"What am I doing with my life." Fangirl said and kneeled on the floor, tired as shit. But then she stood up and did her best heroic pose. "I'm sorry guys!" Fake tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm so slow with updates! And I will be answering ONLY two question in this chapter. I suck." She took a deep breath and got serious again. "This won't be the only chapter for toda-..this week. After I come back from school and learn, I will be writing on another one because I just have to, and please help me, just scream at me in the reviews, and tell me to "fucking update" and I will." Finally Fangirl quitted her rant.

"So let's get down to bussiness! Sorry for answering so little.. But the next one will have every question of ch. 1 answered, ok! That's like more than 5 questions so that's really long!" The audience clapped.

Finally Arthur and Alfred entered the room and they sat in front of his fans, Alfred grinning like the idiot he was and Arthur giving everyone a charming smile as a greeting. "Alright guys, are you ready?"

"A little bit nervous, but I'm ready." The brit answered first."Good. This question goes to Alfred!" Fangirl scrolled through the messages on her mobile and she chose the first one, which was asked by a Guest.

"I'm ready! Come at me."

"Okay, so, Alfred.. Would you let Arthur **** you on an unicorn?" Arthur chocked on his saliva while the fangirls just held their breath watching closely and waiting for an answer before their heart exploded.

"E-Excuse me what kind of question is tha-" Arthur tried to demand to take back this question but was immediately silenced by Fangirl's hand clapped on his mouth.

"Wat?" Alfred asked simply.

"So? What's your answer?"

"I don't understand what you mean by star star star star how should I know?" Alfred.. Are you seriously.. That stupid?

Everyone in the room sighed because of that. "Uhmm... Ok I'm going to translate.. The Guest meant uh.. "take". Would you let Arthur take you on an unicorn?"

"Pssht unicorns don't exist anyways! How is he supposed to take me on a ride then?!" Alfred laughed to himself thinking he "totally aced" that question.

"God no Alfred I mean FUCK. WOULD YOU LET ARTHUR FUCK YOU ON AN UNICORN DAMNIT." Fangirl finally roared while the american man began 'asdfghjkl'ing in front of anyone. That meaning of that question would've NEVER come to his mind. "We are waiting, dear." Fangirl pushed, she wanted to be done fast, it was late and she had to go to sleep. It was pretty tiring trying to keep Arthur shuted up.

The american knew he wasn't going to get out alive if he doesn't answer.. So he began awkwardly hoping his friend who was still being silenced by a hand giving him pleading looks wouldn't get mad at him. "I've honestly never thought of him fucking me on a unicorn.. (Because they don't exist anyway psht.) But.. It would be... Uhh.. Well... Interesting.. or stuff.." He answered not trying to be embarrassed even though a clear blush bloomed on his cheeks.


"YES AND NOW LET GO OF ARTHUR." Alfred screamed back still red in the face.

"Fanfiction ideas.." someone whispered from the first row and everyone nodded in agreement.

Fangirl was content with the answer and let go of Arthur mouth, who looked at the other man shyly before they both looked somewhere else, not wanting to have eyecontact after something that embarrassing. "Moving on! The second question Guest asked is for you Arthur."

"I'm so happy right now.."

"Ahaha I know you are! So.. Imagine Alfred ate one of your... absolutely delicious scones.. would you reward him with a kiss?" Fangirl wiggled her eyebrows at Arthur who to everyones surprise kept a pokerface and answered without blushing!

"Yes. I would." Everyones mouths gaped open. "Mind.. explaining your fast answer?"

He 'tsk'ed but decided he could tell them. "Well not everyone is really enjoying my scones.. It actually means a lot of me when someone eats them, so yes, I would kiss him."

"Dude.." Arthur looked at Alfred heat rising to his face.

"Sh-Shut up!" He stuttered because he's such a tsundere sometimes, and stomped out of the room without any goodbyes.

"Two questions right? Our job is done for today." Alfred said and ran after his friend, before shutting the door everyone heard his last sentence.

"Hey Artie, make me some scones!"

Fangirl was melting on the stage because of this cute scene. Girls that heard that were starting to 'awww' and clapped for that idiot hero. Smiling gently after this romantic- was it really romantic? Well, Alfred-antic..- moment, Fangirl decided to end this episode and finally get some sleep.

"I hope you had fun my fellow fans, I'm answering more.. A fRICKING LOT MORE, questions soon! Stay tuned! Cuss at me for not updating! And most importantly, leave questions and have a good day!


The room fell silent.

A note was left on the ground where Fangirl stood. Someone from the crowd of girl who didn't leave the hall yet picked it up and read it silently.

''Wanna know a fun fact? I actually wrote this lke two weeks ago but I forgot to upload it.'' The black haired girl blinked and muttered, ''What an idiot.''