Hey guys, Lunamon810 here! First of all, this in NO WAY replaces Digimon: The Crest of Trust. I'm sorta using this to get all the...comedy out 'cause of the serious-ish scenes coming up. And I'm back at school. Which is good, 'cause I need EMOTION to write, like my cousin and a lot of other people. xD Anyway, I know this is like...the most random thing I've ever came up with, but you know...Woo! xD It's probably not gonna be too long of a story, but yeah. Anyway. I probably got some facts wrong here or there, but who cares? xD

Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptors/Cardcaptor Sakura or Ouran High School Host Club.

Sakura Avalon took a breath and put her hand on the door handle to the 3rd Music Room in the Ouran Highschool. She'd recently gotten transfered there due to her dad getting a job transfer he'd be on for a long time. She was pretty depressed not having Madison, Rita, Nikki, and Chelsea around. She had the cards in her bag and the key around her neck, tucked inside her dress, for the sake of familurity, despite the fact it'd been 3 years since she'd captured the Void, which became the Hope, making her now 15. She opened the door, and the smell of roses filled her nose.

Seven boys stood dressed in kimonos, and the room seemed to be decked out in Japanese festival items. Sakura furrowed her eyebrows, deeply confused on what was going on. She blushed as she was suddenly approched by a handsom tall blonde one who caressed her cheak and spoke only a few inches from her face, and as he spoke her cheaks got an even darker shade of pink.

"Hello my lovely blossom, welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club." Sakura was left speachless, shocked. She was beyond confused as she was shown around the room, introduced to each of the 'hosts'. The one who'd first spoken with blonde hair was Tamaki, the little looking one with blonde hair was Honey-Sempi, the twins were Kaoru and Hikarou, although she couldn't remember who was who for the life of her, the dead quiet one was Mori, and the very intelligent one who constantly pushed up his glasses was Kyoya. Then the intelligent brown haired one was Haruhi.

"And who might you be?" Tamaki asked. "I haven't seen you here before."

"M-me?" Sakura asked. "Oh, I'm Sakura Avalon. I transfered here yesterday."

"Oh that's right, you're the new girl in our class, I believe Haruhi's too." one of the twins said, the one with his hair parted to the left.

"Uhh...Yeah...Kaoru?" she guessed.

"Yep!" he said.

"Yeah, he parts his hair to the left." Hikaru said.

"And he parts his hair to the right." Kaoru said.

"Uh-huh..." Sakura said with a small nod.

"And who would you like to be your host today my darling?" Tamaki asked.

"Uh...umm..." Sakura said, her eyes scanning the different hosts.

"Oh come on you know you want us as your hosts." The twins said in unison.

"Uh, okay." Sakura said nodding.

She was led over to a set of couches and chairs where other girls drolled over the twins, and Sakura sat, her mind on Li the entire time. She pulled her key out and rubbed it to keep in touch with her inner self, feeling so different here. She closed her eyes and sighed, and an image of the Twin Card drifted through her head, and she smiled and opened her eyes. But when she opened them, she saw the twins staring at her.

"Uh...cool necklace." Kaoru said. "Where'd you get it?"

"What, oh, this?" Sakura said, her mind automaticly panicing. "Oh, my best friend from where I used to live made it for me. She's really good with making outfits and stuff."

"What was her name?" the girl sitting next to her asked.

"Oh, Madison Taylor."

"Taylor? Does her mother own a big toy company?"

"I think so yeah."

"Oh, well that's pretty cool you know her then."

Sakura nodded, and the twins got back to 'hosting'. She smiled through it, although she got fairly annoyed at the 'awws' from the other girls. And she found herself extreamily shocked to find the twins were...in love with each other. But the other girls ate it right up, so she just smiled. Once the hosting was over, she bolted out of the room and at the end of school, she was quickly to her apartment, where she was alone, since her dad was at work and Tori was in Tomoeda, in collage now. She picked up her cell phone and called Madison.


"Madison! I miss you so much. And I just ended up in this Host Club thing here at this school, and -"

"The Ouran High School Host Club?"

"Uh, how'd you know?"

"You know I have my ways." Madison giggled. "How'd you like 'em?"

"You know I wouldn't dream of 'liking' anyone but Li!"

"I don't mean like that Sakura, but were they fun to be with?"

"Well, the hosts I chose were the twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, and they're like..."

"I know."

Sakura now realized Kero was standing in front of her and she smiled at him. At least he was around.

"Well I've gotta go Sakura, call you back later okay?"

"Okay, bye Madison!"


Sakura headed into her bedroom and changed into a elbow-length sleeved pink shirt with a white knee-length pleated skirt and white boots. She sat her cards on the kitchen counter and started at the Hope card. She missed Li so much, maybe even more than she did when she lived in Tomoeda. Because then she could see places she'd been with him at, but here she had no memories of him or any of her friends for that matter. She sighed and pulled the pudding out of the fridge and filled two dishes with the pudding, and absent mindedly ate her own while Kero devoured his.

"Something wrong Sakura?"

"What? Oh, no." Sakura said, and randomly started looking through the magical cards she had captured so long ago. She decided, out of boredom, to match each card to the hosts. The Twin represented the twins, obviously being twins and seeming somewhat tricky, the Silent was Mori because she was fairly sure he'd only said a word while she was there. Honey was the Little because he was really short and playful, the Flower was Tamaki 'cause he was so bold and out going. Kyoya was the Create 'cause he seemed to keep everything together, and Haruhi was the Mirror because he seemed to understand things so well, and was nice but slightly quiet, much less bold than the others, minus Kyoya and Mori.

"What's with those six cards?"

"Oh, they just remind me of these kids from my new school. I'm just bored. I think I'm gonna go call Li." Sakura said and stood up, and took her cards with her to her bedroom as she dialed Li's phone number.