It's the third week of third grade, and Jackson glares at the new girl. Lydia is her name, and she has complete control of Stiles attention. It's all the other boy talks about, which pisses Jackson off royally. Scott seems oblivious to it as he tries to spell all the words the teach is calling out for their weekly spelling test, and Danny is snoring at his desk—probably had nightmares from the movie Stiles picked out last Saturday for their weekly sleepovers. Their group of four is sat across the room from where Lydia is with Erica, Isaac and Boyd.

Jackson decides that in order to get Stiles Lydia will be out of the picture, so they next period in gym he asks her to go to the movies with him. It's what his parents do on their date nights, and there was that new Disney movie that just came out that he doesn't want to admit to the boys that he wants to see. Later he somewhat regrets it as Stiles looks at him with hurt eyes. But it took Lydia away from Stiles, so it was okay.

The four drift apart, Scott with Stiles and Danny with him. Danny understands where Jackson is coming from, he likes that kid that babysits Stiles while his mom is in the hospital—Jackson thinks his name might be Derek—but the older teen has been bringing a girl with him to babysit Stiles—perhaps her names Kate?—and Danny agrees it'll keep Lydia as far away from Stiles as possible.

By the time they reach high school Stiles refuses to speak with him unless it's about school. Jackson joins the lacrosse team when Stiles does, he gets first line. He thinks it might impress Stiles, but Stiles and Scott both don't make first line, only He and Danny do out of the freshman's. It just makes Stiles hate him more. When Jackson sees another girl is interested in Stiles, he makes the whole of the school believe the younger boy is an awkward loser.

Jackson hates what he's done, but this way Stiles isn't dating anyone. When Lydia goes to University he'll dump her, and then he can finally be with Stiles. They're meant for one another, he knows it like he knows that he needs to breathe. So he keeps dating Lydia, even though it makes him hate himself, even though Lydia's a money grabbing whore.

Jackson will keep Lydia, that way Stiles will still look at him—no matter how unwillingly.