I thought of it for a while and I want to try to do this. I'm not very good with English, sorry if there's misspellings, grammars, errors, and etc. I understand, and I'm sorry if you all don't understand or whatever. I'm trying my best as I can to learn English.
And I really like Sakura, my fav character. :)
I do not own Naruto, it belong to the rightful owner.
Enjoy! :D
She never felt so empty before. Staring before her, is the destroyed Konohagakure no Sato. She is shaking, shaking in fear, lost, scare, empty, and loneliness. Her emeralds eyes trail to her left, two bodies who are very important to her. Tears pour out of her eyes, she was weak, so weak to move and still shaking. Choke in her throat as she fell down on her knees ignore the pain from her knees. Her emeralds eyes close, tears kept pouring down and she hardly swallow. Her mouth part open and let out broken record-like voice, "Sa-sasuke...Na-naruto..."
The war was over, but no one has survived except Haruno, Sakura. She has survived through the blood war, and one by one everyone die except Sakura. Sakura remember, she was just finish killed the enemy ninja and Naruto and Sasuke were the last standing, fighting each other.
Sakura threw her kunai to the enemy ninja, as the enemy ninja die from loss too much blood. Sakura panting while she looks around until she saw two familiar figures are fighting to each other. Her eyes wide in shock when she saw Sasuke use his Chidori and Naruto use his Rasengan. Sakura knew it's bad, she had study about Chidori and Resengan, and it would cost the lives. Sakura quickly run toward them, there's no way she would let her best friends use something very dangerous.
"Sasuke! Naurto!" Sakura cried out as future Hokage and last survivor Uchiha ran toward each other with all their energy into their own power.
Sakura eyes fills with horror as the white-blinded lights came blocking the sight.
End of Flashback
That was when she saw their dead bodies, she couldn't save them, they were dying and there's no hope for her to save them. Sakura open her eyes, which is blurring from the tears.
'They are all gone...I...I'm weak...a freaking damn weak!' Sakura thought upsetting and angry with herself.
"Well...never thought that we've survive." Sakura eyes widen at the familiar voice.
'I-inner?' Inner grimaced and then she sighs.
"Hai, hai. And please, call me Inakura. It's better then Inner." Inakura said as she cross her arms.
'Inakura? What kind of name is that?' Inakura grinned proudly.
"I made that up. Inner plus Sakura equal Inakura. I thought it's nice so I name myself Inakura." Inakura explained as Sakura scoff but leave it alone.
Inakura sigh, "Okay, I...was watching all the bloodily war bloodbath. It was horrible...this...isn't what the peace future is." Sakura frowns as she stares at the ground.
Inakura rubbing back of her neck, "So I kind of...remember that I disappeared couple years ago?" Sakura just nod her head.
"Well, it was because I was studied something very important. I have learn a lot and it's took long time to get that freaking damn Justu right." Inakura snort as she cross her arms in annoyed.
Sakura frown, 'What do you mean? What Justu?'
Inakura pause for few minutes, "Time Travel Justu. And lets just said, it's a hell of an ass hard Justu." Inakura grumbled and Sakura eyes wide in shocked.
'N-nani?' Inakura roll her eyes.
"What are you deaf?" Inakura shake her head, "Never mind...I said Time Travel Justu. It means I can use the Justu to time travel us back in the past." Inakura explained and Sakura hope is coming higher and higher.
'R-really? So does it mean that we can go back in past?' Inakura just stare at her.
"I just said that. Dear kami, you're in too much in shock and your brain is slow!" Sakura glare and Inakura ignore and she continues.
"Anyway, the thing is...I can Time Travel Justu but there's one thing though." Sakura frown, she has a feeling she's not gonna like it.
Inakura took a breath in then let it out, "If I use the Justu, you won't exactly be as yourself." Sakura raise her eyebrows and Inakura sigh.
"I'll just get straight to the point, you won't be go yourself as human. You are going to be as type of an animal, in the past." Sakura was in shock; she's going to the past as an animal, not as herself.
"Don't worry, you won't be an animal forever. You can change back into human but only for half hours, which I mean twelve hours. It's gotta be a little tricky, you can't be human everyday, only every other day or once or twice a week is fine. You understand?" Sakura nod her head.
'Hai, please just do it now! I don't care! At least I know I can change back to human. Just hurry!' Sakura glances at her two best friend lifeless bodies.
Inakura gather to use Justu, "Okay dorky! I'll explain more later when we're in the past!" Inakura use her hand seal and Sakura feel her body on fire.
"TIME TRAVEL JUSTU!" Light shine around Sakura's body and it blinded all around her.
I will change all the history...
I will restart the history...
I'll save you all.
Well, I hope you all like this! I thought it would be more interesting, not just Time Travel but as an animals. Just like Inakura explained in the story. :)
Please reviews and tell me what you think! Also please no flame or mean comments.