Story just popped into my head couldn't resist. This is just like a prologue.

Disclaimer: I don't own 1D

Warning: This story contains anorexia may be triggering.

"Dinner time!" Marge screams, smashing the big gong that sits in the kitchen with her stick. The sound echoes around the house, pulling all the children out of there hiding places, wanting to fill their empty bellies. All except for me. I sit up in my little attic room, staring out the window, watching he raindrops slide down the glass. There are so many of us children here at Marge's, 17 in all, and I'm sure she won't notice if I skip dinner again tonight. A sharp stab in my stomach followed by a low growl reminds me this is the fourth night in a row I've skipped dinner. But tomorrow I'm leaving this place, because Marge needs the extra room and I refuse to bunk with anyone. I hope my new foster family lets me get away with not eating dinner. Or lunch. Or breakfast. I sigh and look down at my fat arms and my fat stomach and my fat thighs. The new family will just have to deal. I'm not stopping now. I will keep going.

What did you think? Please review and tell me if I should continue xoxoxo Misspicklehatesbroccoli. PS, yes, Niall is gonna be her new foster brother:D