Summary: Hermione is changed into a vampire in order to stay alive. Madame Promfrey sends her to Forks,Washington where she can learn to feed on animals and live as a newborn. While she is there, she meets a coven of vampires named the Cullens. They accept her into their family where friendship, love, and enemies seem to be sprung. Don't forget about the shapeshifters also.

Rating: T for possible content

Disclamer: I do not own Harry Potter series nor the Twilight Saga

Author's Note: This is my first crossover so please give me a break! I really hope you all enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it! ~SHR

"What can you do for her?" A raven haired boy asked with rounded glasses while looking at the curly brown on the hospital bed. A boy with bright orange hair that stood next to him bit the side of his cheek out of nervousness.

"Not much." The Hospital Winger nurse, Poppy, replied. "The choices are very limited. Whatever cure that devil woman casted on her is something that can't easily be undone."

Harry and Ron looked at Hermione and nodded. Bellatrix had casted a strange, dark curse on Hermione that had put her into a very deep and deadly slumber.

If only he and Ron had gotten there sooner..

"Where's Hermione?" Ron asked frantically, looking around.

Harry ran his hand through his dark hair and shrugged. "I don't know, but hopefully she'll be alright. She's Hermione! She can do anything and everything!"

Ron slowly nodded and swallowed hard. Harry sighed heavily and stared at the ground. Where would Hermione be?

A loud scream was heard, causing the two boys to jump. They knew the scream far to well. It belonged to her.

"Hermione!" Ron yelled, bolting in the direction where he heard her scream. Harry reacted the same way. The two boys were bolting down the hallway, trying to find their best friend.

When they reached her, it was too late.

"Sopor Maledictionem!" Bellatrix screeched, flicking her wand at Hermione. As soon as the curse hit her chest, she fell onto the cold stone floor.

After Bellatrix had cast the curse, Molly Weasley was furious and battled her. Thankfully, Molly had succeeded.

"There got to be something you can do! You-you're Poppy! You can heal mostly everyone -"

"Mostly anyone, ." Poppy said, cutting him off. "I'm a healer, not a miracil worker."

"What are the options?" Harry asked, crossing his arms around his dark t-shirt. Poppy looked up at him with sadness clear in her eyes. Brushing away a stray gray hair, she picked up an ancient book and flipped through the dusty pages.

"Sopor Maledictionem" The healer read out loud. "is a Latin word. Definition Deep Sleep Curse. It causes one to be in a deadly deep sleep. If under the curse for ten hours, the witch/wizard who received it will be deceased."

The friends eyes widened at the new information they had been giving.

"Y-you can't be bloody serious!" Ron exclaimed, his ears growing red. "Language, ." Poppy said with a slight glare. Ron's ears continued to redden when he muttered an apology.

Sighing, Poppy closed the book with a small snap. "One option I have for you is for her to be gone." She looked up and say the boy's mouths start to open. She held up a wrinkled hand to silence then.

"I knew you were going to disagree, so I won't even bother asking you to have her leave." Both of their mouthes closed with a snap when she had finished her statement.

"My other option" Poppy paused and took in a deep breath. "is to turn her." Harry rose a brow.

"Turn her? Into what? I don't think transfiguration is going to do anything to help-" Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not with Magic, ." Poppy said strictly. Poppy averted her eyes to the ground, not being able to look the boys in their eyes. "But with venom."

The elderly woman looked at their even more confused looks. "Vampire venom and !" She all but yelled. Thankfully, they were the only ones awake at the moment.

Poppy sighed before running a hand through her grey hair. "It's the only way I could think of saving her." She spoke softly.

Ron looked at Harry with a sorrowful look before turning back to the healer. "So that's the only way? To turn her into a vampire?"

Poppy nodded. "I'm afraid so." Harry couldn't meet the womans gaze however, Ron could.

"You can't turn her into a monster!" He said in a quiet yell so no patients would wake. "She's our best friend and making her bloodthirsty is just bloody outrageous! There is a different way!"

"No there's not, Ron." Harry said, speaking after his prolonged silence. "it's the only way and if I get to have Hermione back by her being turned into a monster then it shall be that way!" He sent a glare at Ron before the ginger could argue again.

Turning to the healer, he sighed. "Well you know my opinion. If it's the only way, then let it happen." Harry turned on his heel and left the Hospital Wing without another word.

Ron's face turned red and he muttered an angry "Fine" and stormed out. Poppy sighed and looked over at Hermione Granger.

She slowly made her way over to her closet of diagnoses and medications. She ran a wrinkled finger over the bottles, reading each and every one of them. Her finger stopped when she found the bottle labeled, "V.V. Please Only Use For Extreme Emergencies Madam Promfrey

Pulling out the vial that was settled into the vile, the healer made her way back to the student's bedside. Looking up at the white ceiling she murmured, "Please be safe and have her have self-control. Oh, help me Merlin."

Tapping the needle with two fingers, Poppy slowly injected the needle into the young girl's lifeless body. As soon as the contents were out, she tossed the needle and straightened her hospital robes.

It would be a wait to see the old back again.