Okay, this is it. Thank you for everyone who stuck with me for the duration … especially those from before, and much thanks to my Beta: Voldyhasnonose.

On an aside, I have included a quote from one of my favorite TV shows of all time: Coupling. See if you can spot it. If you've never watched it, you are really missing out.

As the fire crackled and threw a warm light over the room, Hermione allowed herself to relax for the first time that day. The last year had been a very busy one, but her agreement to help Kingsley rebuild the government had ended and she could finally move on with her own life.

Her life with Severus.

It had been a very painful transition, but the new leadership was now firmly in place, a full third of the existing laws had been thrown out and another third amended to reflect the current political climate. A climate of equality for all witches and wizards regardless of blood status … at least in theory. The reality was that it would be a long time before there was ever true equality, especially when the average lifespan was over a hundred and fifty years, and the average person's memory almost as long.

Prejudices nurtured over a lifetime and backed by a thousand years of tradition were not thrown out overnight simply because the Minister deemed it so, but they were at least taking a step in the right direction.

And as much as Hermione had pushed for equality among all magical creatures as well, she knew that would be even longer coming to fruition … if ever (at least in her lifetime), but she would keep trying. To help things along, and hopefully open a few eyes, she had decided her next book would be about the different magical creatures that lived in Britain. The more they were understood instead of feared or reviled, the easier it would be to accept them as vital and contributing members of society.

That was her hope anyway.

Luna, goddess bless her, had proposed a joint endeavor; excited about the possibility of educating the world about a few of the lesser known magical creatures, she suggested they work together to dispel the myths and legends surrounding so many previously unrecognized species.

Hermione didn't have the heart to tell her what a load of dung she thought it all was ... until in a fit of piqué redolent of Ginny on a bad day, Luna had reached into her pocket and pulled out ... something, and handed it to her skeptical friend. Hermione couldn't have been more shocked. She couldn't see anything, but there was more than air in her hand, nor was it her imagination when the little shit bit her.

Hermione was forced to admit that maybe Luna's eccentricities did have a basis for fact ... unfortunately, she just couldn't see the rest of the world embracing her discoveries.

Hermione had started losing her idealism back about the time Fudge tried to expel Harry for defending himself against the dark creatures the Ministry itself sent after him. It still occasionally tried to make an appearance, like a new bud at springtime trying to break through the winter's frost … but it rarely survived amidst the harsher realities of life.

Idealism was for the young and the unencumbered … neither of which she was any longer. The past year had driven that home quicker than anything else could. Because even honest politicians ... weren't. At least not all the time. Having to balance the needs and rights of the many against popular opinion and a constrained budget took a special kind of person to make work.

She was not that kind of person, and on more than one occasion had to be asked to 'take a breather' when yet another pompous arse with large pockets and an impressive pedigree (at least in his own mind) condescended to explain why her proposal would 'never work.'

Hermione had discovered, much to her dismay, that the world was not made up of just Death Eaters and good guys. There were varying degrees of 'good,' and just because a pureblood didn't support Voldemort's (or Lucius') ideals, didn't mean they wanted their way of life intruded upon by a 'trumped-up muggleborn' intent on changing everything they held sacred.

Needles to say, she wasn't holding her breath for the invites to tea.

Hermione sighed and shoved aside her momentary bitterness. She had done what she could to help make a change for the better, and she knew she would continue to write books to open people's eyes to the world around them and hopefully encourage them to think for themselves instead of always following the crowd, like rats to the piper's tune. Anything beyond that she would leave to the next generation.

At least some justice had been done to Malfoy's little gang. They had all been arrested, tried and sentenced to life in Azkaban for their crimes against humanity, with Lucius receiving the harsher penalty of being escorted through the veil. Since it had been his third such charge (and even blind and obtuse wizards can finally admit that they had most likely been duped the two previous times), Lucius' claim that he had been Imperiused didn't exactly ring true, especially considering he was the ringleader (two dozen men had testified as much).

But she had to give him points for the sheer ballsy attempt.

Hermione felt immense satisfaction when Lucius was found guilty, but took no joy in knowing he would pay for his crimes with his life. She understood the reason behind his sentence, but she had witnessed far too many needless deaths in her lifetime to ever take pleasure in it. She also knew that on some level Severus was grieving for the friend he had known while at Hogwarts, no matter how much he had disagreed with the philosophies of the man he had become.

The wives of the convicted men had also been taken into custody and questioned under Veritaserum, much to their mortification, but it was proven that while most had suspected their husbands of being involved in something 'not quite legal,' only a few had known (or wanted to know) what their husbands had really been doing. And while there was precedent to punish the wives, the general consensus was that it would be counter-productive, and the Wizengamot had absolved them of any wrongdoing.

Kinsley had later explained that the public, as fickle as they were, would never condone sending off women to prison en masse.

So, after the dust had settled (and the hefty fines paid), the pureblood princesses had quietly settled back to lick their wounds and try to salvage what they could of their reputations. Hermione suspected very little would keep the women down for long, but at least they had been 'neutered' somewhat in the wake of the trials.

Another interesting consequence of recent events had been that the Daily Prophet had been forced to expand their Op Ed section to accommodate the massive influx of letters. Disgruntled readers were voicing their opinions in record numbers and the paper was struggling to keep up. Hermione had always believed the wizarding world was mostly populated by sheep; easily led and unwilling to go against the crowd, but the radical changes taking place in their comfortable little world had evidently awakened some previously dormant desire to be heard.

And while the majority were appalled (and belatedly, terrified) at the attempted rise of another Dark Lord seemingly right under their noses, they were even more unsettled at the complete reorganization of the government they had, if not always liked and approved of, at least been used to. She and her book had received more than their fair share of criticism and rancor for being the obvious cause of such upheaval.

The enemy you know and all that …

Hermione worked hard not to let it bother her. The traditionalist purebloods no longer had a forum to push their beliefs after being kicked out of the government; the paper provided an outlet for their bitter diatribes and less than subtle slurs against her and every other non-pureblood. Thankfully, they were only a small faction of the population, and while she didn't sympathize with their plight in the least, she did understand how hard it must be for the older purebloods to suddenly be powerless and unsupported.

Understanding was a far cry from commiserating, however, and she couldn't help but feel immense satisfaction that their plan had worked and the wizarding world (at least in Britain) finally stood a chance of evolving and moving in the right direction.

In a more surprising turn of events, her book, which she had self-published and intended only as a reference tool for the existing powers-that-be, had apparently caught the attention of the populace and she had been shocked almost speechless when she began getting requests from publishers around the world. She had never imagined there would be an interest, but evidently seeing proof in black and white that every government had issues had been an eye-opener for all concerned.

Being anal retentive by nature, Hermione's research had included just about every active government around the world as examples; listing not only its strengths, but also its perceived (and real) weaknesses. She had never intended for it to actually be read by them; it had just been meant as a means of comparison for her own government of what seemed to work and what didn't.

Hermione would never consider herself an expert by any stretch of the imagination, she had simply summarized her findings; the numbers were the numbers and they didn't lie no matter how hard one wanted to believe otherwise. The fact that she was now being hailed as a 'revolutionary' (except in Britain where she was called much less flattering names) completely astounded her. But far be it from her to look a gift hippogriff in the mouth … if they wanted her book, and it could help make a difference, then she was happy to oblige.

Unfortunately, since she had self-published, that meant endless hours spent making copies. Her uni students had left once summer was over to return to their studies, so she was left doing the majority of the work herself. Thankfully, Mindy had a few friends who were available to help (for a price, of course), and production continued uninterrupted.

To date, her book had already been translated into thirteen languages … which meant there may yet be hope for the rest of the wizarding world, but Hermione decided she had plenty of time yet before breaking out in a rousing rendition of Kumbaya, especially as singing was not one of her talents.

Not by a long shot.

Now that her time was her own again, she could think about starting her own small publishing company. That way she could publish her own future works as well as support other young writers eager to be heard.

The past year had also been trying on a personal level as well. With her spending most of her time at the Ministry and Severus experiencing an unexpected boom in business, they were lucky to have an entire weekend to spend together at one time, and even those had been often interrupted while Severus expanded and reorganized his company.

But at long last, her time at the Ministry was finished (much to Kingsley's displeasure) and Severus' renovations were complete and his new manager was fully trained and capable of handling anything that might come up.


They both needed this time to decompress and reconnect. She understood he had obligations and that ultimately all his extra work was so that he could spend more time with her, but she had missed him terribly over the last months and was eagerly looking forward to some alone time with her man.

She couldn't wait.

Hermione had visited Lavender's upscale salon in Diagon Alley to be plucked, waxed, buffed, polished and painted in preparation for tonight's reunion. She had not seen Severus in almost two weeks as he had been working almost non-stop to finalize everything so they could take an extended vacation.

She needed some stress relief and knew he did as well; he had been a bear the last few times they had talked on the floo.

She eyed her outfit and hoped it would serve its purpose.

It hadn't taken much convincing on her part to get Severus to agree to a month-long hiatus from people … all people (especially her friends), and the house in Alberta had been stocked in preparation. If she had her way they would be spending most of it in bed.

To her great relief, Severus had loved both the lab and the greenhouse, and had spent weeks further personalizing each to suit his needs once he was settled into the house. By unspoken agreement, they both accepted that the house in Canada would become their main residence once her obligation to the Minister was done and his business settled. Hermione could write anywhere and Severus could use the lab to work on potions and his own research while still being readily available via floo if needed.

The decision to reside in Alberta had been a surprisingly simple one considering the state of things back home.

Even though they were finally starting to take a turn for the better in Britain, Hermione still received more than her fair share of nasty looks and comments wherever she went … how much of that was due to her books and how much because the news had finally gotten out that she and Severus were a couple she didn't know, nor did she care. Her private life was no one's business.

Too bad her friends didn't agree.

The fallout from her announcement that she was engaged to Severus (especially considering no one had even been aware they were dating) had been brutal, and it was only in the last month that she had agreed to speak to Ron again, thanks in large part to Susan's intervention. The fact that Hermione would lower herself to sleep with, much less marry the 'greasy git' had been a hard concept for Ron to accept.

Her right hook had been an even harder one.

Luna, Neville, Draco and Blaise had been the only ones to be openly accepting and truly happy for them, and as a result, had been her only friends to attend their bonding ceremony. The rest of her friends had been invited on a conditional basis only. If Susan could keep Ron under control, than they could come as well.

It was a good thing Hermione had not held her breath.

Harry had come around after his initial hurt at her failure to confide in him had faded; he could hardly complain about her choice considering he had named one of his children after Severus, but Ginny and her mother were less accepting.

Evidently, despite Harry's acceptance of Severus as a 'good guy,' Ginny had never forgotten his treatment of her during his time as headmaster and had only conceded on her son's name to appease Harry and Molly apparently still held a slight grudge against Severus for killing Albus Dumbledore.

To them, Severus was fine as a concept, but neither wanted him in their inner circle of friends, and both felt Hermione could 'do better.'

They had both eventually apologized to Hermione and attempted to make amends, but Hermione had a harder time forgiving their slight towards Severus no matter how many times Arthur tried to soothe things over. Hermione knew things would settle back down in time, and a part of her understood their position ... but the bigger part of her resented them for not accepting her choice.

It was something she was working on.

Another surprising set of allies had been George and Angelina. And while they were both fine with her choice and privately wished she and Severus well, in order to keep getting free Sunday meals and babysitting from Molly, they had to refrain from making their support public.

She couldn't really blame them.

Severus had been unusually noncommittal after learning her friend's reactions to the news of their impending nuptials, but later that night, had quietly asked her if she was sure he was whom she wanted. Her blistering response had more than satisfied him; as had the very steamy make-up session ... and the issue had not been brought up again.

She wanted Severus.


Speaking of which … she felt him passing through the wards and hastily stood up. She had mostly gotten over her self-conscientiousness when it came to her body, but this was the first time she had ever 'dressed up' for him and she was a bit nervous. Not to mention it had been over two weeks since they had last seen each other for longer than ten minutes, and she had no idea what sort of mood he would be in when he arrived.

Was it any wonder she was less than relaxed?

She adjusted her stockings, straightened the corset (which even she had to admit made her breasts look impossibly full and unnaturally high), stepped into the ridiculously steep heels she had purchased just because they made her bum look more perky and her legs longer, and leaned back against the mantle in what she hoped was an alluring pose.


Severus entered the room; exhausted and wanting nothing more than a stiff drink and to see Hermione again ... not necessarily in that order. He stopped mid-stride as soon as his eyes fell on the gorgeous creature that was his wife. Her mouth-watering curves were temptingly displayed in a sinful creation of deep green silk, and in that instant he knew he was the luckiest bastard that ever lived.

He set down his briefcase and slowly removed his cloak, never once breaking eye contact.

"It's not my birthday, so I can only assume this is your way of telling me you missed me," he said huskily. It didn't help that all the blood had left his brain and traveled south so quickly it made his knees weak. His tiredness was forgotten but his hands were less than steady as he continued to undress while maintaining his distance, knowing that as soon as he touched her, he would be lost.


His Hermione.

His wife.

Just saying that made his heart hitch and warmed him down to his very toes.

The last year had been less than ideal as they both struggled find time to be together amidst the upheaval caused by her book, the arrest of Lucius and his gang of followers, the complete overhaul of the governing bodies in Britain and his business expansion. He had tried to be there for her as much as possible, but every time they had a moment's peace, something always seemed to come up to call one or the other away.

It hadn't helped that her so-called friends had been less than supportive about her relationship with him.

Feeling more than a little guilty for his part in the drama unfolding amongst the Gryffindors, he had halfheartedly (and very unwisely as it turned out) suggested maybe they should take a 'break' until her friends calmed down. The subsequent row had been intense, but the making-up had been mind-blowing.

He had never brought the subject up again, even if he still felt the occasional twinge of conscience for being the cause of a rift between the infamous (and notorious) Golden Trio.

Severus still woke up some days in complete awe at how the fates had blessed him. He lived in a beautiful house with a state of the art potion's lab and greenhouse to continue his research. He was comfortably well off thanks to his various patents and the increase in his business, and he was married to an incredible woman who loved him without reservation.

He was happy. For the first time in his miserable life, he was truly happy, and he vowed to do everything in his power to ensure he always made her happy in return.

Starting right now.

He unbuttoned his shirt sleeves and allowed the garment to fall unheeded to the floor as he crossed the room. He stopped just short of touching her and allowed his eyes to sear every inch of the delectable creature in front of him. Without conscious thought he was soon kneeling in front of her; a supplicant before his master.

His hands followed the same path as his eyes, and he softly caressed the strip of smooth skin left bare at the top of the stockings. His heart was racing as he inhaled her musky arousal before finally looking up to meet her hooded eyes; the raw desire and immense love he saw there making his breath hitch.

It still amazed him that she wanted him. He had never had a woman respond to his lightest touch the way she did.

It was truly as if they were made for each other.

"You are a like a goddess incarnate, my Hermione," he whispered as his nose nudged the damp spot at the vee of her supple thighs and he couldn't hold back a grin at her sharp intake of breath; she was just as affected as him.

And she was all his.

Severus was not a religious man … he had seen far too much evil and pain in his life to ever believe in a god that would allow such things … but in that moment he wanted to thank whatever deity existed for the woman before him. Leaning forward he gently kissed the stomach that would hopefully someday carry his son or daughter.

He had been amazed (and humbled) to discover that not only did Hermione want to marry him, but she wanted to have a child (or children) with him.

He … Severus Snape … ex-Death eater … murderer of Albus Dumbledore, one of the most powerful and best loved wizards to ever live …. greasy git of the dungeons and hated Potion's professor for over sixteen years.

It still amazed and humbled him.

He knew he was not even remotely worthy of this woman, but he would be damned if he let her get away or gave her any reason to doubt him or have second thoughts about their future together.

As he slowly stood, his eyes never leaving hers as his hands continued to worship her curves; one thought kept repeating like a mantra through his mind.




He stepped out of his shoes and socks (no woman wanted to do the 'squelchy' with a naked man in socks) before finally allowing his pants to drop to the floor. He decided it was probably best to leave his boxers on or else this whole evening would be over much too soon.

Her eyes slid down his torso and rested briefly on his obvious arousal before meeting his gaze and quirking an eyebrow.

The cheeky woman had stolen his signature move … but damn if she didn't look sexy as hell doing it.

He allowed his fingers to lightly graze across the abundant cleavage on display and unconsciously licked his lips in anticipation. After a year of being intimate with Hermione, the sex continued to get better as her confidence (in both her body, and her own skills) grew. The little minx could arouse him with just a look and she knew it.

Not that he was complaining.

He had also discovered that 'little miss innocent' had a kinky side, which he took immense pleasure in exploring and encouraging. No, his only issue with their sex life, was that there wasn't enough of it. But that would change in the coming weeks.

He had finally gotten his company settled enough to run without him, and she was finally free of her obligation to Kingsley. So they could (at last) have some much needed quality time together. Their paltry excuse for a honeymoon had been only two days spent in bed before an explosion at his lab had forced him back to London. It had taken his manager two weeks to stop shaking in fear every time he looked at her.

If he had his way, Hermione wouldn't be leaving their bed for at least a week. Beyond that …

After a kiss so hot it nearly melted his toes, he took great pleasure in slowly removing her corset … the stockings and heels stayed on because, well … he was a man and they were bloody brilliant.

Their lovemaking was over far too quickly for his liking, but he knew they had plenty of time to remedy that situation now that they were both officially on holiday. Instead he savored the post-coital haze of utter contentment; his body satiated (temporarily), his arms full of warm curves and his mind blissfully blank.

And his heart … his heart nearly burst with love for the woman who had publicly claimed him as her own; vowing before their friends to love, honor and cherish him for all eternity.

"I love you, you know," she muttered sleepily; her hand lazily drawing circles in the sparse hair on his chest. "My husband," she said dreamily; her eyes meeting his and the love and acceptance he saw blazing in them almost stole his breath.

"I love you as well, my wife," his tone was filled with reverence and awe at the miracle in his arms.

"Mine," he said before he kissed her swollen lips.

"Mine," he whispered against the swell of her breast.

"Mine," he repeated as his tongue found her sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Mine!" he shouted as he spilled his seed into the heat of her body.

"Mine," he vowed as he curled himself around her plaint body; her soft snores making him smile.

Mine, was his last thought before darkness welcomed him into its inky depths.

Neither was aware of Mindy as she banked the fire and covered up her sleeping charges. Her heart lightened by the couple asleep on the rug … and the babe they had just conceived. She wondered if she should wake them and share the happy news, but dismissed the thought as soon as it arrived. They looked too peaceful to disturb.

Tomorrow would be soon enough.