Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry for not updating for the last two and a half weeks! And I left you guys at a cliff hanger too! Well, here's the last part of day 1, hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail, it belongs solely to Hiro Mashima. :P Nuff talk, let's start!

Lucy almost growled in anger at the way Minerva dragged Sherry around. She suppressed her anger, reminding herself she was supposed to be hidden. But thinking about the amount of stones Minerva had… it was quite tempting to just go out and get them all. Lucy put a tiny bit of magic into her eyes - not enough that anyone would feel it - to count the number of stones the emotionless girl already had, out of curiosity. And she almost gasped in shock. 1, 2, 3… 8, 9, 10… 11?! It hasn't even been an hour into the event yet!

Minerva smirked and dumped Sherry on the ground. "Hmph. You only had two stones. How boring. You know, when you were spluttering all that nakama crap, you almost reminded me of that Heartfillia girl from two years ago. She seriously pissed me off. Come to think of it, she's in this event too, isn't she? Maybe I'll go after her next… that tortured look she gave me was quite satisfying…" Lucy clenched her fists. Don't lose it… don't lose it… ignore her… ignore that b*tch...I'll patch up Sherry when she leaves…

Natsu was watching on the giant lacrima screen with Fairy Tail, and had heard every word Minerva said. He tensed up as anger pulsed through him, the air nearby increasing about ten-fold. No one complained, they too were furious at the arrogant Sabertooth's words. But as fired up as they were, they sincerely hoped their beloved blonde hair mage did not respond to Minerva. After all, the image of her battered and bruised body from going against Minerva two years ago was not easy to rid.

Lucy winced as Minerva kicked Sherry's body away from her. "Now, shall I go hunt some fairies? I still can't believe that pathetic guild would still let such a weakling participate in the Games. Or maybe, they are just so weak the best thing they have IS that miserable thing." Minerva laughed to herself. And she would have kept laughing if not for a giant rock flying at her. She dodged out of the way just in time, a bit of the jagged rock scraping her left cheek. Turning around to see who on earth dared to throw a ROCK at HER, she came face to face with none other than the girl she was insulting a few seconds ago. Lucy Heartfillia.

Everyone in Fairy Tail groaned as they watched Lucy spring into action. This was so unlike Lucy, responding to insults with violence. Perhaps a certain hot-headed fire mage was rubbing off on her. That wasn't good. Next thing they know, she'll be destroying cities and picking fights with Erza. Everyone shivered at the thought; they did NOT need Erza No 2.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Minerva screamed angrily at Lucy. The mentioned blonde didn't reply, but instead pointed her middle finger towards the enraged girl. Minerva was too shocked to react, so she stood there, mouth hanging open. Lucy took a deep breath to calm herself, and glanced at her opponent. "Please close your mouth, I don't want you drooling."


"Oh, my bad. My hand slipped."


"Well, that is if you can. What d'you reckon? Is a tiger stronger, or a fairy?"


"As you wish your highness." Lucy did a mock bow, her smug smirk never leaving her face. Enraged and blinded by anger, Minerva charged at the seemingly unarmed girl, temporarily forgetting that she was in fact, a mage, and could use her magic. Lucy's smirk only widened; this was going exactly how she wanted. She took three golden keys from her glowing belt, and shouted, "Gate of the Golden Bull, Scorpion, Twins, I open thee, Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini!"

"Moooooo! You're beautiful body mooooooves me, Lucy!"

"We are! Yeah!"


"… still as lively as ever, I guess. Anyways, no time for chitchat! Taurus, Scorpio, unison raid! Gemini, in an opening, I want you to do that."

"YES, LUCY!" And they all sprang into action. While Taurus and Scorpio distracted Minerva along with Lucy, Gemini managed to touch the Sabertooth mage and copy her (not sure if Gemini has to touch someone to copy, but whatever). Lucy grinned in satisfaction, her plan was a success! Taurus and Scorpio poofed away as she sat down under a tree, watching Minerva fight off herself. She idly wondered who would win, considering they were matched in everything. Finally, Gemini got stabbed in the stomach and poofed away as well, but by now, Minerva was panting heavily from exhaustion. Lucy got up from her comfortable spot and summoned her two swords. "Well, time for me to fight, I guess."

It wasn't much of a fight; Minerva had completely drained her magic already from fighting Gemini. Lucy picked up Minerva's magic stones, and walked over to Sherry to heal her. She took two magic stones from her pocket and gave it back to Sherry. The Forest Hunt event ended, and Lucy won with eleven magic stones. Snow White and Laxus had tied on second with nine, how Snow White got so many was an enigma to Lucy. Hibiki just got third with six stones, Bacchus following closely behind with five. Milliana had three, Sherry had two, and Minerva ended up with zero. Lucy smirked, satisfied she got her revenge on Minerva, and joined Fairy Tail's giant group hug. Nothing could ruin her happiness today.