Chapter 5:

Cam was sitting at one of the desks in the stargazer's club room; he'd gone back to the school to grab something from his locker when he saw the hockey team go into the rink. Why? He wasn't sure but he just brushed it aside and decided to take a look around his new club. It was dark, so he used his phone to look around, and that's when he heard the front doors burst open and before he knew it there was someone in the room. "Hello?" he said, the dark figure startled ran out of the room and down the hall, "wait" he called out, and ran after the figure.

Maya ran harder then she had in her life. With the person behind her telling her to stop and wait, she knew it was Luke or Owen and she didn't understand why. She turned the corner and hid behind the wall, ready to punch the person chasing after her. She heard the figure stop and with all her might she gave him the old 1, 2! "Ow!" the person said "God!" she knew that voice, she knew that jacket, it was Cam! "Oh my gosh!" she said "I am so sorry Cam" I thought you were Luke or Owen" she said wiping his now bloody nose with her sleeve. "Now why would you think I was Luke or Owen?" he asked. She explained to him everything that had happened that night. From her dream, to leaving the house, to even ending up at the rink/school. He chuckled "Look Maya they aren't going to hurt you" he said reassuring her "I won't let them anyways and besides why would Luke wanna hurt someone as gorgeous as you?" that made her blush, but then she saw them. Coming closer….and closer, "Cam" she said "Don't turn around" he was confused for a second until he felt 2 pairs of eyes on him. "Hey Rookie" Owen said "Why are you here?" Cam got up slowly, holding maya's hand in his "I forgot something in my locker and decided to come get it. Why are you two here?" he questioned "Oh we were just looking for pancake" Luke said looking at Maya. "Why?" Cam asked his fist balled ready to swing. "We wanted to….talk to her about something, about you actually" Luke replied with a smile, before anyone could react Cam punched him in the face. He staggered back and Owen whispered "Go before he really hurts you" to Cam and he grabbed Maya and they quickly out the doors, into the parking lot and to the Dot. Out of breath they went inside, flopping down on one of the couches. "This has been one of the weirdest slash doesn't feel real kind of nights" Maya said. Cam chuckled "Well Maya, that's because it's not" she looked puzzled "You're dreaming" and when he uttered those words, She awoke, in her bed.