Short Chapter

I'm not sure about the direction this fic going cause I'm drifting away from my outline (._.) But I will finish it, hope you like this chapter.

"Sasuke, you look like you could do with a break"

Sasuke smirked, "well good thing you're taking him off my hands today"

Naruto was no longer resting against his vehicle but standing in front of Sasuke, "I know this maybe difficult but how about he stays with me for two weeks instead of one"

The brunette man was now laughing at his ex-husband, "You have got to be kidding me"

Naruto was in turn staring at the raven with a serious expression.

"No joke Sasuke, think about it? It will get you the chill time you need and I could have him work with me to pay for the damages of that teacher's car. We would definitely go back to our routine the following week, so what do you say?"

Sasuke sighed, "Fine, as long as he comes back to me in one piece and remember no car"

The tan man grinned widely, "Ok he'll be in good hands, no worries".

Natsuke was now walking towards his parents with his head hung low and dragging his feet.

Both men stared at their son but it was Naruto who broke the silence and spoke, "Natsuke, words can't express our disappointment in you right now. You're going to go with your Dad to get your stuff because you know you'll be spending this week with me. But, it will be two weeks instead of one like always."

The boy's eyes opened wide and scowled at his father, "Oh come on Pops, seriously?"

Sasuke was so amused by the look of anguish on his son's face, he smirked.

"You can pick him up in an hour Naruto, let's go Natsuke"

"Don't I get a say in all this!"

Both men looked at each other, laughed then said "No"

Naruto was now sitting in Sasuke's living room waiting for his son to be ready. This was quite different from the norm; usually the blonde man would be sitting in his car waiting outside. It was the first time in six years that he had been invited in by the other man; he was saddened by this but happy at the same time. The house was giving him a very nostalgic feeling because Sasuke still kept it very modern and clean, the way he remembered their home as a family had been. While looking around Naruto saw that their family portraits that had included himself, Sasuke and Natsuke were replaced with photos of Sasuke or just photos of the raven and their son. Naruto couldn't blame the man for taking them down because they weren't that kind of family anymore, however the blonde still felt hurt by it.

The six years that had passed, had left himself and Sasuke practically strangers and Naruto knew a lot had changed, both emotionally and physically between them. The blonde noted that Sasuke wore his hair the same but he was taller, a bit leaner and even more reserved than before. Despite the time lapse and the divorce; Naruto still liked that he and Sasuke could be amicable towards each other. Being invited inside was also proof of the now civility between them.

"Naruto, Natsuke will be with you shortly. He didn't even start packing like I told him to yesterday."

The blond smiled, "Why, am I not surprised?"

"Since you're waiting, would you like a beer?"

Naruto started chuckling, "Sure, why not"

The younger man narrowed his eyes at the blonde before him, "What's so funny?"


Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Just say it Usuratonkachi"

"Ok ok, it's just that when we were married you would've been offering me ice tea instead"

"It's good for you but I know damn well you don't want any ice tea", replied Sasuke

"Ok Pops I'm ready to go, bye Dad seeya"

The older raven grabbed his son by the collar before he rushed passed him and enveloped in a hug.

"Don't think you can just run off like that without saying goodbye kid", said Sasuke.

"Oh come on Dad its just two weeks, now let me go you're embarrassing me", whined Natsuke.

The blonde who was looking at the duo's interaction couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Sasuke had let his son go and was giving him fair warnings about his behaviour towards his father and going to bed on time for school.

Natsuke managed to get free and was already out the door, making his way towards the blonds' truck.

"I guess I'll see you around teme", said Naruto as he got in the drivers side.

"Hn, just bring him back alive dobe", snickered the Sasuke

Naruto's truck had now out of sight leaving the brunet man standing alone on the corner.

The Next Morning at Naruto's House

Bang, Bang, Bang! (Metal spoon hitting a pot sound)

"Get Up Now!"

"Pops, what the hell, it's a Sunday"

"Sunday, it is indeed my son and your punishment begins today. You will be working at the hospital"

Natsuke groaned loudly and rolled over to go back to sleep.

"Get up now Nat or I will think of a far worse punishment for you"

"Really Pops, what could be worse than working in a smelly place filled with sick people", sighed Natsuke.

"Well, I could pass you on to your grandparents, Iruka and Kakashi to do some housekeeping for them." said Naruto.

The young boy's mind instantly remembered the time he was helping his grandparents clean their home and he stumbled upon their naked photo collection, which included very vivid images of his grandparents naked during sex. The horrifying memory had him feeling sick as though he wanted to barf and since that day he vowed never to help his grandparents clean again .

"Ok, ok, I'm up" replied the teen.

Naruto was really amazed at the speed his son got ready up; thus he filed a mental note to use his stepdads as his wildcard the next time Natsuke decided to act up.

The blonde had by now arrived at work with his son and was walking towards the entrance.

"Remember what I said Nat, best behaviour"

"Yes, Pops I got it"

"Good morning Dr. Uzumaki"

Naruto looked around to see three nurses giggling, blushing and waving at him.

"Good morning ladies, hope you all have a great day today", he said then winked at them.

The nurses squealed and hurried towards the staff entrance.

"Ugh, don't let me barf" said Natsuke while rolling his eyes.

"Shut it Nat", replied Naruto.

"Yea, yea fine"

Natsuke was now standing at the large receptionist desk waiting. Naruto had already signed in but he was busy speaking to the head nurse.

"Natsuke this is Nurse Haku, he will be in charge of you and your duties. I'll see you around lunch time"

The boy looked at his dad walking away, "Pops, you're not just gonna leave me here and go are you?"

Naruto smiled and walked away waving good bye to his son.

The man known as nurse Haku stood in front of the teen and smiled gently.

"Hello Natsuke how are you?"

The boy pouted, "I'm fine; tell me what do so I can go"

"How about we start with something really easy since it is your first day? Oh! I know, you can help me with emptying the patient's bedpans."

The teen eyes went wide, "WHAT? NOOOOOOOO!"