"I was here first," Amber blurted out pushing at his side trying to get to the sink.
Chord turned on the water, "Uh, you plate's still in your hands, Ms. Pissy Pants."
"Well, you can wash both," she slipped her plate into the water he was making then turned leaving him. "The couch is yours for the night or however long it takes you to say you're sor...CHORD!" She screamed feeling water splatter her back. Amber turned back around only to be met with a spray to the face and chest. She spit out a spurt of tap water wiping her eyes as her mascara began to run. She charged him only to stop when he hosed her again.
Chord held the sink sprayer in from of him for protection. "Thought you needed a cool down," he smirked as he sprayed her chest again the water soaking through revealing a black laced see-through bra. He cleared his throat as his jeans started to tighten. He saw tears form in her eyes, Amber turned on her heels heading for their bedroom. "Amber, wait…" Chord called out. He shut off the water, hurrying after her, making it to the door just in time. "Amber, stop it…"he grunted pushing to open the door as she pushed to close it.
"You're sleeping on the couch, Chord Overstreet, you don't need to get in here!"
Chord rolled his eyes, "I need to change clothes!" Amber backed way quickly causing him to fall in. "UGH! You are unbelievable, you know that!" he scrambled up to his feet.
Amber ignored him taking off her blouse and throwing it at his head; he caught it mid-air. "I'm unbelievable take a look in the mirror!" She hissed at him while unzipping her skirt.
He let out a snort tossing her wet shirt in to the hamper, "I know, you told me that last night," he smirked taking a pair of sweats from the dresser drawer.
"Glad you enjoyed it 'cause it's going to have to last you a long time, Chord Overstreet." Amber stepped out of the skirt revealing cheeky black laced underwear.
Chord swallowed hard as the threat took its affect. "What?!" He moved walking her backwards toward the walk pining her there. "Don't make empty threats, Amber." His eyes traveled over her curves and his manhood started to press uncomfortably against the back of his zipper.
"I don't," she crossed her arms, "If you won't apologized then I can withhold…easily," she smirked up at him, "How about you"?
Chord blinked knowing he could barely go a day without having her whether it's a quickie in their morning shower or multi-rounds at night. She had him by the balls with this threat, literally.
Amber cupped his member through his jeans watching as he tried to resist but he was already half way to a full blown erection. "Poor little Drummer Boy," she sassed unzipping the jeans and slipping her hand in.
Chord groaned as he tried to count his way down from the high she was giving him. "Stop, Amber."
Rolling her eyes she pushed him away, "Whatever, get your clothes and go."
"I told you, I'm not sleeping on the couch!" He pulling off his shirt and jeans then walked to the bed. "You can sleep there if you're so fond of it!" Chord covered himself up and turned off the light basking them in darkness. He waited for her to come to bed, but saw the hall light and her silhouette leaving the room. "FINE, BE THAT WAY!" He yelled at the closed door.
Sighing he moved to her side of the bed at least he could cuddle with her pillow. Nope. He tossed and turned realizing it was futile especially with a hard-on. Chord tried to go to sleep for the better part of half an hour but it was no use. Being married for five years he was used to his sleeping arrangements and her not being there was cutting into his much needed rest. He got out of bed and walked into the living room, Amber wasn't there. He tried the guest room finding her sleeping curves lain out on the high post bed; he went over.
Amber woke up to her husband poking her butt with his finger. "The hell do you want"? She asked sitting up.
Chord gestured to his member, "You started it…"
Amber scoffed before turning over pulling the covers up to her ear. "So you and your hand can finish it. Now get out!" She felt her join her on the bed. "Chord…" she hissed turning over to scold him more when his mouth captured hers. She moaned softly as his teeth scrapped her bottom lip. "No! I'm still mad at you!" she broke the kiss.
"So what…" he growled pushing her firmly but gently to her back and moving over her. "I'm still mad at you!" Chord's lips crushed hers. He felt her small fists hit his chest until they stopped and her legs opened. Pulling her underwear aside, he knelt between her thighs and slipped two fingers inside her.
Amber's back automatically arched as her hips responded to the thrusts. She broke the kiss to cry out, getting her wet was never much of a chore. Her legs began to shake as her orgasm neared. Chord removed his fingers and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her up on his thighs. He slipped his member out through the opening in his briefs.
"Chord, no I don't like this position," she gasped feeling him enter her.
He started thrusting as he smirked up at her, "Tough," placing a hand at her nap he brought her lips down for another kiss.
Amber whimpered trying to push off him, her legs were shaking uncontrollably and her toes curled. She gripped his shoulders; her head fell back with a loud scream as she came. It wasn't not that she didn't like the position, she love it actually. But this way he could be deeper inside her, which made her cum sooner and more often than she wanted too.
She placed her face at the crook of his neck, her body shook, but he didn't stop his pace. Chord tightened his grip at her lower waist as he pulled the cup of her bra down capturing a nipple into mouth, feeling her come again. He groaned feeling his own release coming soon; Chord grinded her hips harder against him. Placing his face at the base of her neck her he snipped the sensitive skin leaving a mark in its wake as his lips traveled up to meet hers. Their tongue intertwining as they breathed through their noses not wanting to let the other go.
Chord felt her walls constrict, squeezing him until he cried out her name and released himself deep inside her. The couple stared at each other panting heavily. Chord leaned in, kissing her softly.
"Sorry about your shoes," he whispered softly stroking her cheek with his knuckles.
"It's okay, Chord, you just owe me a new pair." Amber moved off him lying back down on the bed. "A hundred and forty bucks, pay up, Mister," she held up her hand smiling at him.
He gawked at her wide-eyed in shock, "A hundred and forty bucks for shoes!" Chord laid down beside her pulling her close against him. "Only one shoe stepped in Harley's poop."
Amber pinch his shoulder playfully, "I wouldn't have stepped in it if you picked shit up. Besides they don't sell just one shoe, they come in pairs."
Chord huffed, "Can I just promise to eat you out everyday...and we'll call it even."
She kissed his cheek, snuggling closer to him, "You do that already, Chordy."
The End.
A/N:Hope this is was somewhat of what you wanted. :)