Oh, hi, it's me again! Just some sweet bonding fluff. Rated K+ because Jason is a terrible potty mouth. I don't know why but I always have to make Jason say something that means it can't be just plain old K anymore.

Anyway, enjoy!

"Oh my gosh, what is that," says Stephanie, crowding forward, "Oh Em Gee, it's adorable!

Damian just glares at her and hunches his shoulders and moves away. "Nothing. Go away."

"Dami found a little bird out on patrol," says Dick, coming out of the showers. His hair is still wet, but he's got a pair of pants on. "Don't know what kind, though. The wing looks broken. You should've seen him – he found it halfway through patrol and went through the rest of the night sheltering it, while fighting off criminals. It was amazing."

"Shut up," Damian says, but he brings the little bird forward so that Steph can see it clearly. She squeals and immediately leans over the little ball of fluff. It's sort of brown and speckled, darker on the top, and it makes a small, high-pitched sound that has to have been made from distilled cuteness. Its right wing is held at a slightly awkward angle, looking broken.

"Oh my gosh, so cute!"

"What is?" asks Tim as he comes in. He's got his helmet off and peering curiously at the little bird in Damian's hand. Damian pulls his hand away slightly, but then lets Tim see.

"Damian caught a little bird while out on patrol," says Stephanie.

"Hm." Tim peers at the bird, and then he tilts his head back and starts to laugh. Dick and Stephanie look at him, and Damian gives him a death glare.

"What's so funny?" Damian says, hunching protectively over the little bird and pulling it away.

Tim switches from a laugh to an amused smile. "Nothing," he says, "You've just caught a juvenile robin, Robin."

There's a snort from the other side of the cave, and all four of them turn to look towards the sound. Dick grins very slightly.

"Why am I not surprised?" Jason says, pulling off his mask. "Baby Bird's got a baby bird. Let's see it."

Damian glares at Jason, but he doesn't pull away this time. "I've told you not to call me that, Todd, and if I hear you call me a baby again, you will be eating through a straw for the next three months."

"Just doing my civic duty as a big brother, Dame," he says, inspecting the bird. Tim leans away from him ever so slightly. Jason ignores the motion and instead looks down at the robin. "Yeah, looks like that wing is pretty much done for. You should've let nature take its course, kid. No way it'll ever fly with that kind of damage."

Stephanie has this horrified look on her face. "You mean, like, let some cat get to it? Are you kidding me? How can you say that about something that adorable?"

Jason just gives her a very level, dry look. "You can't possibly mean that, can you? You punch thugs senseless every night. You can't possibly be that innocent."

"Contrary to your example, Jason," Dick says, "Some vigilantes do have a heart for innocent little critters. I think it was sweet of Damian, and we'll be able to give it a good home, until its wing recovers."

Damian glares at Dick half-heartedly. "I'm not sweet," he insists, but no one is really paying attention to him.

"That thing will be dead by the end of the week," Jason declares, "I bet you fifty dollars."

"You're on," says Tim. Jason just rolls his eyes.

"You don't need fifty dollars, kid," he says, "You're practically a billionaire in your own right."

"So bet something else then," says Dick, "Come one Dami, Steph, let's see if Alfred can rustle up a shoebox and an old towel." He heads upstairs, tossing aside his towel and pulling on a shirt. The two both follow him, Stephanie cooing quietly and Damian still protectively cradling the bird.

Leaving Tim and Jason to stand there watching each other and calculating.

"Okay," says Tim finally, "How about I bet the use of the Redbird for a week and you bet the helicopter?"

"Deal," says Jason.

The handshake isn't so much a sign of good faith as it is a game of chicken.