Maka unlocked the apartment door closed it behind her. She sniffed the air to smell something burning.

She walked into the kitchen and froze when she saw the table set with two plates, a vase of red roses in the middle and one white rose in the middle of all of it.

A bunch of rose petals covered the table and a bottle of Champaign was set in a little basket of ice on the side of the table.

Maka felt her heart stop as she saw an annoyed looking Soul sitting on one side of the table while Blair set something on the table.

Maka backed away, holding back tears as she walked out. Apparently, Soul was on a date with Blair.

With a sigh she yanked the door open and slammed it behind her, she had to find Kid, he would comfort her.

Soul's head snapped up when he heard the door slam. "Maka?" he called out but all he heard was silence.

"You don't think she thought that this was all for me and you… do you?" Blair asked and then slapped her forehead. "She did! Go! Quick! Run, now!" Blair yelled pointing to the door.

Soul made a run for it, not caring about the fact that he was wearing a suit and dress shoes. He bolted out the door and saw that Maka was running down the stairs. "Maka!" he called out leaning over the railing, but she didn't stop.

With an annoyed groan Soul rushed down the stairs almost tripping as he made it to the bottom.

Maka rushed out the building. "Maka!" she heard him call out again but she didn't turn.

Soul pushed himself to run faster, once he thought his was close enough, he tackled her down. "Where do you think you're going?" he growled looking down at her.

"Get off of me and go back to your date!" she exclaimed, pushing at his chest.

"Maka, listen to me!" Soul said refusing to let go of her, ignoring the strange looks that were sent their way.

"No!" she growled. "Don't make me Maka-Chop you." She growled.

Soul glared down at her. "Listen Maka." He said again.

Maka shook her head and covered her ears with her hands. "La la la!" she sang out way off pitch.

Soul sighed and got up picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

Her singing stopped as she yelled in surprise. "Soul! Let me go!" she yelled as she started to pound on his back.

"No." Soul said stepping back into the apartment building and stepping into the elevator pushing the button that got them to their floor

"Soul, why do you have to torture me like this?" Maka growled at him.

Soul shrugged, cuz it's fun to tease you." He said smirking.

The elevator door opened and Soul grew more and more nervous as he stepped into their apartment setting Maka down on the chair as he dusted himself off and sat down across form her. "Maka… this is our date." He told her.

He eyes snapped up to meet his. "What?" she managed to say through her shock.

"Will you eat this stinky burnt fish with me?" he asked smiling nervously.

Maka looked at him, her eyes as huge as saucers. She let out a giggle. "I don't have to eat it right?" she asked.

"Want some pizza?" he asked chuckling.

"Yes please." She said laughing along with him.

"Not fair you guys!" Blair called out from the living room. "I prepared that food with all of my heart." She exclaimed, pouting at them.

Maka smiled at her. "We'll save it for another day then." Maka said pushing the plate in front of her that held the fish away from her.

Soul did the same and popped open the Champaign.

"Soul, you know I don't drink." Maka said crossing her har arms in front of her chest.

"That's why I got it non-alcoholic." Soul said smirking as he grabbed a fancy glass and poured her some, handing it to her.

"Pinky up?" she asked giggling as she took a sip.

Soul rolled his eyes. "I would hate it if you did." He said serving himself some.

"So, let's go out for some pizza." Maka said getting up and setting the glass down.

"Sure, but let me change first." Soul said looking down at himself.

"No, you aren't going to change." She said, pulling him by the tie to her.

"And why not? This is way too formal to go to buy pizza." Soul said as he followed her out the door.

Maka let go of his tie and walked down the stairs. "Because I want to show off my new boyfriend." Maka said smirking up at him, she liked the way that sounded, and Soul wasn't that far behind.

"Say that again." He said smirking down at her as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You're my new boyfriend." Maka said a light blush appearing.

Soul shivered. "That sounds good." He mumbled and stopped her, his fingers reaching over and grabbing her chin so that he would look at her. "That means you're mine." He said kissing her.

She giggled. "All yours." She said against his lips.