Potion Catastrophe

Chapter 30

The Epilogue

8 Years Later

Draco let out a soft sigh as he stood there on platform watching the three oldest getting a look at the bright shiny red train. The Hogwarts Express. The train that would take them to their next chapter in their lives.

"They grew up to fast." Draco said as felt pair of arms wrap around him. "That they did." Harry said as he rested his chin on Draco's shoulder.

"But we will be there for them. Seeing as how you two teach there now." Severus said from the side of Draco.

The end of the war had taken place at Hogwarts. Voldemort had been tired of waiting for Harry to come out of hiding. So he forced him by attacking the school. He had still hoped in still stealing one of his kids. That plan never panned out.

During the battle Voldemort had shot the Killing Curse at Harry. Yes Harry had died from it and was tempted to stay dead. He got to see his parents and Sirius again. But they reminded him of his life he had on Earth. Of his family that still needed him and loved him. So saying goodbye to his parents and godfather Harry came back.

Once Neville had killed Nagini Voldemort was mortal again. That gave Harry the chance to kill the monster. It had been hard fought duel but Harry had won in the end.

There had been many death on both sides of the war. Dumbledore was one of the many on their side. Both leaders, leader of the light and the leader of dark, had died on that day.

All Death Eaters that were still alive and caught were in Azkaban for life or had been given the kiss. There were a few still out there but Harry wasn't worried about them. Then there were the Malfoys.

Lucius had been able to pay for his and wife's freedom again. But the name had been dragged throw the mud and didn't hold the same power it once did.

The Snapes were still living in the same house that the first three were born in. But now all knew where it was and they had friends come over all the time.

Harry and Draco each had two more kids.

Harry next child was a girl named Aurora Rose Snape. She was nine now. She had light brown hair with Severus' eyes but the rest came from Harry. She even acted like him.

Harry then had another boy named Alexander Nathaniel Snape. He looked and acted like Severus and he was eight years old now.

Draco had two girls. The first one was name Tenshi Marie Snape. She looked like Draco but acted like Harry. Draco had always loved that name for angel. Yes he knew he was going against tradition but didn't care. She was eight as well.

He's second one was named Sarah Elizabeth. She looked like Severus with the Malfoy's blond hair. She was only three years old.

As the three oldest got on the train Draco let out another sigh. What started as a way to prove something to Severus turned out to give him the family he never knew he wanted. A huge family with two great men that he loved and loved him back.

"Come on. We need to get to Hogwarts." Severus said. "You, Harry, need to be there to receive the first years as they get off the boats. While me and Draco sit at the table." Severus said.

Severus was the new Headmaster. He had taken over when McGonagall step down a few years back. Harry was the new head of Gryffindor and taught Deafened Against the Dark Arts. Draco was head of Slytherin and taught Potions. They got someone else to be the Transfiguration professor.

"Any guess where they will be placed?" Harry asked as they got ready to leave.

"Phoenix will be a Slytherin just like I was. Chris and Mike not sure. Gryfiddor more than likely." Draco said before they Apparated away.

Remus and Hermione had said they would watch the younger ones while everyone got settle in. Those two were mates and married for going on six years now and had a little boy named Jason Remus Lupin. He looked just like Remus but luckily enough he wasn't a werewolf like Remus was.

Yes life was good for the three of them and all their friends and family. And with any luck would continue to be so for many more years to come.


A/N There is the last chapter to this story. I am sad it has come to an end but it was a fun story to write. I hope you all liked this ending.

On another note I am writing another Yugioh story. I do have plans for another Harry Potter story but not sure when I will get around to writing it.

Hope to see you all with my other stories.
