AN:Hello Peoples! How are you lot? Thank you for all the reviews. Sorry for not uploading for so long but I started my GCSEs this year and I got way too much homework. Don't worry none of the rest of the stories that i have begun are like this aka short and pretty bad. PS I think this has been dragged out far too long and so this will probably be the last chapter. Sorry if I disapointed anyone...

Thank you for reading! I probably won't be upadating for a long time but when I do I hope you will all have a look. (I've got a Harry potter cross, supernatural cross, a hunger games cross and a merlin crossover all in the works!)

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine all rights to Rick Riordan.


I nodded. He ran forward and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I grinned and hugged him back, glad to be home.

"Who are your friends?" I pulled back from my Dad.

"I am surprised you don't know me!" Thalia exclaimed while pulling her hood back.

"Thalia! Nico has been worried sick , you should really go and see him!"

Thalia grinned, her cheeks going pink at the thought of Nico worrying over her, before running of in the direction of the dinner hall.

"Father this is Percy, he saved Thalia and I's lifes." I said while smiling at him. It was difficult when you were trudging through forest to appreciate just what he did for us.

"I am in debted to you sir. If you saved my daughter, then you may have anything you wicsh from our humble city!"

"Thank you sir. What I want most at the moment is a good meal!" Percy said while grinning.

My father responded in kind ushering him towards the dinner hall following Thalia's footsteps. I glanced out over the city smiling in the late afternoon sun. It was good to be home.

The End