A/N: I'll just drop this here... Ehehehehe.

As per usual, I own nothing but my imagination, that so far isn't making me much money. Mr Brightside belongs to The Killers, and I don't own Tony Stark/Iron Man, or Loki, or The Avengers. I do own the character of Megs, and half custody of Sparkles, who is an amazing person and my collaborator.

Loki sat in the waiting room, two seats away from Tony, who had a lap full of sleeping Sabby, Steve on the other side of Tony. They had been there for almost four hours. Steve had managed to charm a nurse and was allowed into the room every so often to check on the progress. He never said anything when he came back, and no one asked.

Sabby turned and stretched her arms in Tony's lap and he wrapped an arm around her side to keep her from rolling to the floor. "Hmmmm. Unca Tony?"

"Yeah peaches?" Tony helped her sit up and yawned after she did.

"Is momma and daddy still in the room?" She swung herself around to let her little legs dangle off the chair and looked up at Tony.

"Yeah, still there, still waiting for your younger brother to get here." Loki watched as Tony ran a hand through her hair, and quickly looked away. "Are you hungry? We can go get something to eat then come back and see them." Sabina nodded and took Tony's hand as they stood up.

"I could use something to drink," Steve said as he stood up with them. He glanced over at Loki, but the taller man opened his mouth before Steve could talk.

"I'll stay here, I don't need anything," Loki informed them, leaning back in his chair a little. "I'll let you know if anything happens before your return." Steve and Tony nodded and they headed for the elevator and down to the cafeteria.

Not five minutes later a doctor appeared in the room, looking around, before his eyes fell on Loki. Here for Audrey Megs?" Loki blinked but nodded and he motioned for Loki to follow. Getting up from the chair he followed the man in scrubs quickly to the room, seeing Fury holding onto Megs' hand with one of his own, while the other arm seemed to be sitting in a sling.

"Did Stark skip out already?" Fury raised an eyebrow, his jaw clenching a little when Megs squeezed his hand. Loki was suddenly aware of why Fury's hand was in a sling.

"No, he and Rogers took Sabina down to the cafeteria. She had just woken up," Loki explained quickly, a little confused on why he was in there. He blinked when the doctor was suddenly pushing his arms into a gown, and handing gloves to him.

"We're short handed, so I'll need your help," the man told him and his eyes widened a little. "nothing big, just stand there and do what I tell you."

"For some reason we told him too look for you or Stark," Fury said, sounding a little forced. Megs let out a grunt, then a whine and Loki realized that he was about to be there for the birth of a baby.

"I can run down and get Tony," Loki quickly offered, until Megs opened her eyes and looked at him. "Or, I can stay here." Megs nodded once and Loki swallowed thickly.

An hour later loud music invaded Loki's ears as he stepped through the doors of the club. Looking up on stage he saw several women on stage, the crowd of people pushing against the stage in excitement. He raised an eyebrow as they started singing. Sparkles caught his eyes and smirked. He crossed his arms and moved to the side waiting for her to finish the song, trying to wrap his mind around the fact that she was voluntarily singing in front of others.

"Well, hello there," Sparkles greeted as she bounced up to him. "On a scale of one to ten how upset are you with me?" Loki sighed and rolled his eyes a little.

"You're lucky," he leaned his back against the wall as some other members of the band got up and started to sing. "Were it anyone else who had lied to me, I would probably flay them with words." She gave him a wide smile and reached her arms up to rest on his shoulders. "Is this your way of letting me know that you were replacing me in the band when I wasn't there?"

"My voice isn't anything like yours," she quickly backtracked. "Yours has musical genius, mine is just passable."

"it's more than passable," he rolled his eyes a little. "I have this voice because I'm insane," he touched his head with one finger. Sparkles frowned and pushed his finger down.

"You're not crazy. Stuff just happened, and it kind of messed things up a little," she could feel her argument falling apart. "So, what took you so long to come and find me?"

"I was at the hospital," her put his hands up as her eyes widened. "Megs had gone into labor." He left out the part about Steve's real reason for finding them. He was slowly losing faith in the songs, and if he was honest with himself, he missed having his Sparkles all to himself.

"No way! Is she alright? What about the baby?" She had to raise her voice a little as the crown around them cheered as another song ended.

"A baby boy, he was small, and will have to spend several days in NICU," he explained calmly. "The doctor said that he'd probably be okay to leave in a few days. I didn't stay long after that."

"Whoa," Sparkles ran a hand through her hair and looked up at Loki. "Wait. How exactly did you find me?" She narrowed her eyes at him slightly.

"Ah, yes, well, I'm not sure if I should say that I used the GPS plant on your phone, or that T.m. accidentally sent the gathering text to me as well." Sparkles snorted a little.

"Of course it was T.m.," she shrugged and moved closer to him as the crowd started to sing along with the band members, including T.m., on stage, getting louder. "Alright, well you know what we need to do now?"

"I was contemplating eating my emotions through ice cream," Loki offered. She stared at him ebfore shaking her head.

"No, I know something better." She put her hands on his shoulders, grinning a little. "Shots!" Loki groaned.

Five heavy drinks later, Loki was resting his head against Sparkles shoulder, giggling a little to himself. Sparkles raised an eyebrow as she glanced at him, smirking slightly. "did you know that she broke Fury's wrist?"

"Huh?" Sparkles raised both eyebrows. "Who did and why? Well, who did?"

"Megs," Loki said simply. "She was immense amounts of pain, and Fury playing the ever caring father refused to let go of her hand. Or else he couldn't let go. I am unsure of the specific details."

"I'm thinking that you got off lightly," Sparkles murmured.

That is the reason that I had to accompany the Doctor into the room.." Sparkles blinked and looked over at him. "Tony and Steve had taken Sabby-"

"Steve was there?" She shouldn't have been surprised, but he was the reason that she was at the bar with the band. Loki just nodded.

"The doctor said they were short handed, and Fury was unable to do anything with only one arm. I did not wish to be in the delivery room with them to be honest."

"Well, who would Want to be in there?" Sparkles leaned over, signaling the bartender for another drink. "The reasons to not get pregnant just keep mounting, my friend." She looked over and noticed that he had put his head on his arms on the bar and he was looking to the side.

"Hey!" Sparkles glanced over to see T.m. yelling at them from the stage. "You jackasses gonna sit and gossip like little old ladies, or are you gonna actually sing?" Sparkles waved an arm at her as she turned back to Loki.

"He was so small," she had to lean closer to hear all of his words. "The doctor handed him to me immediately, I was the first to hold him." His eyes seemed to glaze over and something lingered in his voice that Sparkles had never really heard before. She wasn't sure that she knew who the man in front of her was. "I had to watch Tony act so well with Sabby, even though he very vocally claimed that he did not want a child."

Sparkles blinked and looked at him. "But you do?" Some kind of whine left his throat and her eyes widened slightly. "Loki? What the hell?"

"I've wanted to be a father for some time now, several years," he sighed a bit before sitting up on his stool, glancing around the bar. "I think I should like a distraction now."

"Oh, hey, no wait," Sparkles grabbed his hand and turned him towards her. "What is this whole father business that I've never heard anything about? I thought we told each other everything?"

"We do, but this was something that I could not tell you have it hang over your head as such." He finished off the drink in front of him. "You do not want children, and neither does Tony, and it would be a rather silly idea to have a child with this threat of Odin around. I feel it is a moot point." He glanced towards the stage. "I think I should like to sing now. I know that people have been waiting rather long to get a song from me."

Sparkles blinked, still processing his confession and then his sudden topic change. She chalked it up to the alcohol. "Come." he grabbed her hand as he slid from the stool. "Be my back up," he grinned and she had no choice but to follow him, grinning a little.