Chapter 10: Exile Cave

I groaned, curled up in a tight ball. My whole body hurt, as if I was just run over by a monster. I heard voices in the background, but tried to black it out. I cringed as the sound of a squealing kit screamed in my ear.

"Hazel! Spider! Get back here!" A she cats voice called and I heard the two kits scamper away. I groaned and blinked my eyes open, my vision blurry and unfocused. I glanced around and from what I could tell I was in a cave, curled up in a soft nest of moss and feathers.

"Oh good, you're awake!" A voice rang out next to me. I groaned and turned to see a pure white she cat with bright green emerald eyes. She stared at me intently, eyes flickering with worry.

"w-where am I? W-who are you?" I rasped, giving her a suspicious look. Off in the corner of the cave, I saw a brown tabby with a cream underbelly making odd looking movements with another brown cat, glancing over at me every once in a while. I shifted uncomfortable, hissing as a sharp pain shot through my side. the white she cat lightly touched her tail to my shoulder.

"Try not to move to much. You nearly died and you're gonna be really sore and weak for awhile. You're lucky we have Juniperfrost." She mewed. I shrunk away and glanced around the cave again, my vision finally focusing. I saw a large, dark russet tabby tom watching two tumbling kits, around four moons old, while a black and white she cat shifted through a pile of herbs. I turned back to the white she cat "You never answered my question."

"Oh sorry! My names Snowfeather and your in a cave just outside then clan territories" snowfeatger mewed with a flick of her tail. Outside clan territories. Good. Now I don't have to see Seaclan territory. I don't have to see Moondust. just the thought of her made me sad crushed and angry all at the same time.

"No reason to tell me your name. We all know who you are Dragonblaze." If tgere was sarcasm in Snowfeathers comment I couldn't tell

"Don't worry I'll leave as soon as I can." I sighed and rested my head on my paws.

"Actually you dont have to leave. everyone here is an outcats." She flicked her tail two the two brown toms "Thats Turbo, born a loner, and Pinemist, born a Mountainclan cat. He's deaf and was exiled for it." That explains why Turbo was making odd movements. thats how they communicate. Then she flicked her tail over to the kits, the dark tabby, and the she cats "Thats Juniperfrost Hawktalon and their kits Hazel and Spider. Juniperfrost was once Mountainclans medicine cat but she broke the code by expecting Hawktalons kits. They were exiled before the kits were born."

I raised an eyebrow "Then why are you here?"

She looked at her paws "Same as you. Unjustly accused of murder."

A/N: UGH! Sorry it took so long to update. Been preoccupied with other crap. Anyways please read reveiw and enjoy! xD