Author's Note: Well, this is my first ever published fanfiction so please be nice! This is a fanfiction challenge from a forum I found the other night. In an episode of 'How I Met Your Mother', Lily and the gang are putting together a list of reasons just to do it. Reviews would be amazing, especially reviews criticizing (Nice, but helpful criticism! :D) so maybe as this goes along, I could get better! Thanks in advance and remember...REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW. (:

Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own anything from the world of Harry Potter. That all belongs to J.K. Rowling...I envy her so -_-

Chapter 1: Because I Couldn't Sleep

Hermione groaned as she turned over, trying her best to sleep. She had an important meeting at the Ministry in the morning at 9 o'clock sharp and it was already 3AM. She had tried everything: warm milk, which only lead to her needing to use the bathroom every five minutes and even a chapter or two out of Hogwarts, A History, but she was cut off of her light supply when her boyfriend of three years, Draco Malfoy, woke up.

Draco scoffed, blinking at the light. "Hermione...Honestly, there is a reason people sleep when it's dark and not read." He grumpily took the book from her hands. The book was then thrown across their bedroom and the lamp was turned off immediately.

She sighed, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to think of a way to sleep. Her mind slipped from her mission, thinking back to yesterday when Draco was in the mood for some loving. Hermione, being the wonderful girlfriend she is, happily obliged to his wish without any complaints. Her eyes went wide. Of course!

"Draco…." Hermione whispered into his ear, running her arms around his torso. "Draco….Baby, wake up…" She said a little louder.

Draco groaned as he pried his eyes open. "Wh-What? 'Mione? Why are you awake?" He asked groggily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Hermione smirked, positioning herself on top of his chest. "I can't sleep…" She said, putting her pout face on to butter him up.

Draco chuckled, looking at her pitiful face. "And why is that?" He yawned greatly, running his fingers through his messy pale hair.

Hermione smiled, biting her lip. She kissed his cheek and continued her soft kisses up a trail line to his earlobe. She bit his earlobe softly, before whispering seductively in his ear. "I can't stop thinking about how we made love." She grinned as she heard his breath catch.

Draco cleared his throat, obviously wide awake and wanting to do everything but sleep now. "Is that-Is that so?" He said, uncharacteristically nervous. Hermione chuckled huskily into his ear. "Yeah..."

Hermione quickly straddled her boyfriend, kissing him full on the mouth. He deepened the kiss, running his hands up her body. Hermione moaned into his mouth, causing her clothes to be thrown across the room besides the discarded clothing from the night previous.

Hermione panted softly as Draco wiped a light sheen of sweat off her forehead. He smiled, kissing her tenderly on the forehead. She chuckled weakly as he lay back down beside her, pulling her close to his chest. As she laid down on his chest, her eyes drooping slowly, she had finally figured out a solution to her many sleepless nights. She grinned as she realized that Draco wouldn't care for the minds of the solution as much as he doesn't mind Hermione sleeping naked on summer nights.