A/N Sorry for the late update and half ass effort at the end but I sort of hit a writers block and had to force this one out to set myself up for more interesting stuff. I wont bore you with anymore details

R and R!

Dick's P.O.V

After we had all eaten our meals and exchanged a few words Jason suggested we all go to the manor and watch a movie in the manors theater where we could build a pillow fort. Everyone agreed while Bruce took out his wallet, asking for the bill.

"Bruce, you gave them a 200 dollar tip!" Stephanie exclaimed

"Never hurts to be nice now does it?" Bruce smiled at Stephanie

"Well if nice means getting 200 dollars then sign me up" Stephanie declared, making everyone laugh. We walked out of the fancy restaurant and made our way to our transportation; Alfred was waiting for us inside the limo because of course the paparazzi were stocking the Wayne's. We climbed into the limo and made ourselves comfortable.

I suddenly remember "what about mine and Selena's cars?"

"It's alright, Alfred was so kind enough to drive the cars over to Wayne manor" I smiled at that. I open the window between us and Alfred.

"Thanks Alfie!" I yelled, making him jump a little.

"Dear lord Master Dick, would you be so kind to not give me a heart attack" I smiled sheepishly at him

"Sorry Alfie, love yea!" I close the window, knowing that he likes his peace when he's driving "Hey guys where's Damian?" I asked when I failed to see the little walking Devil (Angel)

"He's here" I turn to see Damian fast asleep on Tim's chest of all people

"Oh my god he's the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my entire life!" Stephanie squealed. Before I could shush her, Tim beat me to it

"The little demon's trying to sleep" This moment was just too precious to give up; I took out my phone and quickly snapped several pictures before Tim held a hand up to cover his face

"Dick, stop!" he whined while I chuckled my maniacal laugh

"But Timmy, you and Dami are finally getting along" I whined back "Besides, this might be the only time left you're going to have with him" I smirked at him

"Guys look, the little demons sucking on his thumb" I looked over and there he was sucking sub-consciously on his little thumb. I snapped several more picture

"When did you become paparazzi Dick?" asked Selena playfully

"When Dami became the most adorable human being to ever walk the earth" I squealed

"Settle down Dick" Bruce said sternly

"But Bruce bow can you stay calm at a sight like him!" I whined like a child

"Dick, if you don't settle down this instant than I'm taking away your Damian time" I stared at him in shock

"Bruce you can't do that!" He looked at me with sternness and a hint of playfulness

"I can and I will" I made a puppy Dog face

"How about Timmy lets Dami sleep in my arms and i'll settle down" Bruce sighed heavily

"Fine, Tim hand him over" I smiled in triumph

"But Bruce!"

"Do you really want Dick to create a ruckus the whole ride?" He raised an eyebrow. That seemed like a valid point to Tim because a moment later I had my little D in my arms sleeping soundly, only stirring for a few seconds to find a more comfortable position on my chest. Damian nuzzled his head in my chest, a silent beg for me to pet his hair.

"Sometimes I wonder who the real father is" Bruce said with a sad smile

"Don't worry Bruce, you don't have to worry about me taking away Damian. It's just that, we've been through so much and I just love him so much I can't bear to be away from him for too long" I smiled softly

"Can we cut the mushy crap" Jason groaned. I rolled my eyes at him

"No need to be jealous little wing" I taunted playfully

"I'm bigger than you Dickhead" He taunted back

"But I can still beat you in a fight" I smirked

"Shut up" He blushed

"Aww I love you too"

"This family is just too mushy for me sometimes" Stephanie sighed

"But you love it" I could see that we are close to arriving at the Wayne manor "Hey Little D, wake up" I whispered softly into his ear. He groaned slightly than opened his big baby blue eyes. The boys of the family including myself had beautiful blue eyes; Bruce had said my eyes were as blue as the cleanest sea, Jason's eyes were a darker shade than mine and resembled a deep blue ocean and looked like cobalt, Tim's eyes were almost as blue as the sky and on some days they would look like a diamond on the days he smiled, Damian surprisingly had a lighter shade of blue than Bruce, Bruce had a light blue-grey colour while Damian somehow had baby blue eyes and to me, they were my favourite colour. Speaking of Damian, he yawned like a cat and curled his tongue, blinking the remaining sleepiness out of his eyes.

"Have a nice nap sleepy head" He seemed to have regained his energy because he popped his head up with a smile, nodding his head enthusiastically.

"Good because we have a long night ahead of us, first we're going to get changed in the fluffiest pajamas we own, than we're going to set up a big blanket and pillow fort/tent, than were going to get some snacks and I'll make us a Grayson special (Which is just a strawberry smoothie), than were going to watch Disney movies all night!" I was winded by the end of my list but it was worth it to see the look of pure excitement on Damian's face

"You're not staying up all night" Bruce said in his fatherly voice

"Bruce you're such a kill joy" I pouted

"You boys need your sleep" He stated

"Fine we will" I lied

"I know when you're lying" Damn him for knowing me inside out

"Hey look we're here!" I changed the subject quickly

I used the key from under the rug and ran inside fast with Damian in my arms

"Okay Damian let's go find you something more comfortable" we padded down the hall to Damian's room. I almost forgot Damian was a toddler and had to have a redecorated room because his old one was not child protected.

I walked into his closet to find piles and stacks of designer clothing, neatly placed according to season, brand, and occasion. I think I'm going to let Alfred be my new stylist.

I picked out a pair of grey pajama bottoms and a yellow and red T shirt for Damian (think Robin colours) and quickly changed him before swiping him up and taking him to my room. As expected my suit case was on the bed; I changed myself into black sweatpants and a black and blue T shirt.

I raced down the stairs, doing flips on the way with Damian hot on my tail, padding along with his tiny feet

We made a grand entrance entering the kitchen where everyone else was munching on Alfred's infamous cookies, looking at us as if we were fresh out of Arkham asylum.

"Never fear Nightwing and Robin are here!" I announced, scooping Damian into my arms and making him squeal

"Sometimes you two are just too cute" Stephanie fan-girled

"Thank you citizen of Gotham" I turned to Damian with a smile "What would you say to some sustenance my sidekick" Damian probably didn't know what that word meant but he nodded his head anyways in approval.

I did a one handed cart wheel towards the island with Damian in the other arm; I'm pretty sure Bruce had a mini heart attack just then and there.

"Relax Bruce I'm a professional" I smirk at him. I pick up two cookies with the intent of giving one to Damian. "A job well done Robin" he makes grabby hands towards the sugary treat "What's the magic word?"

"Pwease" I almost squeal in delight; not only did he say please (even if it was mispronounced) but he said it with the most adorable voice I have ever heard. I gladly handed over the cookie to him; Damian ate the cookie with his tiny champers and quickly washed it down with Tim's milk which he somehow got a hold of

"Hey!" Tim exclaimed. When Damian was finished chugging Tim's milk he pulled away the glass revealing a milk moustache. "Sometimes it's hard to hate the little runt" Tim sighed

"Awe Tin man, you do have a heart" I teased. "Alfred can you make us a big bowl of popcorn, smoothies, and cookies please?" Alfred looked at me with disapproval, so I looked at him with the biggest puppy eyes I could muster; my puppy dog eyes doesn't work most of the time on Alfred but it sure does contribute to his decisions.

"Dick you better brush your teeth tonight" he warned

"You should be telling that to Dami!" I exclaimed

I stuffed my cookie into my mouth then back flipped out of the kitchen with Damian in my arms.

"Onward to the theater my young companion" I set Damian down and did cartwheels and back flips all the way down the hallway; Damian mirrored me and did his own little cartwheels (which weren't bad at all).

We made our way to the giant home theater and I went snooping around for the spare blankets and pillows Alfred always kept in the room (mostly because I would beg Bruce to make a pillow fort with me every weekend when I was little).

The first thing Damian did when I put down the huge stack of pillows and blankets was jump right on top of them with pure glee. This child in front of me looked as if he was any other child in the world, innocent and carefree.

I don't particularly blame Talia for being a bad mother considering she had a bad father; I just think if she really loved Damian she would have realized what her training would have done to Damian's childhood. I don't think Talia is evil, just...misunderstood; she had a wicked way of wanting Damian to be a great man and though I don't agree with her tactics and she's far from being a good mother, I don't think she's the worst mother of the year.

"Okay Damian get up were going to build a blanket and pillow fort!" The tiny (tinier then he already was) little assassin was currently jumping up and down on one of the pillows I had placed on the ground. Damian had looked at me with an adorably cute, confused expression. "Do you know how to make a blanket and pillow fort?" I questioned, he quickly shook his head, indicating no. "Okay, well I'll show you" Damian looks at me intrigued "First you want to make a base for the blankets and pillows so the whole thing doesn't fall over. I moved the table and couches to make a box shape with 3 sides and the one side not blocked off, facing the giant screen. Damian didn't seem to be too impressed yet so I continued without his help. I took the cushions from the couch and sat them up so they were at their tallest point; I then take the pillows and stacked them up so they resembled a wall.

"Don't tell me you started without us" I turn around to see Jason, Bruce, Alfred, Stephanie, Tim and Selena holding an arm full of snacks and drinks.

"Right on time guys!" Everyone had set the snacks down on the nearby coffee table and came to help me finish the make shift fort.

A couple minutes later the middle of the room had been transformed into a comfy fort that looked more like a tent then anything. The floor was covered in pillows and blankets making it an ideal cuddle spot, the roof of the 'fort' was a giant blanket thrown over the whole thing, snacks were scattered evenly throughout the whole premises, and there was a perfect view of the gigantic screen.

"Okay Damian your pick, what do you want to watch?" I placed age appropriate movies in front of Damian so he could choose.

"That one" he pointed to the movie Frozen with excitement

"Okay!" I popped the movie into the Dvd projector and settled into my spot beside my family cuddled close which made them groan.

"Dick, it's really hot" Bruce whined

"Suck it up you baby" I rolled my eyes "Come here Damian" Damian crawled between my legs and made himself comfortable while reaching for the candy "not too much candy" I tell him; he doesn't seem to care.

The lights automatically dimmed as the movie started playing.