Anj: I'm a terrible person

Ikuto: Yeah, you kinda are

Amu: IKUTO! Stop being such an asshole, Anj is great.

Anj: Seriously though, I haven't updated this story in a really, really long time…I suck. It seems like my 'ah ha' moment didn't really last…

Amu: But we still love you!

Ikuto: You fail at life.

Anj: You're so harsh, Ikuto. You'll never have sex with Amu.

Ikuto: Noooooo!

Amu: Who said I would have sex with him in the first place?!

Anj and Ikuto: We did.

Amu: -_-

Ikuto: This chapter is totally going to be naughty. Anj, your threats don't scare me.


Ikuto: *starts chasing Amu*

Amu: *runs away from Ikuto*

Anj: Stop it, both of you. Anywho, I might as well start the story now.

A/N: I know how the Japanese school system works but I'm more familiar with the English school system…so that's what I'm going to use. Just for clarification, Amu is about to start her second year of high school and since I'm using the English school system it is currently late August in the story.

1 Week Later

When I woke up it took me a moment to realize that my dream had been dream. I sat up in bed and blushed when I thought about it. Ran, Miki, Su and Dia were giggling from where they were sitting on top of dresser. I raised an eyebrow and they all pointed at Ikuto. He was still asleep in his bed and he occasionally let out a loud snore. I covered my mouth to muffle my giggles.

"Hmm…Amu, why are you awake?" Ikuto asked in his husky, half asleep voice. It was a really attractive voice, I have to admit. I love Ikuto's voice; it's so deep and smooth.

"I had a weird dream, and you were snoring." I teased, poking his side. He made a grunting sound and pulled me into his arms. I squeaked in surprise a little, but finally relaxed into his hold. He was really warm and comfy; it was making me feel sleepy again.

"What was your dream about?" Ikuto asked in a whisper. I shrugged and I felt my face heat up with a blush.

"Just…stuff." I turned around so I wasn't facing Ikuto anymore and he chuckled and pulled me closer to him again.

"What exactly does 'stuff' entail?" Ikuto asked, kissing my cheek. I shrugged again and hoped that he couldn't tell that I was a bit embarrassed…my dream was a little bit…naughty. Just a tiny little bit.

"It was about you." Ikuto sat up a little and I saw the smile on his face. I glanced over at the clock behind him on the bedside table and saw that it was only five o'clock in the morning.

"Care to divulge?" Ikuto asked, resting his head on his hand, as if waiting for me to tell the story. I rolled my eyes and poked his side again. Ikuto can be so cute, and sometimes kind of annoying.

"Nope, you can just let your mind wander." I nuzzled closer to him and inhaled his manly scent. This man smells so much better than any cologne. I giggled when Ikuto started playing with my hair.

"Do you want to get up?" Ikuto asked, kissing my neck gently.

"Well I don't think I'm going to fall asleep again." I finally sat up after a few minutes and stretched before getting out of bed. I don't have much to do today; and dance class is cancelled this week. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself and then brushed my teeth to get rid of my morning breath.

Ikuto walked into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth and tickled my sides. I yelped and choked on toothpaste, trying to control my laughter.

"Ikuto, you suck." I laughed, washing my mouth to get rid of any toothpaste. He just shrugged and grabbed his toothbrush. I rinsed my mouth and moved over so he could use the sink. I was beginning to get quite comfortable here, living with Ikuto. Ikuto finished brushing his teeth and wrapped his arms around me.

"Your birthday is coming up next month." He stated, resting his head on my shoulder. I nodded and wondered how he could rest his head on my shoulder…he's like a foot taller than me. Darn his height, he makes me feel so short.

"Your birthday is coming up in a few months." I pointed out, looking at us in the mirror. I think we're a really cute couple, I wonder how our kids will look. I hope our children all look like him. Wait…why am I thinking about kids?! I don't even know if I want kids.

"What are you thinking about? You're getting all red." Ikuto teased, nudging my cheek with his.

"I was just thinking about how good we look together."

"I think it was more than just that." Ikuto said, giving me a look. This man knows me better than I thought. I just blushed harder and ignored him. I don't want kids…maybe in ten years or something.

"You have sexy collarbones." Ikuto mumbled into my shoulder. I couldn't resist the urge to laugh at that comment. My collarbones aren't even that prominent. Ikuto just rolled his eyes at me and kissed the side of my neck.

"You're adorable." I poked Ikuto's nose and he tried to bite my finger. I started walking out of the bathroom and Ikuto just kept his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of his arms.

"Nope, you should stay right here for the next few hours." Ikuto tightened his arms around me and I giggled.

"Here as in the bathroom or in your arms?" I asked, continuing to wiggle around in an attempt to get out of his arms. Ikuto just lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder before walking out of the room. I giggled when he tossed me on the couch in the living room and he went to the kitchen.

I just stayed on the couch for a few minutes and then my curiosity finally got the best of me and I wandered into the kitchen. Ikuto was flipping a pancake when I walked in and I snuck up behind him and poked him in the sides. He jumped a bit and almost dropped the pan he was holding.

"Amu, you are such a trouble maker." Ikuto chastised playfully, kissing my cheek. I giggled and wrapped my arms around him. It didn't work too well since my head didn't even reach his shoulders. I mean he is five years older than me, so it isn't weird that he's so much taller.

"Anyways, I was planning on hanging out with Utau today. Want to come?" I asked, pulling away from Ikuto to sit down on the kitchen counter. Ikuto gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. He knew that hanging out meant going shopping and that if he came along with us he would just be carrying bags for us the entire time.

Ikuto put a plate of pancakes in my hands and I was on the verge of salivating at the sight of the strawberry pancakes. Yum. I sat down on an actual chair around the table in the kitchen and started eating. Ikuto can actually cook pretty well.

Ran, Miki, Su and Dia all suddenly flew in downstairs and sat down on the table. After about three minutes of them staring at me and smiling I finally asked what they were doing.

"You just seem so happy today." Su said cheerfully. I laughed and smiled at them.

"I am happy," I poked Su with my finger and she just giggled and all four of them sat down on my shoulders. I continued eating and kept myself occupied by staring at Ikuto's ass.

"I just realized that I told my parents I would bring you over today…I wanted them to meet you last week but that didn't work out." Ikuto sat down at the table with his own food and I nodded and pushed back the panic that shot up when he mentioned his parents.

What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm too young for him or something like that? This meeting the parent's thing is too stressful for me. I'm not an extremely social person…and my 'cool and spicy' vibe from Junior High is still very intact.

"Don't worry about it. They aren't going to kill you." Ikuto teased, sticking his tongue out. I rolled my eyes and got up to wash my now empty plate Ikuto stood up and took my place near the sink to wash his own plate. He lifted me up again once he was done and went back to the couch, putting me down before climbing on next to me.

Laying down with Ikuto is always extremely comfortable. He's just such a warm and cuddly person. As if he heard my thoughts he pulled me into his arms and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I sighed in happiness and relaxed.

Ikuto started kissing down my neck before placing a kiss right below my collarbone. I turned around so that I was facing him and he kissed me gently on the lips. I moaned into his mouth and he growled and pinned me down on the couch, giving me a playful wink before kissing me again.

I had to admit, I greatly enjoyed it when he squeezed my breasts. He tried to take off my shirt and I blushed and pushed him away. I was not okay with being shirtless in front of him…at least not right now.

"I'm not comfortable with doing anything more than kissing for now…sorry…" I blushed harder and looked away from Ikuto. He just chuckled and pulled me back into his arms.

"That's fine. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to." I nodded and my mind started to wander…has Ikuto ever had sex with another girl? Did he meet another girl while he was gone?

"Ikuto, have you had sex before?" I sat up and Ikuto's eyes widened at the question, but then I could tell he was thinking about how to answer.

"Would it be bad if I have?" Well. That gave me my answer.

"Who was it, and when?" I didn't mean to sound so possessive and clingy as I said it, but I knew that was exactly how I sounded.

"It was just this girl I met. We were both a bit drunk and it just happened. It was over a year ago." Ikuto kneeled down on the floor so he was face to face with me. "I love you Amu, it happened once and never happened again." I nodded and bit my lip while thinking. I wasn't very angry about it happening.

"It's okay…and I just that I need time before doing anything sexual with you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug…mainly because I wanted to hide my blushing face.

"I can wait, don't worry." I nodded and kept my face buried in his shoulder. This was an awkward conversation. I heard my phone ring from the other room and I got up to get it. I checked caller ID and saw that it was Mom.

"Hi Amu," My mom sounded so unlike herself…she sounded really worried, which scared me.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I sat back down on the couch and Ikuto pulled my feet into his lap. I gave him a small smile and I knew he could tell something was wrong.

"Your father got into a car accident; he dislocated his hip and he's experiencing some swelling in his brain. He's been unconscious since then." My mother was on the verge of tears and I wished that I could be with her right now. I didn't even notice the tears starting to fall down my cheeks until Ikuto wiped them away.

"Will he be okay?" I whispered, not knowing if I wanted to know the answer.

"He's stable right now, the doctor said that there's a high chance that he'll fully recover, but that he'll most likely be temporarily paralyzed below the waist." I let out a sigh of relief and ran my fingers through my hair. Thank god, he'll be fine.

"Should I tell Ami?" I asked, I got off the couch and started pacing, completely ignoring Ikuto.

"Not at the moment. I'll call Ruri's mother and inform her. Your father is in no condition to come home, the doctor wants to speak to me now, I'll call you later. I love you Amu." She hung up before I could say anything. I tossed my phone on the couch and plopped down in Ikuto's lap.

"My dad is in the hospital, he got into a car accident." Ikuto stroked my hair comfortingly and I just sat there with a frown on my face. Why do bad things always happen to good people? What if Dad is permanently paralyzed below the waist?

"I know this is a bad time to say this, but I told my parents that I would bring you over tonight…should I cancel?" Ikuto asked, still stroking my hair. He kissed my temple and I just shrugged and stayed where I was.

"I don't think we should cancel, I'll be fine." I finally responded after a few minutes. I might as well finally meet his parents. I haven't been formally introduced to them yet.

Ikuto wrapped his arms around me and I took notice of how good he smells. He smells like cinnamon and honey, I've never really noticed it before…It's nice.

"Are you sniffing me?" Ikuto asked with a chuckle when I inhaled deeply and cuddled closer to him. I nodded and he just tightened his arms around me. He could definitely tell I wasn't in a mood to talk at the moment. Ran, Miki, Su, and Dia all flew over and plopped down in my lap and cuddled close to me. I fell asleep at one point.


When I woke up I saw that Ikuto had moved our position so that we were lying down next to each other. My charas were no longer sitting in my lap, but I saw their eggs on the table.

I glanced up at Ikuto's face and saw that he was still asleep. He looked so peaceful and cute when he was sleeping, his mouth was slightly open and his hair was flopping into his face. I giggled when he nuzzled his face into my hair and pulled me closer to his body. He let out a loud snore and I burst into laughter and ended up waking him up.

"What's so funny, huh?" Ikuto asked, starting to tickle me. I laughed until I couldn't breathe and Ikuto finally stopped. I caught my breath and kissed his cheek, and then I remembered what my mom told me before I fell asleep. Dad was in the hospital, and he was probably still unconscious.

"You were snoring, it was adorable." I poked his nose and he tried to bite my finger. I got off the couch and started stretching, my back was incredibly sore from sleeping on the couch. Ikuto pulled me back onto the couch and kissed me gently.

"Are you sure you still want to meet my parents?" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Of course I do, I'm fine." Ikuto pulled me into a tight hug and I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. I always felt so comfortable and happy in Ikuto's arms. Something about him just felt so…right. God, I sound lamely sappy right now, I need to lay off the romance novels.

"How many girls have you been with?" I could tell that it wasn't the right question to ask because Ikuto stiffened up. I glanced up at him and gave him an innocent look; it wasn't exactly a bad question to ask. I didn't mind that he was more experienced than I was…I actually preferred it that way. I would rather have sex with someone who knows what they're doing.

"Let's just say that I didn't deal with my problems well before I met you. I slept around a lot before falling in love with you, and I completely regret it." Ikuto looked incredibly ashamed to be admitting this to me.

"I know that you regret it, and I love you regardless of how many women you've been with." I kissed his cheek and reassuringly smiled at him. "I'm going to go make myself somewhat presentable before we see your parents." I got off the couch again and ran my fingers through Ikuto's hair before going to the bedroom to change.

I put on a simple black dress with a red belt and went to the bathroom to put on some basic makeup. I might as well look like a good, pretty girl. After I was done I French braided my hair and then pinned it up in a bun before leaving the bathroom.

Ikuto was in the bedroom when I walked out and he was wearing black jeans and a black dress shirt. He looked pretty casual since the three top buttons on the shirt were unbuttoned. He pulled me into his arms and I glanced into the mirror next to the closet. We look pretty cute together, my pink hair totally contrasted with his dark hair.

"I wish I could stay here forever." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest. I wonder how upset Mom will be when she finds out that I've been staying with Ikuto this entire time…I never told her that I'm staying at his place.

"Me too, but we need to go." Ikuto said, pulling back a little. He took my hand in his and we left the apartment and went to his car in the garage. He opened the passenger door for me like a gentleman, and I admit that I giggled a bit when he did. Most guys don't do things like that anymore.

We got to his parent's house sooner than I would have liked…the nerves quickly started building up when he parked his car. What if Ikuto's parents hate me, what if they don't like that we're dating?!

"Calm down, they'll love you as much as I do." Ikuto said, getting out of the car. Ugh, I hate it when he can read my mind! He knows what I'm thinking almost all the time, which is sometimes weird.

I took a deep, calming breath and finally got out of the car. Ikuto took my hand in his again and rang the doorbell. I was a little surprised when it was Utau who answered the door. She immediately pulled me into a hug and I happily returned it.

"Why are you here?" I asked once she started pulling me further into the house.

"Mom thought you might be more comfortable if Kukai and I were here." I already like Ikuto's mother and I haven't even met her. We walked into the kitchen and I saw that Ikuto's mother and father were both playfully bantering back and forth while cooking together. It made me smile, both of them turned around when Ikuto cleared his throat.

"Mom, Dad, this is Amu…my girlfriend." The nerves came back when both of them just looked at me for a second. I was a little scared when his mom started walking towards me, but then she pulled me into a hug and I just stood there awkwardly.

"It's nice to finally meet you Amu, whenever I talk to Ikuto he can't shut up about you." I turned to look at Ikuto and he just glared at his mother. I smacked him for being rude and turned back.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Tsukiyomi." I smiled and tried not to look as nervous as I felt.

"Call me Souko, this is my husband Aruto." Aruto shook my hand and I realized how much Ikuto looked like him. They had the same hair and face, and they were both about the same height; Aruto just looked older.

"You and Ikuto look so alike," So much for stating the obvious…nice job Amu. Ikuto just chuckled and Aruto smiled slightly. I could tell that their relationship was a bit tense, I'm sure Ikuto is angry at Aruto for just disappearing.

"Excuse us for a moment." Utau said abruptly, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. She shoved me into the bathroom before closing the door. Before I could say anything she blurted out, "I think I might be pregnant because my period I late and Kukai doesn't know." She grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently.

"Utau, calm down, have you taken a test?" I asked, pushing her hands off of me. I was already feeling dizzy before she shook me, now I just feel sick.

"No…I have one, but I don't want to do it alone. Can you stay in here?" Utau asked, giving me a pleading look.

"Okay fine, just do it quickly!" She pulled out the test the cabinet under the sink and I turned around while she peed on the goddamn thing before putting the cap back on and setting it down on the counter.

The next three minutes felt like a freaking lifetime.

"Oh my god…"

I felt like adding a really dramatic cliffhanger at the end of the chapter, just for some suspense…I know you guys are probably mad that I haven't updated in forever, but I'll try to improve that this summer. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's currently 2:09 AM and I'm incredibly tired, so I'm going to sleep. I had a lot of random plot changes in this chapter, and I'm wondering if you guys want a lemon anytime soon…because it is coming at some point. Please leave a review and tell me what you thought of the chapter. Thanks for reading! :)