I Need You Chapter 30
It was a year after they were married, they had decorated their house, even made a special room just for Damian, and he still came over every weekend. They were still working with the Justice League, and were working for Wayne Enterprises. Artemis had caught what she thought was the flu, but it didn't go away, it came back every day, Dick finally talked her into going to the doctor, where they found out that she was pregnant. Artemis was beyond shocked, while Dick ran around all of Gotham telling everyone that she was pregnant. She was excited but scared, being a mom to Damian was one thing but could she really do it with her own child. When she was two months along and at a doctor's appointment they found out she was pregnant with twins, this caused Dick to actually faint. This made both of them even more nervous, but all of their friends and family told them they would do great. Her mother actually cried with tears of joy when they told her. Artemis officially retired from the Justice League and focused on her pregnancy and working at the company. Damian didn't really understand the whole thing, all he knew was that Artemis' stomach was getting bigger, and she ate really weird things like pickles and peanut butter. Dick was great through the whole thing, he handled her mood swings amazing and he would get up at any time of night and get her newest craving. When Dick and Artemis explained to Damian that he wouldn't be able to come over after the babies were still young he got upset and yelled at them saying he never wanted to see them again and that they were choosing their own kids over him. The next day Artemis went to the mansion and talked to him telling him that no matter what he would always be a part of their family and he would always be her little man, even when he was sixteen years old and had a girlfriend. On August 21st she gave birth to a healthy baby boy and a healthy baby girl. They boy looked more like Dick and the girl looked more like Artemis but her skin wasn't as dark. They named them Cole John Grayson and Mary Elizabeth Grayson. The John in Cole's middle name was after Dick's father, and Mary was after his mother. Damian wasn't too fond of the babies at first but he quickly warmed up to them especially Mary. Artemis never went back to being a super hero, she said that she wanted to raise her children and not worry about leaving them; she said it was enough stress having Dick still involved in it. But she still worked with her bow and arrow she and Roy taught Damian and Lian and eventually Luke how to use a bow and arrow. Dick and Artemis decided that they would tell their children about their super hero lives and would train them but if they did not want to be super heroes when they got older they would be perfectly fine with that.
Six months after Dick and Artemis' wedding Tim and Barbara admitted that they were officially dating, and they wanted to wait to tell everyone until after Tim turned eighteen and Dick and Artemis were married. They moved in together in Dick and Artemis old apartment. Barbara left the superhero business around the same time Artemis gave birth to the twins, but she wouldn't say why just that she wanted a normal life and to go to college. About a month later they found out she was pregnant. Dick still thought it was weird that his best friend and his brother were dating and having a baby together but he was happy for them. They had a baby boy named Aden Wayne Drake.
When the twins were three Dick was shot in the stomach while fighting with two-face. Artemis was two months pregnant but she hadn't told him yet because she had found out the same day he was shot. The stress of having Dick shot and him almost dying almost caused her to have a miscarriage. Once he was fully recovered he retired from being a super hero, saying that he wanted to raise his kids and he didn't want them to have to see him like that in a hospital again. They had another baby boy on their wedding anniversary; they named him David Richard Grayson.
When Damian and Lian were sixteen they started dating, Jade and Artemis were right. Even though they still fought like crazy they cared about each other, Damian became the new Robin and Lian became the new Artemis. A couple years after them Luke became Red Arrow officially bringing his father to tears. Damian still came and stayed with them almost every weekend, they had to turn the downstairs gym into a bedroom for him when David was born.
Sportsmaster never broke out of prison and they never heard anything about him, which was just fine for all of them. Dick and Artemis grew old together watching their children grow and become superheroes, lawyers, and professional gymnasts. They lived until an old age side by side and never losing the love that they felt for each other.