Title: Go Speed Racer!
Author: Constance Truggle
Fandom: Buffy/Fast and the Furious
Rating: FR13
Pairing: Brian/Mia, Dom/Buffy
Summary: Street racing is illegal and Buffy can't do anything that would put a bad face on the Council. But oh, how she wants to!
Disclaimer: Don't own Buffy or Fast and the Furious.
Word Count: 2642
Author's Note: This follows It's a Small World After All and Compromise. And a big old thanks to hellbells for reading it over and catching the missing words and choppy sentences. Pretty sure this is the end of this series, too, so I hope you enjoyed the ride!
Faith, Dawn and Willow caught up with Buffy at the Toretto house a couple weeks after the whole FBI thing, and the blonde using the Council to get her honey firmly wearing a white hat again. It also smoothed the way for her cousin to stay fairly good with the gang. He'd have to prove himself, but trust issues were starting to get better. Buffy introduced her best friend, her sister and her sister slayer to Dom, Mia and the guys. Faith was checking out Vince, and Buffy just groaned. She figured Faith would get all hot and bothered over him. Leon tried hitting on Willow, and Buffy giggled as Willow blushed and stammered.
"Give it up, Leon. She's gay," Buffy called out. She knew the guy was just having fun, but felt she ought to warn him off before he made a fool out of himself. He was a real sweetheart, after all, and she wouldn't like to see him embarrassed. Then Jesse managed to embarrass Buffy, unintentional though it was. He was another one that would hurt himself before hurting someone else.
"So why don't you have a car, Buffy?" he asked. Dawn snorted and clapped a hand over her mouth while Willow giggled.
"Buffy can't drive," Dawn supplied.
"I can, too!" Buffy pouted. "It's not my fault that you don't like my driving."
"Nobody likes your driving, Buffy! Xander won't even get into a car with you anymore."
"The car just doesn't do what I want it to do fast enough."
"Right, Buff," Dawn drawled, rather too sarcastically, Buffy thought.
"She might be right, yo!" Faith to the rescue! She seemed to be doing that a lot lately; at least for the blonde slayer. "Unless you have a car that responds instantly, slayer reflexes are too much. Normal cars can't handle us. 'Swhy I prefer bikes. They have better handling for slayers."
"And here I was, thinking it was because your ass looks hot in your leather pants," Willow put in. Faith gave her a lascivious grin.
"That too."
Dom and Brian took her to a deserted lot Brian used to use to practice her driving. Way back before she was called, her mom would take her to the UCLA lot and teach her, and she'd learned on a stick. Joyce always said that if you can drive stick, you can drive any vehicle there is. Brian's Supra got to be her practice car, and it was true. It responded a lot quicker to her commands, and Dom was riding shotgun and making sure she knew what she was doing. There was no pressure on her, nobody teasing her or holding on for dear life as if she were still back in Sunnydale, driving her mom's SUV during that whole band candy incident. Just her and Dom, with Brian watching from the sidelines as she put his car through its paces under Dom's direction.
Faith was right and Buffy was never happier to know that. Once she got settled into the Council offices in LA, she was taking the guys and going car shopping. Dom said he'd do the work to make it race-worthy if she wanted to try her hand at street racing, and she said she'd think about it. She and Faith had talked that first night, when they came to see her at Dom's, and the brunette had had a great idea. Buffy thought back to that, considering if it was even feasible before she approached Dom with it.
"You know, B. G-man was saying the Council owns a lot of land on the outskirts of the city. It's where the local office building is, and there's an old runway strip behind it. Apparently, the Council used to fly in to there instead of LAX. Like when they sent that wet works team after me," Faith's lips had twisted wryly there, and Buffy felt a surge of sympathy for the girls they had both been. One too righteous and certain in her belief that the world was only black and white to give anyone a real, fighting chance and the other too hurt by her past that she couldn't ask for help. They'd both grown for the better – and a bit of the worse for a while there – and it was nice to have someone who understood you now.
"Anyway, so they have that runway. A runway which is a hell of a lot longer than a quarter mile, I think. You'd have to make sure, of course, but it would make the racing scene a lot less illegal. Can't have the Council so blatantly breaking the law."
Buffy stared at Faith, incredulous. Faith was lecturing her on breaking the law and how not to? Had she stepped into the Twilight Zone? Crap... but wait. Blatantly?! Did Faith even know that word?
"Faith, did Giles put you up to this?" she asked carefully.
"'Course! G-man said if you're gonna hang out with criminals, than the least you could do would be to make it all legal so that the Council has a good face on it. And some other shit that I stopped listening to."
Buffy laughed. Now that was the Faith she knew. But still, it was a valid point. She'd have to talk to Dom, though.
So now, here she was with the chance to bring it up and the words stuck in her throat. What if part of the draw was the illegality of it all? Yeah, she couldn't afford to associate with the illegal aspects, and neither could Dom and his crew once they started working for her. Well, they kinda could, since the FBI only knows his crew as independent contractors for the Council. But she enjoyed going down with them. Mia took her her first time, since Dom was stuck at the garage until the last minute, and the energy was like electricity in the air. It was amazing, and it got her blood pumping like only a real good fight could. She wanted to be a part of that, and she couldn't. Not unless it was real. And she couldn't change the law. But she could give the racers a place to go where they could race and didn't have to worry about cops showing up. So could they do it without the thrill of getting caught?
She pulled the car to a stop and turned to Dom.
"You've been thinking mighty hard there, babe," he said.
"Yeah. Can we... I mean. Shit. I don't want to piss you or your friends off, but... dammit! Grab your car and Brian and follow me, alright?"
Dom looked at her for a long moment before he nodded his head once.
"Yeah, alright."
Once he was in his Mazda with Brian beside him, she took off, heading for the Council property.
Buffy pulled up in front of the building, intending on passing through it to see what sort of condition it was in while she was there. Dom pulled up right beside her, and he and Brian followed her in. The building was a mess. Giles had said they hadn't used it in a few years, not since Faith and the body snatching happened. The wards that had been placed around the property kept out demons and unsavory people, but not the ravages of disuse and nature. With a sigh, she texted Xander that she'd need him to oversee the refurbishing of the place before he left for England, if he didn't mind. He didn't, and she, Dom and Brian continued through. She found what would be the training room, too. It had some equipment, but it would all have to be updated for watchers and slayers to use. She found a smaller room that she would commandeer for her own training room slash office, though. Finally, Brian broke the silence. That surprised her. He usually had more patience than that. She'd expected Dom to crack first.
"Why are we here, Buffy?" Brian asked.
"It was brought to my attention that I am now a respectable businesswoman." She snorted at the thought, but it was nevertheless true. "As such, I cannot tarnish the image of myself or the Council in any manner, especially not by participating in rituals that are against the law." She'd done that whole bit in a passable English accent that was clearly mocking someone. "Unfortunately, Giles was right. Which means I can't even go to the races, much less actually race. But Faith mentioned something, too. We have here, on this property, something that can solve all my problems. But I don't know if your crowd will go for it, so I figured I'd bring you here and see what you thought."
She pushed both Brian and Dom towards a window. They'd made it to the second floor in their inspecting, and these particular windows overlooked the airstrip. It was far enough away that the racing wouldn't really interfere with the goings on in the building – once they got it occupied – yet close enough that someone could be reached if something bad happened.
"See that runway? We don't use it anymore. It needs work, like the rest of the property, actually, but what do you think? Do you think the racing crowd could be persuaded to race here? It's on private property, so it wouldn't be illegal then, and then I could race. And the Council has ways to make things safer, too. Safety measures we could employ in case something bad happened, I mean."
Dom and Brian stood, staring at the expanse of hardtop. There were weeds and the like growing out of cracks, but Buffy was right; some elbow grease and a contractor to resurface it would fix that.
"So, if we pretty it up, do you think it would work? I mean, if we fix it, will they come?" Brian laughed at her reference, but he, too, looked to Dom. And Dom was looking thoughtful.
He passed his hand back and forth over his cheek, cupping his chin as he did so, staring out over the half-mile bit of road. It would be perfect for it, if the racing crowd accepted that they wouldn't be illegal anymore. The adrenaline rush from out running the cops was a big factor in the racing scene, and he wasn't sure the rush of the race itself would be enough. But Dom also saw Buffy's side of it. She couldn't be part of that world if it was illegal. She had a measure of immunity for what she did and who she was, but that didn't extend to breaking laws like that one. He'd have to put it to Hector. He had a finger on the pulse of the racing world, more so than even Dominic Toretto did. Although, if Dom endorsed the idea, there would be few who would disagree, he was thinking. So he'd ask Hector and see what he thought, first.
Dom saw Hector at Harry's the next day and told him to come around the garage. He had something he wanted to talk to the other man about. So he did.
"I'm gonna cut right to the chase, here. There's a strip of straight asphalt that's over half a mile long, and it's on private property. The owner of this property said we could use this strip for race night every week, and I'm thinking it could be a good deal. What's your take, man?"
"How trustworthy is this person? Are they gonna back out of the deal once they get tired of the racing?" Hector asked.
"Nah, man. Said they'd sign a contract that Friday nights, the strip could be used for street racing, and that nothing would break that contract. They even said they'd make it in perpetuity, so long as other illegal activities weren't carried out on their property."
"Why? Because they can't afford to go to the races now, and they definitely can't afford to participate because of their job. It's pretty high profile in all the wrong circles, and any illegal activities on their part could cause some pretty damn big problems." Hector nodded. It made sense to him.
"So if the racing occurs on private property, then it's all legal and they wouldn't have a problem showing up."
"I think you got something here, Dom. And you know that wherever you go, everybody else is gonna follow. So we'll get the word out that we're having a change in venue. Do you know when we can start racing there?"
"Not yet. Gotta fix it up a bit, first. I'll let you know when it's done, then take you out there. Between the team and you, we'll be able to lead everyone else out there the first time."
"Sounds good, brah."
Two Months Later
Buffy pushed through the crowd of racers and speed bunnies and thrill seekers and attention whores, looking for Dom or Brian. She spotted Leon first, and he grinned at her as she hugged him. She felt two arms slide around her from behind even as that gravelly voice that made her knees weak spoke over her head.
"You tryin' to steal my girl, Leon?" Dom asked with a smile.
"Nah, man. But I don't mind coppin' a feel now and again."
Dom growled while Buffy laughed, knowing Leon was joking. Dom did, too, but he was a possessive prick and jokes like that brought out the Beer Bad, Fire Pretty side of him. Xander had chortled madly the first time she called Dom on it with that very phrase, and to her everlasting humiliation, had proceeded to explain the Cave Buffy experience.
"Looks like it's a hit, chica," Hector said, joining the small group. Brian and Mia followed, holding hands. Things had been rocky for a while after Dom and Mia learned Brian was a cop, but those two had finally worked out where they stood with each other. They were trying everything over, Mia learning just who Brian O'Conner really was, without the undercover role.
Buffy beamed up at Hector. "It is, isn't it!" She was happy. She wasn't racing yet as Dom didn't think she was ready – and she knew she wasn't – but he was teaching her how to race and maintain her car. She leaned back more fully into him, lifting her arms up to curl around his neck. He nuzzled her, nipping at her ear and making her suddenly wish that the races were done and they had her loft to themselves for the night.
"Get a room, yo!" Faith hollered, sauntering up and dressed nearly identical to Buffy in leather and a tank top. The blonde knew they looked hot together, and with a saucy wink at Dom, she slipped from his arms and wrapped limpet-like around her sister-slayer.
"I'd rather have yours," Buffy purred. She was rewarded with Faith's eyes widening and a wicked grin appearing on the dark slayer's lips.
"I'm already in your bed tonight, B. What more could you want?"
Buffy swore she heard the guys' collective jaws dropping and couldn't help but laugh. All but Dom's, at least.
"Good thing she's sleeping in mine, then," he said, supremely unconcerned.
As she slipped back into her honey's arms, she pulled his head down and whispered into his ear just what would happen if he won that night. Needless to say, he won and Mia and Brian decided that it would be better for all involved if they slept at his place on race night from then on.