This story idea just came to me, it'll be my first one here at any rate, so please review, I'll listen, I'll take comments and suggestions on board and modify whenever possible. Also any suggestions for a much better title are very, very, very welcome, almost wanted. Also thoughts on how I should end this chapter, I know that I'm going to end it when they arrive at Hogwarts but I'm not sure how to end it. Disclaimer, I don't own any part of the Harry Potter franchise, this all belongs to Jo Rowling.

Chapter 1

Harry felt, relieved, the battle of Hogwarts was over, they had won. He stood on the bridge outside the castle with Ron and Hermione, the golden trio, they had always been together, through thick and thin. Though they were battered, bruised and even slightly broken, they were as strong as ever. Harry felt a sickeningly nauseating sensation and blacked out, he noticed, just before darkness completely enfolded him, Ron and Hermione black out.

He woke up he was on a train, he felt so much smaller, he opened his eyes and saw a train compartment on the Hogwarts express. He looked across at the opposite seat and there was Ron, only eleven. Harry prodded him.

"Whatsmatter!" Ron groaned, then he opened his eyes and gave a jump,

"HARRY! You're twelve!"

"Eleven actually."

"What do you think is going on?"

"Its seven years ago."

"I'd gathered. Where's Hermione?"

"Don't ask me, although my guess would be helping Neville look for his toad."

"Well check for swe..." Harry then noticed that the compartment was covered by them.

"Ok, so it's after the sweets, Hermione should be coming along now." To the surprise of both of them, Hermione had appeared out of thin air, she just materialised. An eleven year old Hermione, with bushy hair and her Hogwarts uniform on.

"RON!" Hermione yelled and then grabbed him.

"Hermione! Gerroff! I love you and all that but, you know..." Ron's voice trailed off.

"It was awful, I was stuck in a void. I didn't know if I'd see you again!"

"Its alright, don't worry, I've got you." Ron comforted, Harry found the sight of an eleven year old Ron comforting an eleven year old Hermione very amusing, however odd.

"Wait! If, if we're here, then all the people who Voldemort killed over the last seven years aren't dead! Fred, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Moody, all the people killed in the final battle, even Snape..."

"I hadn't thought about that...Where do you think they will be?"

"Where they're supposed to be, like us." Then, all of a sudden Fred and George materialised in the compartment, thirteen years old and wearing matching jumpers. Fred blinked and blinked, it was as if he couldn't believe he was where he was.

"Fred?" George asked, Fred said nothing but merely rushed straight to George, and grabbed, like Hermione, except that Fred was silently crying, so was George. When Fred prised himself off George he ran towards Ron and did the same. George was in shock.

"Fred, you died, you're dead, you were killed you died! We saw you, you, you, you..." George blurted out. Fred, a glint of his old mockery showing through the tears of joy.

"You know George, I thought that I had." Then, Fred burst out laughing. So did George. Soon Percy and Neville joined them, then, to everyone's surprise, Draco Malfoy, after the insults and making up, Malfoy left. Nobody else appeared, they all proposed theories, the most likely being that it was only people who were important to Harry or had a considerable presence in his life, this had of course been proposed by Hermione.

The journey went on, they discussed the battle, their situation their theories, then Harry felt ill again, only slightly, he looked down and saw something strange happen, he was transforming into a girl...

His clothes were shifting to suit a girl, his hair was growing and he felt his basic shape change.

"HARRY! WHATS GOING ON!" Ron yelled, in shock, the transformation was complete. Harry looked down and saw that he was wearing an old-fashioned dress, probably Aunt Petunia's, some white tights, which needed mending and a pair of shoes that looked in serious need of replacement. He felt his hair and noted that it had been brushed back and he was wearing a headband to keep it there, it wasn't as messy as it had been.

Harry stood up and looked in the window, he was obviously more presentable as a girl than as a boy.

"Harry, you...ok?" Hermione asked.

"Fine, just confused, I mean, I'm eleven, I'm a girl and I can remember all the next seven years along with you lot, and Fred came back from the dead." Fred looked smug, although they all knew he hadn't really done anything. Ron in his usual inconsiderate manner stated,

"At least it wasn't me." Hermione hit him. Harry started to smile.


"Well how would you like it Hermione?" George asked.

"Yeah, how would you like being turned into a boy?" Fred joined. Neville opened his mouth to include sentiments but it shut like a trap, Hermione was slowly transforming into a boy, her bushy mane was slowly creeping upwards and becoming curls, her skirt splitting into a pair of trousers, her teeth receded slightly. She had turned into what was promising to be a very handsome man.


"Ron you always overreact and always in the same way." Hermione said, reasonably calm though shaking a bit.

"I have a right to overreact, the love of my life has been turned into a boy, my best friend has been turned into a girl, we've all been transported into our bodies seven years earlier and, and, and... female Harry is attractive!" Ron said, in one breath. Harry, who had been listening throughout was startled at the final revelation and stared hard into the window, as if to make sure that Ron was just paying him a compliment, no he, she now Harry thought, was attractive, quite an attractive, very attractive even and, Harry decided, would become even attractive as she got older. In fact, Harry decided, she was downright pretty and not as underfed as he had been.

"What are we going to call you two now?" Percy asked, when he finished little chunks of memory blurred through, chunks of her memory as a girl, mixing with all her memories as a boy, she could remember everything as a boy and was remembering more and more as a girl. As a girl Harry was called Harriet, however her parents had given her the nickname of Harry/Harrie, the two spellings used interchangeably and all the Dursleys had used the name, merely because it sounded much more common than Harriet and showed how little they liked or even cared about her.

"I think my name's Hermes." Hermione said.

"How do you know?" Neville asked.

"I'm getting memories, fuzzy, blurred ones but memories all the same." She said, Harry agreed with her and stated her name.

"So we call you Hermes and you Harry still?"

"Yes." Harry and Hermes said in unison.

"We'll be at Hogwarts soon and Hermes and Percy are the only ones in uniform, lets break up the party and get our uniforms on." Harry said, she then went to the toilet and changed, by the time everyone was back in the compartment the train was slowing down to pull into Hogsmeade, slowly memories of this reality until the moment they entered it came to everyone, the train stopped, Hagrid gave off his familiar cry of "firs' years, firs' years" and they disembarked to face a very different life...