Title: Fail Safe

Rating: T

Darcy Trix is released from Lighthaven for good behavior on one condition: she give up her memories and receive new ones of a normal Earth life. But when her long-lost sisters show up with a new ally, can Darcy Lewis be saved? Does she even want to be?

A/N: This will be my first crossover fic. It will be set between seasons four and five. Marvel and Winx...oh, boy, this seems like a toughie. Can be read with no knowledge of Winx Club, but I would recommend seeing Avengers before reading.

Lighthaven Prison Center [Takes place during early season four]

"So, Darcy, I know you've talked this over with your cousins, Headmistress Griffin, and your therapists for a while now. Do you really think you'll be okay like this?" Ms. Brand sounded bored, like she was reading off of a script and couldn't really care less whether Darcy thought she'd be alright, which was true.

"Yes." Darcy knew her answer right away but hesitated a moment for believability, then corrected Ms. Brand from sheer force of habit. "Sisters, not cousins." the woman nodded curtly, but Darcy saw the flicker of confusion pass over Ms. Brand's face, just for a second; the woman was from Earth and very new at her side-job of managing Lighthaven prisoners up for Earth-parole.

From what Darcy had been able to glean from the recreational room television, Earth had not been as happy as one would expect when fairies rediscovered it and Lighthaven began releasing 'reformed' criminals onto it.

Some of them (most of them) had not been changed at all, and proceeded to run rampant on the earth, causing damage. Its inhabitants had not liked being toyed with by the Major fairies either, and a 'Stop shitting with the Earth' message had been sent out to the Magix Dimension. Within hours Ms. Brand was co-managing Lighthaven's parole group. Some credit had to be attributed to the woman's professional manner, however, in such an unfamiliar environment.

Darcy and her sisters had not silently snickered at Ms. Brand's insistence at calling the Trix cousins (as they did everything else about her, from her plain outfits to her plain sunglasses) because, well, it was true.

Technically, Icy and Stormy were half-sisters, because their father was the same, but the latest Trix members had been raised as sisters and would die as sisters (and hopefully queens of the universe). Even the other councilors called them sisters. Ms. Brand was ridiculously unaware of Magix customs.

"Alright then, we'll let you say goodbye to your...sisters, then we can get the last few papers signed and then you can be released." Darcy nodded. Truth be told, she was nervous about the entire thing, and more then a little sad. She would miss her sisters more then she was willing to admit while on Earth, and unnerved by the proposition Lighthaven had given her.

Ms. Brand had come up with the solution to releasing parole-approved prisoners; to leave Lighthaven, they would have to agree to their memories being completely wiped clean, then replaced by normal Earthly ones. No one could even be released onto the Magix dimension, and it seemed Earth was her only option for getting out.

As they walked down the brightly-painted hallways, the middle Trix sister felt like canceling the entire thing and going back to her cell with her sisters would be the best thing. Panic rose in her chest as they stopped by the door. How could they be doing this?

Well, it wasn't like there was another way to leave. The Trix faced so many assault, murder, attempted murder, accessory after the fact, vandalism, breaking and entering, and property damage charges that even Stormy had thought a life sentence was fair enough. Darcy wiling her way into convincing the counselors that she really had changed was their only way to get out, and that had taken almost the entire year.

"Make it quick." were Ms. Brand's only words before locking Darcy in behind her sisters. As the doors closed, Darcy heard her muttering something about 'her, a level twenty threat?' and 'as if I have nothing better to do then escort some delinquent teenager to Earth' and frowned, but didn't bother saying anything. The room was soundproof, anyhow.

"Icy," she said, trying hard not to glance at the security cameras in all four corners of the room where Icy and Stormy sat on their cots. She knew they were being watched, and she had to make this heartfelt. First she took Stormy. The two exchanged pleasantries and 'I'll miss you's before Darcy moved on to Icy. She opened her arms for a hug and hoped Icy, who was not a natural hugger, would take the hint.

She did. As the two sisters wrapped their arms around each other, Icy muttered into Darcy's ear the words that calmed the dark witch's pounding heart and quenched her fear almost completely. Almost. "Remember the failsafe, Darcy."
"But how can I remember, when they've replaced my memories and left me to rot on that stinking, magicless, backwater little—"

"Shut up, Darcy," Icy's voice was urgent and whispered. Their embrace had probably gone on for too long already. "I didn't mean then. I mean, do you remember the failsafe? Nothing can go wrong." and like she had so many times before, Darcy put her fate into the hands of her older sister without question.
"I know."

The three sisters exchanged glances before Darcy knocked and told Ms. Brand that she was ready to come out now. Darcy could feel Icy's eyes follow her as they retreated down the hall. She felt a new sense of pride, nobility, even self-sacrifice as she signed the disclaimers and waivers.

She was the coven's only hope for once, not Icy, and it was refreshing. But the feeling of responsibility was almost overwhelming as well—she would never be able to get used to it and was realizing a whole new, grudging appreciation for Icy was leader, despite her ever-present desire to undermine her.

She stared down at her clothes, which had already been replaced with plainer, Earthen ones so she didn't stick out. Her heart rate sped up again; she didn't want to do this!

Well, tough, Icy would say. You're the only one who can get us out of this sweet 'n low hell. Biting her lip, she passed through the automatic doors. Ms. Brand did not follow her, instead watching through a glass panel as lights began to swirl around Darcy, shooting through her endlessly.

And then all she knew was her own screaming.