Rating: M

A/n: Thank you for your support~ I'm grateful to all of you who like this so far.

If anybody's interested, I actually went to a Catholic School, grades 4-8. It sucked. Lol. It's where some of my inspiration came from for this (:

Rebellious at Best

Chapter Two


Axel was displeased, very, very displeased. He stared at the priest, a man that barely came up to his chest, irritably. He didn't like the man already but he attempted to be nice because he didn't like carrying around the stupid cross he'd been carrying around even more. He hadn't done a damn thing to deserve the stupid thing.

"I've never done this before but I want to get rid of this," he said holding up the cross that the principal had given him. The slate haired man nodded, seeming impassive. They were sitting beside one another in the church pews. Axel had his legs propped up on the pew in front of them and was leaning back casually in the one they were sitting in. The priest regarded the boy's appearance as well as his posture for a long moment and ultimately decided not to comment on it.

"Start with, 'forgive me father for I have sinned', and then tell me how long it has been since your last confession." Axel rolled his eyes at the priest.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned," Axel mocked. "My last confession was… Never." The man raised an eyebrow at the red-head.

"Why is that, my son?"

"Because I never do anything wrong," Axel drawled, hating the priest already. He reminded him of his parents. He rolled his eyes again, betting that they were glad that he was out of their hair.

"Then why did Larxene punish you?" Axel shrugged.

"I told the truth. Someone else tried to cover for me. Next thing I know, she's giving me this," he said, holding it up, "got it memorized?"

"Then perhaps you should clear things up with her. You don't want to bear false witness." Axel gave the man a dirty look.

"I'm not telling that religious freak a damn thing. Got it memorized? So take your damned cross before I shove it up your ass," he said dropping it on the ground, next to the man's foot. The short priest sighed gently.

"Anger will serve no greater purpose than to push people away from you. Perhaps I can help you resolve it. What's got you so angry?" Axel bit his lower lip, immediately thinking of Roxas. He'd looked terrified when they ran into each other again. He closed his eyes, their conversation replaying in his mind.

"Axel, I'm… I don't know what to say except that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you do that to me… it was a mistake."

"Why didn't you just stay away from me then?! Why didn't you-" he'd stopped speaking when he'd seen how upset the other boy was. "Whatever. Leave." He'd wanted things to be different with Roxas and it pissed him off that they weren't.

"B-but Axel, I-" he hadn't been able to stand seeing that pained expression on Roxas' face. He hated it because he was pissed and it made him want to take Roxas into his arms and hold him. It made him want to make it better, but he couldn't even do that because Roxas thought it was a mistake. That he was a mistake. So he'd turned away, yelled angrily for him to leave and when he had turned around again, Roxas had been gone.

"None of your business. It's my own fucking fault."


Roxas lay his head down on his desk, waiting for that familiar flash of red to enter the room, just like he always did. His heart sank, throbbing horribly, when the bell rang and Axel never came into the room. He had a sinking feeling when Axel still didn't come to class, half an hour into the lecture. When he finally did show up, however, Roxas almost wished he hadn't. He looked both pissed and sour. Roxas bit his lower lip, knowing exactly why.

"Ah, Axel, how good of you to join us," the teacher commented. Axel shrugged, handed him a slip of paper and then proceeded to go to his seat, not even sparing a glance at Roxas. They hadn't talked for two days now and it was tearing the blond up inside. The only time he saw Axel was in class. The rest of the time, the red-head had become exceptionally good at hiding from him… and today would turn out to be no different than the past two days.


It was very late when Axel heard what sounded like someone climbing the ladder to the fire escape. He merely stared up at the stars, taking another drag of his cigarette. A figure approached him, hesitating before sitting beside him.

"Axel…" The red-head turned to him, staring into his deep blue eyes, his own expressionless.


"I'm… I can't stop thinking about what you did…"

"So?" The red-head's response was almost like a slap in the face.

"You can?" Axel took another hit from his cigarette.

"Why does it matter, Roxas?" He asked quietly. "You made it clear that it doesn't." Roxas bit his lower lip and glanced at Axel. Before he knew it, he was staring at the red-head. He was so beautiful…

"Axel… I'm sorry." His heart pounded as their eyes met. Roxas swallowed hard, his fingers gently brushing the red-head's knee. Axel's eyes never wavered from the blond's. Again, he could read Roxas, easily and what he saw irritated him. Still, he didn't move. Not until the boy leant closer. He waited until their lips almost brushed before evading the almost-kiss.

"Roxas stop it." The blond looked upset and Axel squared his jaw. "I'm not some Goddamn toy that you can play around with or experiment on. You said that what I did to you was a mistake, so fine! Leave it alone."

"Axel, please, I'm sorry, I was… I am confused, please, please, please, believe me…"

"No, I won't." Roxas looked incredibly sad.

"What do I have to do to make it up to you?" Axel snorted then smiled wryly, masking his anger with amusement.

"You're a smart boy…Figure it out," he said with mock encouragement before patting Roxas' head. "You've got three days. Then I'm done."

"I will."

"We'll see."

"I will, Axel!" A red brow rose at him, skeptically. Shaking his head, Axel got up and began to walk away, murmuring a 'whatever' under his breath. Roxas bit his lower lip as the other boy climbed down the ladder.


The next day in class, rather than sitting beside the red-headed girl in the front as usual, Roxas came back four rows, speaking quietly to a blonde girl with eyes just as blue as Roxas'. She sat right beside Axel in all of their classes.

Axel pretended not to notice that Roxas gave her his real smile, pretended not to notice the blonds at all, but their closeness was bothering him, making his heart ache. He didn't look at them directly but still noticed when the two switched spots.

"Hey, Axel," the blond greeted.

"What do you want, Roxas?"

"To show you that you're not a joke to me…" Axel laughed harshly, their eyes locked just before the bell rang. Their teacher, Luxord, walked into the room, calling for their attention but vibrant green stayed locked with deep blue as if daring the blond to speak again, to respond to that laugh, to defend himself, when he kept pretending to flirt with girls—if it was pretend at all.

Finally they broke eye contact to pay attention to the lecture. However, for Roxas, it didn't really matter how hard he tried to pay attention, he couldn't concentrate. All he could think about was what he could do to fix things with Axel. He hated that Axel was angry with him. He hadn't meant it, how things had come out or how they had parted ways. He just… he'd felt that they'd gone too fast and he hadn't wanted to ruin things with Axel by going too fast. He hated that he couldn't control himself around the red-head. He was terrified that it would be his undoing…

He was so engrossed in his thoughts and in his fears that he missed the entire lecture and was startled when the dismissal bell rang. He called after Axel when he saw him leaving but the red-head didn't stop. Quickly, he scrambled to write down the assignment, barely making it to his next class in time. Once again, he sat next to the red-head, but he didn't have time to speak to him before the teacher came into the room.

Throughout this lecture, he caught himself sneaking glances at the red-head. His gaze lingered on Axel's lips during one such instance. He blushed deeply when he remembered what they had done to him and looked away, feeling hot. He closed his eyes, remembering that amazing pressure, the brush of heated metal from Axel's tongue ring, the way it had felt when he'd swallowed the mess he'd made. He shuddered, trying to calm himself… Again, the dismissal bell rang and he'd learned nothing. Axel gathered his things once again and stood but this time, before he could leave, Roxas got out of his chair as well and grasped his sleeve.

"Wait, Axel." Axel waited until the room was empty before both jerking his arm away and speaking.

"What do you want, Roxas?" He asked again. This time his voice was venomous. Roxas' stomach dropped and he felt cold.

"I already told you." Axel rolled his eyes at the confusion in the boy's voice.

"Says the ladies man."

"What is that supposed to mean? I've been specifically sitting beside you, not Kairi! What did I do wrong? What!"Axel turned around and glowered at the blond.

"It didn't stop you from flirting with that little blonde bitch." Roxas' cheeks flushed out of anger and his mouth turned to a thin line.

"Say that again. I dare you." Axel gritted his teeth.

"It didn't stop you from flirting with that blonde bitch." Roxas eyes were blazing now and he was shaking because he was so angry but Axel didn't care.

"Take that back!"

"No! She's a blonde bitch, just like you." Roxas punched Axel square in the face, yelling something incoherent as they hit the ground. The red-head fought for control, knocking over a desk in the process, amazed at how strong the smaller boy was, unable to get him off. They were locked in their scuffle until somebody was pulling Roxas off. He glimpsed their teacher as he sat up.

"Roxas! I expected better than this from you!" Roxas glared at Axel murderously. His lip was bleeding because Axel had head-butted him and his uniform was torn, as was Axel's.

"I'm sorry, Saix. It won't ever happen again."

"Oh, I know it won't happen ever again, once I'm done giving you both detentions for the next two weeks." Frowning deeply, Axel turned away, a large purple bruise blossoming on his jaw. "Now get out of my room." When he turned around again, two blue, blue eyes were glowering at him.

"Don't you ever, ever, speak to me again."

"Fine with me," the red-head spat back.


The next few days after that went without incident. Roxas didn't even look at Axel and Axel didn't look at Roxas. He figured it was better that way. No matter how badly it hurt, it was what Roxas wanted, after all. At least he thought so, until he got into Demyx's quarters after dinner.

"Axel! What did you do to Roxas!?" Was his greeting. A red eyebrow rose at the blond music teacher. "I've never seen him so upset in my entire life. Oooh, what happened to your face?" His bruise had darkened and was much more visible.

"The little shit punched me."

"What did you do?"

"What did I do? Why don't you ask him what he did?"

"Axel… Roxas doesn't just punch people in the face for no reason."

"Could've fooled me."

"Just… tell me what happened. I won't take sides, or tell anyone, I promise." Axel sighed impatiently through his nose, wanting to be left alone.

"We kissed, I blew him, he said it was a mistake and then tried to come onto me again a couple of days later. I stopped him and told him that he didn't get to experiment with me because I'm not a goddamn toy. So he apologized told me he was confused, that he'd make it up to me, so I gave him three days to do it. There? Happy?"

"No I'm not. There has to be more than that… When did you tell him that?"Axel rolled his eyes.

"Today's the third day." Demyx nodded slowly.

"And?" Axel bit the inside of his cheek.

"On the first day, in class, he didn't sit next to the girl he usually sits by. Instead he flirted with some blonde bitch that usually sits beside me to get her to switch spots with him." Remembering made him feel sick.

"What did she look like?" He gave Demyx a disgusted look. "Just tell me. It's important."

"I highly doubt that."

"Please, Axel, I can't help if I don't know." Axel sighed.

"Pale, light blond hair, deep blue eyes. When I called him out on it, he got all defensive and I got mean because I was so jealous and hurt and…" his anger was intermingling with hurt, "I know that he liked her because he smiled at her the way that he smiles at me. The real one, not the fake one that he gives Kairi… Then… he punched me in the face and told me to never talk to him again."

"Does she draw a lot?"

"Yeah. Why?" Demyx bit his lower lip.

"Axel… that's our sister, Naminé. She's Roxas' twin." Green eyes slipped shut and Axel felt like the biggest idiot in the world.


"I'm sure Roxas didn't mean it. He's just really close to Naminé."

"He seemed pretty serious to me."

"Axel… Roxas likes you. He really likes you."

"Enough to punch me in the face?" Axel replied sarcastically.

"Enough! You're the first person that he's shown interest in over two years, he's finally smiling again," Demyx blushed, "he even fooled around with you when I know that he's never gone beyond kissing before." The red-head frowned.

"I don't think you get it."

"Please… apologize, at least? He's really, really upset." Axel sighed. He knew that he'd been wrong about Naminé. It was his fault.

"I'll think about it."


Axel went to bed early, staring at the ceiling. He'd no doubt blown it with Roxas, but he knew that if he wanted the boy to listen to him, he would have a better chance if he did it sooner rather than later. Yet… he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Long minutes drug into longer hours and his mind refused to settle down. He didn't want Roxas to be angry with him. It hurt too much. He sighed heavily and then found his favorite sweater, his pack of cigarettes and his lighter, deciding to clear his head… and that if he ran into Roxas, then he'd apologize.

He climbed up onto the rooftop, unsurprised to see Roxas there, glowering at him. Roxas had shown him this place, after all. But he'd still been hoping against hope that he'd be alone.

"Leave. This is my spot." Axel walked up to the boy, crouching before him making their eyes level.

"I respect that and I respect you so I will. I just wanted to say that I was sorry. I didn't know that she was your sister." Hard blue eyes softened marginally. They travelled to the large bruise he'd made. He hesitated before speaking.

"Did it hurt?" The red-head's heart pounded and he felt hopeful because the blond was speaking to him.


"Good." Axel sighed.

"Why didn't you just tell me she was your sister?" Roxas shrugged.

"Because I wanted to knock your teeth down your throat for insulting her." The taller boy nodded.

"Again, I'm sorry. I'll go now."

"Axel, wait." The red-head hesitated. "Why did you insult her? Why did you get so angry?"

"I… You said that you weren't treating me like a joke and then, to me, it looked like you were flirting with a girl. I didn't take it well." Confusion crossed his face.

"Why did you think I was flirting?"

"You were so close to her, laughing and smiling the way that you do to for me. Your real smile, not your fake one, and it made me jealous especially after what we did, because I knew that she was special to you and that well… I was a mistake."

"No, Axel, I was scared and confused because I like you so much that I can't control myself around you. I couldn't even stop myself from pushing you into doing what you did…" The red-head sat beside the blond, lighting a cigarette and inhaling before speaking.

"You didn't push me into doing anything, blondie. I even told you to tell me to stop if you didn't want me to keep going." Roxas blushed. "Sooo… what's wrong then? You didn't like it?" Roxas was quiet for a long time. "Helllooo? Talk to me here."

"Of course I did, I! I just thought that I went too far… I even came in y-your…"

"My mouth? So?" Axel snorted and then smirked. "If I didn't like it, I would have spat it out, but I didn't. I swallowed it. Every last drop." Roxas blushed darkly, remembering.

"You… wanted to?" Axel's smirk widened to a Cheshire grin. Any anger he'd had vanished. Roxas' inexperience made him so ignorant but cute.

"Yeah," he replied, leaning closer, "I'd even do it again." Roxas' eyes widened.

"Y-you'd still… you still like me?"

"Of course I do, blondie. Got it memorized?" Roxas swallowed, nodding. Axel smiled wryly. "Do you still like me?"

"Y-yeah," he said weakly. Taking one more drag of his cigarette before putting it out, the red-head stood. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Bed. I'm tired. A cute little blond has been stressing me out for over a week, making me kill my lungs more than usual," he teased. Roxas blushed. "But we're on good terms again so I feel better. Goodnight, Roxas."

"Goodnight…" Axel began to climb down the ladder. "Axel?" The red-head hesitated.

"Will you meet me up here tomorrow night?"

"Sure." Roxas smiled a little just before the red-head vanished.



A/n: I can almost hear Axel in my head: -clap clap clap- 'Yeah, Azu-rela, write, write, write!' because I was so fast xD

Anyhow, I hope it wasn't too bad. Thoughts? Thanks.