I am so, so sorry about the long wait. It's summer now, though, so I hope to update sooner. I lost inspiration to write this because of school and the studying. I swear, science class took any writing inspiration I had and threw it away. It's evil.

Anyway, I know this chapter is short but I wanted to put something up and if I did write more, I wouldn't want to stop for a bit. So yes, that means a long chapter next update! :) (And I don't have any song lyrics for this chapter, by the way. I couldn't think of anything that would fit.)

Shopping with Katherine and Rebekah was very different yet very alike to shopping with Caroline.

I don't really know how to say it other than that. Caroline, Katherine, and Rebekah all love forcing me - and each other - to try on numerous different outfits. However, with Katherine and Rebekah, there was an uncomfortable feeling, like you had to impress them. With Caroline, everything was so much more fun and comfortable (except some of the clothing she has made me try on).

So here we were, in the food court at around 5 o'clock, bags piled beside us. Together we had 7 bags - and only one small one belonged to me. Katherine and Rebekah both had salads with low fat dressings and water, making me feel awkward as I bit into my fries and stared at my chicken burger.

"So Elena," Katherine said. "Mason and I were wondering if you and Stefan wanted to double date with us on Friday?"

I almost spat out the coke I was drinking, which resulted with me choking on it. After I finished coughing (which, on a scale of 1 to 10, was 100 for embarrassing), I stared at Katherine in shock. "Why - why would Stefan and I go on a double date with you and Mason? We're not… we're not, um, together?"

Rebekah giggled as Katherine grinned at me. "We know that. But if you're okay with it, I'll get Mason to ask Stefan. Expect a phone call later tonight, hun."

I shifted awkwardly in my seat. This wasn't right, but they didn't know that. Besides, wasn't this the point of being friends with them? To figure out what high school students are up to? Klaus so far hasn't been satisfied with my stories and while I'm sure a few people are reading them, I know they want something more than horrific cafeteria food stories and the ridiculous amount of homework kids were getting these days.

"Uh, yeah, I'm okay with it," I told them, though I was far from that.

Rebekah clapped her hands while Katherine grinned yet again at me. "Great," Katherine said. "After we finish up we can find something for you to wear."

I hid a groan as I bit into my burger. What was with them and buying a new outfit every time they go out? They must be loaded with money, because I couldn't afford to do that. Hell, I'm not even sure I should be going out and buying new clothes after Caroline and I went crazy buying things for my transformation of turning into a high school student.

I better find a story soon. This was getting a bit too messy for me. I remembered the countless warnings Klaus and Caroline had given me about how a reporter's life was messy. I remembered who I was before all this; an innocent 25 year old who would wear clothes picked off the clearance racks at stores, not bothering to check if they'd even look flattering. Now here I was, messing with people's lives to impress my boss and possibly get a promotion.

It was sickening and selfish and other horrible words that I never thought I'd ever use, but I couldn't pull out now. And, the most terrifying part of it all: I wasn't even sure if I wanted to stop, to deal with the consequences that I had made by my mistakes.

The most dreaded days are the ones that come the quickest. That was something I always complained about to Jeremy when we were younger. I'd say things like, "How has a week gone by in a day's time? It feels like just yesterday my teacher was telling us the date of the test, and now it's today!"

In this case it wasn't a dreaded math test or a science project due but a double date. A double date that included Katherine Freakin' Pierce and Stefan Salvatore. Believe me, it scared the crap out of me and none of the YouTube videos I watched called "Tips for first dates!" helped calm me down. Actually, I think they freaked me out even more.

But Caroline had came over like she always does when I was having a crisis and helped me pick out an acceptable outfit because there was no way I was wearing the skin tight dress Katherine made me buy. I wasn't sure of where we were going, so we stuck with a casual but pretty dress that Caroline owned, light makeup, and straight hair. Unlike most of the outfits I had been wearing lately, I actually liked this one. It was simple yet sophisticated and though this was the first time I ever wore something like it, it felt like me.

When the doorbell rang, Caroline ushered me to the door, grinning. She had insisted on dressing like my mom because, as she seriously stated to me when she arrived at my house earlier, I couldn't keep pretending that my parents were out and she'd like a part in the "genius story I was going to write".

I opened the door, nervous butterflies in my stomach. This was the moment I never experienced as a teenager.

The door revealed Stefan. He was wearing a nice button down shirt and holding flowers, looking half embarrassed and half excited.

Stefan handed me the flowers. "They're for you. I saw them at the store today and thought you might like them."

I beamed at him and took the flowers. Caroline rolled her eyes when she saw the store label on them; it was an all flower and plant store, so Stefan obviously went to the store with the intention of buying me flowers, and that made me smile even more. I felt the butterflies in my stomach ease up.

Stefan led me to Damon's car, where Katherine and Mason were sitting in the backseat. We all quickly said our greetings and then Stefan was driving us to a restaurant.

"What happened to the dress we picked out?" Katherine hissed. Stefan and Mason were in the front talking, so they didn't hear.

"The strap broke," I lied, avoiding her glaring eyes.

Katherine's expression changed slightly, so I knew she wasn't sure if she believed me or not.

Besides the radio and the occasional comment Stefan or Mason made, the rest of the drive was silent. I stared at the window, watching the familiar buildings pass by us. Finally, Stefan pulled into a parking lot and parked in front of a restaurant that had a French name I couldn't pronounce. I always passed it when I drove to my parents house, but never thought once of actually going in there because the food cost two times the amount it actually should.

Stefan got out and opened the door for me, Mason doing the same for Katherine and I smiled at him. I grabbed his outstretch hand and walked into the restaurant like that.

"A table for four, please," Stefan told the hostess, and she forced a smile and waved for us to follow her. The lights were dim and quiet music and chatter filled the room.

The hostess sat us at a table and gave us menus. "Your waiter will be here shortly."

It wasn't until the food arrived did the awkward small talk go away and an actual conversation was started. Once Katherine wasn't trying to impress or manipulate anyone (which, admittedly, was almost never), she wasn't half bad. Some of her comments were snarky or bitchy, but others were thoughtful and funny.

"How's the chicken, Elena?" Stefan asked, once the conversation drifted off.

To be honest, it was horrible. I had no clue what I was ordering, since the names were all in French. However, I cut a piece and put it in my mouth, nodding thoughtfully. "It's delicious," I said warmly, smiling to help prove my point.

Stefan grinned back at me.


I looked away from Stefan, my eyes falling on one of the waitresses. She looked to be in her mid thirties, her unruly orange hair pulled back in a bun and a grin on her freckled face.

Oh God, Claire.

Claire and I worked together and sometimes talked, though usually only because of Caroline. Being a single mother of 2 children, she struggled for money and had a second job.

Just my luck.

"Oh, Claire, hi." I gave her a look that I hope translated into "Do not blow this for me. Undercover, remember?" and from the look on her face she understood.

"Oh, right… Hi everyone. I'm Claire. I know Elena because of her parents. We're friends. In fact, I used to babysit Elena sometimes. Of course, not now since she's a grown adult! I mean, a grown teenager. Ha!"

My face was beet red, I was sure of it. Claire was a bit crazy - even more so than me, if you can believe it - and had a habit of rambling on when she was nervous. She was a great writer, but often had to erase half of her articles because they dragged on too much.

"Great to see you Claire," I said quickly, noticing that Katherine had opened her mouth. "I'll see you later."

She nodded. "Right. Bye, Elena!"

Mason and Stefan were both chuckling, and Stefan was trying to say that it was fine and we all had embarrassing friends, but I wasn't really listening. I couldn't risk these run ins with people from work, because they might not notice or remember about my cover. Some of them weren't even in the meeting, so who knows what they would say?

Plus, I could feel a story starting to reveal itself. I was currently eating dinner with three of the most popular kids at school. Earlier this week, I went shopping with Katherine and Rebekah. I was invited into their circle and slowly, I'm starting to learn how they act, what they're doing, and how they like to be treated.

I wasn't going to let anyone or anything ruin that. I'm already this far, I'm not going to pull away. Maybe it was wrong in so many ways, but someone had to do the dirty work.

I hope no one gets mad about the lack of delena - okay, I know there was none. But I think this chapter was needed to move the story along. Also, I'm planning for more delena next chapter and, as the story gets closer to the end, there'll be more and more delena. :)

Also, I wanted to say that when I originally started writing this, I planned on adding a bit of klaroline in it. However, I'm more of a steroline fan (always have been but now, they're definitely a favourite ship of mine). Since steroline obviously can't happen in this story, if I show any romantic things happening with Caroline, it will be with Klaus but I can't promise that I will add that. Sorry if that disappoints anyone, I really hope you understand though. :)
