When did I become such a fake? I've been pretending to be someone I'm not for years but somehow I didn't realise! He brought the real me back to surface, without even trying. It reminded me why I had put up with him as a kid, I just play acted at being ok with Stan, Kenny and even my own family. But Cartman...that was different! Fighting with him, it made me forget, about being odd.
On Monday, Cartman was all I could think about. Even though I was changing in the locker room where normally I'd find it impossible to get lost in my own thoughts!(you know why!)
"Hey Fag!"
I sighed. Who else would they possibly be talking to?
I simply snorted not even dignifying them with a answer.
"You'll never guess what I saw when I looked out of my bedroom window on friday night, fag!"
I carried on ignoring them and wrenched open my locker in my continuation of changing.
"I saw you and Eric Cartman making out on your front lawn! It was so disgusting. I nearly threw up!"
"And what are those all over you neck?" pointed out the other ignorant buffoon.
"Ewwww those are hickies! I can't believe you let yourself get marked by a dude! Even though you're a faggot that's just crossing a line!" the first continued to spew out homophobic and ridiculous comments.
"Hey guys just leave him alone."
"Why do you care Marsh? Do you have a crush on him or something?" the second gorilla mumbled stupidly.
"No I don't but right now you two look like the homos pushing him against his locker while he tries to change!" reasoned, surprisingly, Stan.
Drake and Wilson, I think those were their names, grumbled off out of the locker room leaving me and Stan alone.
"Sorry about them!"
"It's fine I'm used to it! Been out of the closet for years. I'm used them giving me grief about my sexual preferences!" I mumbled only just realising how awkward it was.
"So...is it true about you and Cartman?"
"Do you want the truth..." I made quote marks in the air, "or the 'real' truth?"
"The 'real' truth?" he asked sounding unsure.
"It's true."
"Why are you telling me? Why do you trust me?" he question extremely surprised.
"No offence but I don't! It's just it'll be all around school soon enough and I don't want super huge Stan Marsh, quarterback, mad at me for lying!" I laughed.
He seemed quite cautious of making sure I was actually joking before he laughed along with me. As I finished getting changed and left the locker room, a long arm wrapped itself around my neck.
"Hey Kyle! Heard about you and Cartman, good job! My car will be fixed in no time!"
"That's not why I did it..." I mumbled uselessly.
"Whatever!" Kenny called over his shoulder as he continued down the hall, "As long as my car gets fixed, you two can do what ever the hell you want!"
"Hey Kyle!"
I spun around to find Cartman strutting down the hallway towards me.
"Can't talk right now Cartman!" I cried as I set off in the other direction.
"No wait Kyle wait!"
I started to run as fast as I could, trying to get away.
"Kyle! Kyle! I want to talk!"
Where to hide? Where to hide? The library! I'll be able to hide between the shelves.
I rushed and immediately immersed myself between the shelves, picking up the nearest book and burying my face in it. Soon enough I heard approaching footsteps, please let it not be him.
"I know thats you Kyle! Did you really think I wouldn't check in the library?" Said the one person I didn't want to see, Eric Cartman, looking pissed off and yanking the book away from me.
"Why are you trying to avoid me?"
"Avoid you? I'm not avoiding you!" I replied trying to act all cool and nonchalant. I reached for the book in his hand but he held it high above his head.
"Yes you are! And I want to know why!" he said grabbing both my hands and pushing me against a bookcase.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I struggled against him until he pinned me completely against the bookcase.
"Is it because I kissed you? Or because everyone found out about it?"
"It's neither of those things! Just let me go!" I cried, tears bubbling up to the surface.
"Fine! You know what? Fuck you Kyle! I don't know why I ever thought I loved..." he trailed off.
"You what?" I squeaked. I don't think I've ever been so surprised.
"Nothing! It doesn't matter!" he replied letting go and then turning his back on me.
I ran after him and flung myself into his arms.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" I sobbed clinging to him, rubbing my face in his shirt.
"Kyle! Kyle! Calm down!"
"Please don't leave me!" I cried without thinking.

Cartman POV

I used to be fat. I hated everyone and myself then. Everything changed when I got to high school, people hated me just because I was fat. No other reason! They didn't need one. They only cared I wasn't their persona of perfection. Don't get me wrong when I was younger I was a little shit, I still to this day don't know how I had friends, but at high school I though that maybe everyone would have grown up by then. I had changed. I had grown up.
I think I've always liked Kyle...
I remember deliberately poking fun at him just to get a reaction. He didn't realise I could see past his fake smiles. The smiles were very convincing but his eyes always gave the game away!
I was jealous. I knew that Kyle liked Stan and Kenny better than me. It hurt because I liked him so much and I knew that really he had no positive feelings towards me.
It took awhile to figure out what I wanted. I slept around after joining auto shop. First Wendy (but if you asked her she'd probably deny it) and then Butters (he'd would never deny it because he has convinced himself that he loves me)
I've even done Craig. That's how we became friends. I don't really have any other friends! The only person I'd ever want to be my friend is Kyle.

"Please don't leave me!"
I love you Kyle! I couldn't leave forever, even if I wanted to.
His head was buried in my neck.
"I liked your hair better natural." I mumbled absentmindedly, running my hands through it.
"...what?" he whispered looking up at me.
"Oh...I was just thinking about what it looked like before you dyed it!" I stuttered running a hand through my own hair.
Suddenly he threw his arms around my neck.

Normal POV

Kyle kissed Cartman full on the mouth which was all the indication, that Kyle wanted him, that he needed.

Kyle POV

"Hey Kyle you ok?"
Was all I heard before a blur of black and red tackled Cartman around the waist, knocking him from my grasp.
"You bastard!" hissed Stan as he pinned Cartman down with his knees.
"What the fuck! Are you doing Stan?" cried out Cartman as Stan's fist connected with his nose.
"Get off him Stan!" I screamed as I grabbed Stan under the arms and desperately tried to pull him away from Cartman.

Sorry it took me awhile to get this up! I've been really busy with school stuff but anyway hope you enjoy and I promise to quick with my next upload!