Some of the looks and smiles Hal gave Annie made it seem like he had practically fallen in love with her. I don't own Being Human.


Hal has fallen in love exactly four times.

(And by the third time he's not quite sure he can call it what humans call love.)

He remembers the one before the killing and the blood. Before Orsha, before he was supposed to die.

(Really die. Not wake up on a bloody cot, throat aching, seeing that surgeon cleaning his teeth of those who were never going to make it.)

He remembers the second one, faintly. That is, he remembers faintly the tenderness of something he still believed he could achieve. More clear is the way Mr. Snow smiles at her, at him.

The third one is there, and then she's not. It's brief, and he likes to pretend that it wasn't love but rather him being a monster which seems somehow more acceptable than loving someone and eating their heart.

The fourth time Hal falls in love, he knows exactly what it is because he's had centuries to understand this feeling. Has been clumsy, intimate, and hungry with this feeling.

But he's no longer wishing he should have stayed in England, or regretting looking Mr. Snow in the eyes, or ever deciding he wanted to be a fucking vampire.

He's okay. He's okay, and he's here, and he's just Hal.

And Annie hugs him.

And the only thing he can think is: "Awkward."

Because he's in love and she's dead and he's dead. And she's Annie.

Annie who has another dead man waiting for her in Purgatory or Hell or wherever special place God decided to put vampires.

He's not sure when it starts.

(It's when the succubus asks if he's the father and for one brief second, one stupid second, he wishes he was.)

But it's happened and it's there, and all he can see is Annie. And he wants to smile. Smile at her. Smile that she's here, and he's here, and for once he feels like the son of six whores again.

And that's all he can afford. Because he's just Hal now. And Just Hal doesn't fall in love. Just Hal sets up dominoes, organizes eggs by size, and has a rota for every moment of the life he doesn't have.

And the rota does not have room for love, nor is Hal young enough to even consider making any.


As you probably can guess, the three loves represent stages in Hal's life.