Cam & Maya

The Untold Story after the French Test Incident:


Maya sat on her bed thinking about everything that had gone on that day. How could I have been so stupid" she thought texting during a French test! Out of frustration she got up from her bed and grabbed her cello. She sat down on her desk chair and began practicing a song for her band "WhisperHug" At first it was quiet but then she let all of her emotion go into it and started playing the strings more fiercely and each time she did she felt all her anger and sadness disappear which calmed her. Once she was done she heard a light knock on her bedroom door. She jumped a little and turned ever so slightly to see that Campbell Saunders was standing in her doorway "HEY" he said with a small smile "You're uh sister let me in" Maya was speechless how did he even know where I lived? She thought. Next thing she knew Campbell was slipping off his backpack and putting her cello and bow safely on the floor before kneeling on the ground so that he was eye level with her.

"Look Maya, I thought about what you said the other day" he started "I was nervous too….I just didn't…I wanted you to…" he trailed off and the next thing she knew were his lips crushed hers. Her first kiss, it was like in one of those movies where you see the guy and the girl kiss and everything is good. He pulled back and she had this huge grin on her face, as he smiled shyly back, he got up off the floor and sat on her bed. She picked up her cello and bow and put it safely back into its case. "So" she said and sat next to him with her legs crossed "Where does that leave us" she said with shy slight smile.

He looked into her eyes and smiled "Well…" he began "I was hoping that maybe we could hang out after school one day and this time your sister is not allowed to chaperone" he finished. Maya laughed and fell back onto her bed as did Cam. He took her hand in his and caressed her cheek. "My Maya" he whispered, she smiled and sat up on her bed deciding that it was time to finish her French homework. "Okay" she said "How about this, we finish out French homework and then go hang out?" He chuckled "Sure, but one thing" he said looking into her eyes and pecking on the cheek quickly. Maya blushed and began focusing on her French.

Once they we're finished all their homework they told Katie that they we're going for a walk to the ice rink and would be back by 9pm that night. It was kind of chilly seeing as though it was October but still had that fresh smell. Maya and Cam fell instep together. "So, where would you like to go" Maya asked feeling the butterflies from her stomach burn her cheeks as she shivered from the slight breeze. "Well, I know this awesome little place in the park or we could go to the ice rink" Cam suggested with a shy but sweet half crooked smile. She thought for a moment finally she decided they would go to the rink! Maya had never skated before in her life so this was something that she was willing to try if she had Cam with her. The cool evening breeze was just enough to make Maya shiver again. "Here" Cam said taking off his jacket and placing it around her shoulders "Thanks, but you don't have too" She said smiling. "Oh well I'm ok with it really, its partially yours anyways" he said looking down at his feet blushing. She looked at him a little confused but then quickly realized what he meant "Well thank you but I don't want my superstar to get sick" she said trying to give it back to him. He wouldn't take it. "Trust me M, even if I get sick I'll still be able to play hockey" He said. She smiled widely before they got to the ice rink.

Once inside, Cam flicked on only the rink lights. (Imagine it as a spotlight) He grabbed Maya's hand and they quickly took off their shoes and he tied his and her skates up. "I have to be honest with you Cam" she said "I've only skated once" her cheeks getting a little rouge tint to them. He flashed a heartwarming smile "Don't worry M, I'll catch you if you fall and I won't let you fall" she squeezed his hand in hers and they went onto the ice. Maya felt wobbly at first but once Cam had shown her she got the hang of it pretty quickly. She didn't even fall. (This was a good thingJ) They skated for what seemed like hours. Racing, gliding, hold hands! They were the only one's on the rink…or so they thought….

