A/N- So a lot of you wanted some Four/Tris fluff, so here's a little one-shot for ya. I know there are a couple stories with the same idea, 'What if they met before Dauntless?' but here's my little story on that idea. In Tobias' POV

After yet another beating from my dad, this time for tripping and breaking a vase, I make my way through the factionless part of town so that I can get the groceries. I may be seven, but this is a way to get away from my dad.

As I'm walking, I can't help but watch the little blonde girl laughing and smiling beside her mom, dad and a boy who's probably her brother. I wish my family was like that. My dad hits me, and my mom does nothing about it. I watch too long and the little girl looks at me. I quickly turn away and walk faster towards the market.

I buy the milk, flour and eggs that my dad told me to, and I make my way back home. As I'm walking through the factionless part again, I trip on one of the big cracks and go tumbling over. I hear the eggs cack and know that I'll be in trouble when I get back home.

"Are you okay?" someone, a girl, ask me from behind. I start to pick myself up off the ground and she grabs my arm and helps me up. "Hey! You're the boy from before!" She says.

I look at her and I see that she's the little happy girl from before. She has pretty gray-blue eyes and her blonde hair is pulled into a knot. I nod at her and turn to the groceries to see if I can keep anything. Luckily, the flour saved the milk, so there are only the eggs to worry about.

"Oh no!" The little girl says peering over my shoulder. "The eggs are broken!" She scurries away and I turn to see her go back to a bag. She must have put them down when she saw me fall. She grabs something from it and she comes back to me. "Here, my mommy and daddy bought two boxes, so you can have one." She says handing me a box of eggs.

I stare at the eggs for a second and then up at her. "Th-thank you, but I can't take these." I say with difficulty, trying to give them back to her. I don't want to get hurt, but this is too much.

She shakes her head. "You need new ones, and I have extra. Take them." She says pushing them back into my hands.

"Thank you." I say nodding to her. "You're very kind."

She blushes a bit, and it makes her look really cute. "Thank you. I have to get going though; I don't want to keep my family waiting." She says nodding back to me before turning around. "Oh!" She says turning back to me. "What is your name? I'm Beatrice."

"Tobias." I say quietly.

"Okay, it was nice meeting you Tobias!" She says before picking up her bag and skipping off to her home.

I turn and continue walking to mine, thinking about the little girl named Beatrice who certainly saved me from another beating. "Thank you Beatrice." I whisper before pushing the door to my house open.

A/N- So what did you guys think? Was it enough to satisfy your fluff cravings? Review and tell me what you thought! LOVE YA, BYE-BYE!